Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1044

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2474 CONSULAR CONVENTION—CUBA. Ami. 22,19%. `lA.RTICLE;VI. —· Aarfcumo “fgg9¤g;{,°g{gt¤;$r¢v Consular-` psieeps, t including Tantelos funcionarios eomolos employees in .a consulate, ¤ na- empleados. de un consulado, tionals of the State by which nacionales del Estado nominador, they are appointed, other than ue no se dediquen a negocios con those engaged in private oecupa·· gues de lucro en la N acion recelp- tions for gain within the State tora estaran exentos de to a where thfg exercise »thei1· func- tributacion nacional, del Estado, tions, sh · be exempt from all la Provincia o el Municipio, taxes, national, state, provincial impuesta a su persona 0 bienes, and municipal levied upon their ecxeepto laque grave la posesion persons or upon their property, opropiedad de bienes inmuebles except taxes evied on account of o pertenecientes al territorio de the possession or ownership of la N acién *en que ejerza sus immovable propertfy situated in funciones o los ingresos de los or income derived om property mismos. Los funcionarios y of any kindsituated er belonging empleados nacionales del Estado within the territories of the State nominador estan exentos del page within which they exercise their de impuestos sobre el sueldo, functions. - Consular oiiicers and honorariosojornales recibidos por employees, nationals of the State ellos en retribucion de sus servi- appointing them, shall be exempt cios consulares, asi como de toda from the payment of taxes on the clase de reguisas, alojamientos o salary, fees or wages received by servicios e caracter militar, them in compensation for their naval, administrativoode policia. consular services, as well as from every class of requisitions, billet- ings or services of a military, naval, administrative or police Exemption ol real character. · · · · · · ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,1 ,0, ,0,. _ Lands and buildings situated Los terrenos y 6dlHO1OS situa- °*’¤¤*°¤¤¤*¤¤*¤°··¤· in the temtories of either High dos en el territorxo de cualquiera Contracting Party, of which t e de las Altas Partes Contratantes, other High Contracting Party is de los cuales la otra Alta Parte the legal or equitable owner and Contratante sea propietaria y which are used exclusively for se utilicen exclusivamente para governmental urposes by that fines oficiales, estarau exentos de owner, shall be exempt from toda clase de tributacién nacio- taxation of everiv kind, national, nal, del Estado, la Provincia y el state, provincia and municipal, Municipio, excepto la que fuere other than assessments levied imguesta por eervicios 0 mejoras for services or local public im- pu licas ocales por las que provements by which the prem- dichos inmuebles se beneficien. ises are benefited. Anrxcnm VII. Anrfcuno VII. edgy-drs!::l>’gsi·z1lg¤tes‘}I KK Consular officers may place Los funcionarios consulares over the outer part of their podran cclocar en la parte exte- respective oilices the arms of rior de sus respectivas oficinas el their State with an appropriate escudo de armas de su Naci6n, inscription designatin§ the con- con un letrero apropiado para sular oilice. Such 0 cers may indicar la oiicma consular. also hoist the Ha of their coun- Dichos funcionarios podran tam- try on their oéces, including bién enarbolar la bandera de su those situated in the capital o pais en sus oficinas, aun cuan— the country which receives them do estén situadas en la Capital and over any boat employed in de la N aci6n receptors, fr en the exercise of the consular cualquier embarcaion, emp eada function. en el desempeno de sus funciones consulares.