Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1182

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2600 PBOCLAMEATIONS, 1926. s In T. 37 N., R. 5·W.,.NE}( NEM, N}4 SE}4 SWM, E}4 SW}/ SE}4 and NWV SW}4 SE}4 Sec. 13. - . . 4 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the)sea1oftl}:e·g1nite(;if§$atestobet;a1i?;·ired.hd 0fJ J h onelatt e `ty i= ashmgto` nf · ` 15t a · anu int e _ . year ofr»oun'Lord¢»onel—thousandy¤ine hunedryed and [sun.] twenty-six, and of the Independence of the United

 States of .America.the·one hundred and iiftieth:

"* 2 ‘¥ Cnvm Ooounen By the President: ¤ _ ¢ ‘ “ Fun: B -Km.r.oeo=·-* - Fi Se¢r¢¢ary·0f¤Sta£e.~ >» * rama, iz, ms. Br THE Pnnsmnm or-run Urtrrnn Srrarns or- Ammrca _ r _ A PRQCLAMATION · ·rmn on men’s Whereas in and by section`315.(a).of"Title III of the actof Congress °°‘§,§‘,;,‘{,“,,l_' “"°" approved September 21, 1922, entitled f‘An acute provide revenue, ¤g1¤¤¢¤=<>¤’ ¤¤¢¤¤¤=¤· to regulate commerce ·with’ foreign, countries, to pencourage the v61.4z,p.o41. industries of the United States — and for otlrer purposes} it is among other things, dpifovided that whenever the President, upon investigation of the ` erences in costs of production of articles wholly_or: in part thegrowth orzproduct-of the United States and of like or similar articles wholly or in part the growthlor product of competing foreig countries, shall find it- thereb Aishown that the duties fixed in t ' act do not equalize the said diiiirences in costs of production in the UnitedStates and the principal com etingcoun- t1·y he shall, by such investigation, ascertain said difierences and determine and proclaim the changes in classifications or increases or decreases in rates of duty provided in saidact shown by said ascer- gained differences in suc costs of productienenecessaryto equalize v°l‘ °’ °' m' 'Whereas in and by section`315 (c) of said act it is further provided that in ascertaining the diH°01`¤¤¢es in costs of production, lundert the provisions of subdivisions (a) app (bg;] of said section, the President, in so far as he funds it practicab e, all `take into consideration ·(1) the differences in conditions in production including wa es,. costs of material, and other items in costs of prodzuctiono such or Similar articles in the United States and ui competing foreign countries; (2) the differences in thelwholesalegsélling rices of: domestic and foreign articles in the principal markets er lthe United States; (3) hrdvantages granted to a foreign producer by a foreign government, or by a person, partnership, corporation, orassociationin, a foreign country; and (4) any other advantages or disadvantages in- competition; Whereas, underand by virtue of said section of said act,,the United- States Tariff Commission has madetan investigation to assist the President in ascertaining the differences Yin'costs'{of(p>ijoduction of and of all other facts and conditionsenumerdted in sai {sectionwith re- vd_ up m_ spect tolthefarticles i.ncluded>·within ithe= class or. kind. ofi articles ' provided for in paragraph 1406 of Title I of said tariff act of i922, name} g, mania strawj hats, whether wholly orzpartly manufactured, not blhcked or not trjimmedgor trimrnedgirf sewed, being wholly. or in part , growth oriprod "ltoi .the~United States, and o and (with respect to like or similar 'artildiies wholly or in part the growth or &r_ipduct_of competing foreigntcountries; , 1 , V _ _ ereasiin the course of· saidcinvestrgation hearings were held, of which reasonable public notice was given and at which parties inter-