Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1308

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-2720 INDEX. Coizoms Bureau,V2'rea.s1iry Dspcrtmznb- Tin. Czechoelovakia—Coutinued. Pac. 8 Continued- - `, ,.·, . _ ’ ·amount of indebtedness stated ....... 386 oiiicer ga may desi§1us:it:d't0b;:t as bonds be therefor ...... _ --- 386 mmissioner a nee . prmcx V A paid m semian- · etc., thereof - .' ...,., i--_ .... 1381 nuaimtallments up to June 15, personnel to perforinjduties as 1943; annually thereafter- .... - 386 » scribed by Secretary or me 1381 first 36 without `missibuer---`-'-LLL-`----------_- ,. 0 in _ · ra er ....... 386 duties 2: iggler , -· _ annugtilpcrease of installments after 3 ` e on , m- ‘ .......... - ......... 86 missioner or any omeersvof-_-L -_-_ 1382 paymen$:%r additional amounts al- records, personnel, etc., of Customs Dv lowed ...... V ................. 386 . vision transferred to---_ ..... ,-;- _‘1382 V acceptance of United States bonds omces uf Customs Division abolished-- 1382 in payment ...._,..,_........ 386 Cuatoms_C'ascs, . , Q , ,» . appropriation ofor; Assistant Attorney - . D. x General, and salaries and ex- D·Szreet NW., D. C., ,_

  • pensw, conducting ......... 342,1193 appropriation for paving, Twenty-iirst

.de§ciency appro for protecti f to Twentyethird. Streets; from ° ” ‘ ing i¤tel'BS£¤V ,et¢--L-,;-L--‘ .... 1257 _· _ oline-tax fund-. ........... 1305 Customs Court, United Sides, _ ° _ { .D Street §E, D. (7.,; . _ appmppatiogs for of 1032 gpprop1I:_iati:;:c fo; 'fwelfth to ‘ 115 1 0 ’ L- 4----,, .... ---- · ._: 9u_4 n _ ree • rom, 550- .. jormerbggd of General Appraisers to _ 669 I Hline-tra: fund. ...... I- ..... 5--- 1305 UWB $8- -... ,...;,1 ..... ,-L D b , arr _, _ _ . mGm1{€1‘t;`{·0 ¢?11i¢f,'_v§¤d 669 lpigymentvto, for personal injuries .....-. 1766 C18_ ]�S ICQQ-n;. ...... `.-:..---- Du _q,, V

 POWFYS1 *5151*;, ,¢¤¥11t1¤¤6d- ’   apgziiiriagsitn fortacare, etc., school gg}, 1285

_ sa 0 u ees o - -... -1;-- ..-.- ( ’.-- . e °on__; --.--,-, _ ‘ oorrootion of ¤9i¤¤io¤ioi· io (Hot roietios bridge Orsrliiliilgrizzd soross Potomac to of jl.IB'h0O80f .....-.. ’ 975 ·Rjvgy to .Pgp(-gg Creek, Md., Customs Division; Trcdsu11r·Depaa·tmc•nt,‘= · I · f,·om_,__,,,,___- .,.-.--,-.,.-- 398 rooords, porsoonol, oto-,-of trsnsfowod Dahlhammcr, Mary M. (widow), . » ’ {ctn Custom; Bl1'€8#'l*;.'..;.€{c -...- El 1382 pgjsiqm inc;-g9,,ged_ ________,____ _, _,____ 1658 d11'¢¤' 1‘,-BSS? - 811 D` F ,D.C., . ( . out _ odioo ¤f»§b¤11811Q¢1---1-+--·14--- , 1382 gpgrpgygiztion for inspecting, etc-- 439, 1320 Pan Argferican convention for publioity ‘ 2547 igfgfyropngtign jot; investigations ancgw 984 ·o....»..,...R.:.;;.;.;···*f#‘*.·ji‘**i?<"*T s . 1,..., ··‘‘· ..,1 * agreement . with -Domimcu_ Republic Agrecqdzuro, s Cm collection of--.;;:--1 2162 appropriation fo, www md oxgm 984 om: canary Dey me pg (_ _____ _ ______ 1-________ , 8PP1’°PT1¤”F*°¤ f°1'> —°°1-19°t¤18‘ ¤V*·1111¤» _ amodlrits for building construction-- 984 - ' ° ‘Y*'$“d¤b*·;t?-;---6f—E:Ks— 1032 for chief gf Bureau, and omce pergw 984 ° o vision · — - soun ....... , ........... L- wmr--;-4—,-L--»<--1 ---- ,141-1032 for investigations; ow., or dairy ’ deficiency appropriation fg; oouootmg indugtr _____ _ _______,______ 507, 984 · 6�i¤¤1! 1’¤Y¤¥¤1e.-1 .-_,,..-- -- 180, renovatedy butter inspection---., 508, 984 ’ ‘ 1 ‘ .~, 1, ’ 189, 193,868, 1258 for livestock _breeding, station, contract ·p¤!'¤h¤¤¤ ii: Woodward, Okla.-;....--.,--- 508,984 · tb¤1H1¤5i‘ *'_ " °9mP1¤,"°d ‘Da’ Poduds · · F C l New ruse Gfyéto-} 1416 gggrognriatioin gu-· digfusing looinmercid _ 118 0**** 1 , ° informa on ¤mar e prices, app -»C°’&':l°*i& —· e 1 I ’· 352 1203 déstribution, etcwof-47.,.--Jwg23, 998 Customs Tarifs, BBYQG14 fm' ’ i a?ry1nqDisiric¢a, m as - I 1 1 ·— B _*¢’“•°* **1} ‘ - appropriation for experimentssin es- 8pp!’¤p1'1Bt1QD {OT Share of 3xpe§£6 1185 ‘ g j,gblighiri¥_ _______ __ ______ __ ,528, 1004 BB-po.-·»»--g -·--· = ·-—--- » D kgm C ni , `rm,. . __ · Cutlip,_Ja•1•(vidm|), , ( -;— ‘ ~ · ° - o znay &u·idg£_ River, at Cu;:;;1§1:l1'r1gcruaed-,.--___ __________ _- 1945 ‘ C zoutggaint Pa ,.... ......-. - 805 . .¢¢¤’9¢. · - W . · . . pensionz--- -,-- - .-.- .. -...- - ........ 1784 bridge guthor-ized across Choctaw- Cutshav, Sussman (widow), _. » ·€ hatchee River, between Hous- , pension inoreu•do--..-, ____ _’~_____-- 1565 ton County and- ,.....--.... --- 219 Cutters, Coal Guard·=(•cc Geist Guard {Dales, Mary E. (widow), - Vessels).; . Dpl:nsi;>nhincj>reased------ .....-.-.-... 1925 (J hgglaqqk-ga', __ __; _. _ . ay,.on . ‘ zzgpru ‘ um 1o;—min5,m-to ______ . 331; 1180 ‘ ..mi1itary record oorrected. ...... - -..... 1753 ext£n treat with .-...-.. 1----- 2367 Dahe, firalgella (widow), gottlqmnt o{.imLbted¤ooo ogmodo by · . - pension increased ......... - ........... 1884 Foreign Debt Commission, ap- Daily, Emmy (widow), ~ _ 0 p;•0vgd_ __,-______________V___ 386 I E ·p8l1B10D ...... ----, ...... 1.;.-. ........ 17-9