Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1326

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2738 INDEX. District of 0ol•¤abi•—Continued. . , Pace- District of (Zolumbia—Continu•d. _ Pure. land in Rock Creekand Potomac Park- · , retirement of school teachers ¤19d1· aalaynay be sold to Churclrof . fied-.---..::-4-- ....... -.--.,.- 727 Pilgrims for constructing a retirement provisions for annml nm-- a church, etc- ............._. _,_ 1007 ployecs of, for age or disability- 906 mattrczt manufacture, sale, etc., regu- 838 public sctgg-ol oilicers and teachers ex- 906 ions ............... r ...... 00P , -,- -·---------·--·- --·- married women may contract aa surety Rock Creek, Zoological, and Potomac · or guarantor, or accommodation Pullfiléegalkwsy ¢91¤pl6tl¤X1 $11- drawer, maker, etc-; former tho _ _.. ......... 4 .... _ -..c ---- 396 prqhibiti0¤,repea.1ed_ __,,_,,... 676 sale 0f,lots_m square 377_author1zed..-» 205 milk containers, etc., regulations--;--.. 809 statute _of Albert Gallatin authorized; national arboretum establishment in, - . mib, 6%.--.. --·----·-- --. ---- 934 ‘ authorized ....... -; ....... --- 1422 streets, etc.; _condem:nation proceed- National B.e;1£··Cross,—·may 7 A gitggnfor acquiring dlcandzngg con ue· use temporary ». V _ VV streets , ., , t t- ‘°¥“¤.,.‘““*£.¥‘1 “%“‘£° "’§·s ······ ‘*°3 ·"*"‘;'“’° °” 1a.iona» ' ar an arming amoun awa: .- V,y Commission establishedj author- V be assessed as beneiits--VrV-..;--- 675 ity, duty, etc ....... . -----L-- 374 if damages egceed benefits, Com- new bridge across Rock Qreek at M nussioners may- accept award, . Street NW., authorized- .--.-.- 837 _0l'_d1BH1l§B—Fh§ cause,,.s ..... ,-- 675 new for police court author- 901 S�g1fS_ authorized fordpaying costs 675 · -·--—--·-- - ---·-- ·'—'--·--—- .· $0 - - sian ` , ·i:·· park polioeqsddiionalforceauthorized-- ·834 benegts to )(¤{Qd1t .,0f.. xstrxct leaves .of.absence granted .......... 834 : revenues,-as ..... ,,-.,-.,.---.-- 675 payment; dinected=fo1··maintenauce of 1f_ damages, etc., benefits, » (irzlumbia Hospital for Women, 1423 ercegs to _'be paid from appro-, -V 675 e -r--;--` --...- 4 .... ; ...- 4-- - priaion- ..-.... V -,-,_..-_-.,,._e--,-.- amount authorized from ; District ,_ condexnnatioaof lands for_Wld¢¤¤l8 reve1iues.-.. -.-.-. --;---1 .-.. 1423 f Nichols Avenue.SE--.,c.. .-..,. 1090 permission to lay a,. conduit across _forme§_act ¤;p§&lod.,.....,»,..,...,c- 1091 V Twelfth Street BW-, by Wash- _ ehmmation of grade cr0ss1ngs,.Fern , ingtoged- Market. Company, au- 698 _ V andAVarnum, Streets and East- 1352 _ I ___________________,;-, · ~- ern v¢nu%_______,;,+__, ____ armac regulations modified.-;---r-- 1413 Michi au`Avenne-" ....- , ..-.- ’--- 1351 gilpe lingfor petroleum, etc., permitted name cfg Dent_Place NW-, ohanged from square 704 toithe Eastern .. Greenwich Parkway .....- 1- 809 Branch of the Potomac River-- 1056 opemng of a street from Georgia steam pcmitted to alley, square 225; 1369 Avenue to Nmth $t1‘¢¢i5 NW- or ,police_a.nd fire department to be fur- use by street railway ,......... 972 nished with uniforms, etc., from replacing V pavements not to be as- District revenues. .... .. .-..- --- 635 _ sessed on abuttm roperty .... 1064 policemen’s, etc., retirement pay with- widening of C Street §;i§;._--;---:- 1349 held from members, authorized Harvard Street an Adams Mill todbe paid to them or their _d 1toad.E?_...€§;,-EE -.....-- wi own. ..... - ..... z .......... 245 , wi emng 0 irs ree _ .....-.. portion of Anacostia Park transferred former Act repealed- .... - ......- 203 to,.for a tree nursery- .......... 405 supreme general term powers; public park system placed under ,» provision for acting clerk .... T 234 Director of `Public Buildings, supreme court jurors, grand and petit, etc., in lieu of Chief of Engi- to bedrawn rnonthly-.,-;-V ..,.. 741 neers -...-........-.... - ..... 835 Tratlic Act Regulations, amendments--_ 812 Public Utilitigs-Commission personnel 920 transfené oitapwgolfd Pug modjf ,__,__________ _ _____ 0 mc a en oruseasa. people’s counsel in' public utilities .D�!:8¢1'Y- .... _-V ..... 4 ..,.. -r--- 774

 akithoriizied. ..... xiii-,- 921 two batl;5)gis£§‘o’ls or   to_be

a pom men u 1es u ca- ces V ¤9¤6 _1t , lv , ptious, etc-; .--- ,-,---;--3---,--- 921 , the other·for_the race--- 394 investigation expenses to be borne _use of sum for pubhc bu11dmgpro]ects bly utaitiesas a special fran- 1851 tc, -.... 5;--,w-H 631 c me x,,,- _..,_- ~ ,.____,____ wa. r v an as - punishment for abandonment etc., of _ Egan Aéueduct to. Arlington wife or children in, modified .... 716 tc C;>e¤¤:gB餷·. dJSt¤ct.-- 325 ·· _ wa rra. s c rmm ..-- .... -- iii.};-“.i "§“°‘§.££T.§"‘Z,¥’“‘$.;;.;1"r 832 ¤=;;=¤·;g <g»¤·~··¤-· gm ·g»»~¢·;g·¤,» Crump warms, permitted ...- 1509 V°· é0w“P’?';f,. °‘j§él$th . I 234 repeal of tax on electric railways for Sec. usb er§’st,;te8m8°g_ lmmtics. wm_ p<assengers over Francis Scott ` migw fb,. cueoém . "·w',m_i¤g . *7 B'id$°? °°”di°i°” -~·--- -·~- 697 compensation, ......... I 1067 H¤shw¤y Bridscs ¤<>¤d¤¢¤<>¤ ------- 697 sec. 204. Drawing or jurors, gmc reservation_ 248 transferred _to Com- and em; __________________ 741, $92 m¤S¤¤0¤¢1'¤ for municipal pur- Sec. 215a.. Fury service not disqualified 170668 -.-··--·--··.......... --- 697 by sex ..._,___ _ ______________ 1249