Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1400

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2812 INDEX. I nduslrial Home School for Colored Chit- Yue- l Injuries to Government Employees—Con. Pass. dren, D. C'.—C0ntinued. compensation increased by monthly control, etc., of, put under Board of allowance for total disabi1ity--- 1086 Public Welfare, D. C. .......... 209 for partial- .................. - .... 1086 Industrial _Institution for Women, Federal, in case of minors or learners ....... - 1086 appropriation for maintenance, etc- 348, 1198 decrease of, on account of old age"- 1087 Industrial Mechanical, etc., Devices, relationship of beneficiaries construed,- 1087 appropriation for establishing stand- compensation of monthly pay com- urds, methods of testing, etc., puted ....................... 1087 _ of ........................ 358, 1209 allowance if death results, to personal Industrial Property, International Bureau representatives for funeral and for Protection of, burial expenses ............... 1087 appropriation for quota ............ 339, 1189 death occurs away from home office, Industrial _Ref0rnu1tory, United States, etc .......................... 1087 apgropnation for maintenance .... 348, 1198 time restriction for gaying ......... 1087 de ciency appropriation for mainte- medical services, app 'ances and sup- nance ..... - ................. 176 plies to be furnished employees I nfancy Hygiene, Maternity, and, - inijured while on duty ......... 772 appropriation for executing Act for pro- on or er of Federal medical officer, moting ......,,.,,,.,...,. 372, 1224 etc .......................... 772 Infantile Paralysis, _ transportation for securing supplies, appropriation for prevention of epi- etc., to be furnished, etc ....... 772 demic- -_ .--.-.....-.-.-..- 148, 1039 patyment of, from compensation I nfantile Paralysis, D. C. und ....-......-............ 772 appropriation for preventing ----- - 438, 1319 awards heretofore made on account Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga., of expenses, validated ..-....... 772 appropriation for instruction ex- injured employee to submit to medical pauses ..............-...., 278, 1128 examinations ..-...-.......... 772 I njluenza, compensation suspended while em- appropriation for prevention of epi- ployee refuses to be examined--- 772 demic- - .......... -... ..... 148, 1039 no payment from compensation fund I njiuenza, Spanish, until refusal ceases ------..--.- 772 deficiency appropriation for suppress- expenses allowed employees inci- mg, by Public Health Service-, 189 dent to examination, etc ....... 772 Information at Source, fees for examination by physicians not returns to be made by persons making in Government service ......-.. 773 fixed paymentstoothersof $1,500 Injuries to Longshoremen etc. (see Long- or more, a year ..-.. - ..--.-..- 50 shoremen's and Harbor Workers’ regardless of amount, if of obligations Compensation Act). of corporations, foreign coupons, Inland and ort Storage and Shipping etc ................-.-..-..- - 51 Facilities, names and addresses on demand .-.- 51 appropriation for barracks and quar- interest on Federal securities ex- ters, from unexpended balance cepted -...-..---.--.--..----- 51 for ------.,-_-----.--,.,----- 264 Information Ojice, Department of Agricul- deficiency appropriation for -......... 190 ture, Inland Waterways, appropriation for salaries and ex- plans for improving Delaware River to pauses ..................... 501, 978 Chesapeake Bay, modiied; con- for printing and binding -....-... 501, 978 struction of roadways, etc. ..... 1016 Infringement of Patents, Inland Waterways Corporation, when decree of court is final in suits for, deficiency appropriation for purchasing except ordering an accounting, remainder of capital stock. ..... 1254 appeal allowed to Circuit Court additional member of Advisory Board, _ 0 Appeals-; ...........-....- 1261 of civilian or Army officer as time limit, etc ..........---..-.--. 1261 ehairman _-__ _ ------_.-----_-- 1261 Ingersoll, Mary (widow), Army oiiicer, to have rank, etc., of pension iDc1'9aS€d ................... 1914 major general ,--,----------.- 1261 Ingham, Isabella M. (widow), excepted from duty with troops--- 1261 pension increased -......- ; --.-...--- 1689 salary of civilian appointee ..-...-.. 1261 Inglewood, Calif., functions of Secretary of War dele- disposal authorized of naval radio sta- ated to .,.........,,,,....,. 1262 tion lands at- ................ 700 Inman, Egiza M. (widow), Ingraham, Eunice A. (widow), pension. ................ - .......... 1717 pension increased ................... 1635 Inner Oak Blujfs Harbor, M ass., Ingraham Street NW., D. C., preliminary examination, etc., of, to be denciency appropriation for paving, made, for removal of Steamboat Seventh to Eighth Streets .... - - 166 Rock- ______,______..._,.._,, 1017 Injuries to District of Columbia Employees, Inquiries and Investigations, Senate, appropriation for compensation .... 420, 1300 apgropriation for expenses of ...... 540, 1150 deficiency appropriation for compensa- de ciency appropriation for expenses tion ......................... 165 of ........................... 162 Injuries to Government Employees, I nsarw, Alaska, appropriation for allowances from com- appropriation for care of ........... 493, 969 pensation fund for ......... 309, 1074 deficiency appropriation for care, etc- 857, 882 deficiency appropriation for allowances disposition of moneys of, dying in from compensation fund ....... 844 institutions, etc ............... 322