Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1423

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INDEX. 2835 Library of Congrcss—Continued. Para. I Lignthousc, Pegs. appropriation for Catalogueof Copy- an American memorial, to Christo- right Title Entriw ......... 549, 1158 pher Columbus at Santo D0- gor cgnéligigent expepqe:--£_ ...... _£;49, 1158 mingo, approved .............. 1987 0!' 118 *011111110 1'11 N5 $8816 Lighthouse B y N. C. · 551 515-, ------------------ 550.1158 preliminar;¢;xamin11tion,etc.,of,chan- f5rSu¤<l¤y. etc-. 0P*‘·111118€¥P01§¤0¤-5501,1159 nel from North River, to be ‘°’ ‘§2‘;l’§I,',?3$1l§*€;e“2¥'e°” “‘ °°2§o uu ’°“° ----·-··---·------·--··- mg · · ’ ' ‘ ’ Izighthoua K tc.

2: 222; 1:23 _·¤5w5:5*$;·€T;g*;¤15ri5 ---- _ ------ 3 5.

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