Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1589

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INDEX. 3001 Sewers, D. C., Pm- Sharp, Margaret (widow), P¤¥°· appropriation for cleaning and repair- pension _......,.................... 1648 ing ....................... 428, 1309 Sharpe, Margaret R. (widow), for motor trucks ............... 428, 1309 pension increased ....... - ........... 1591 for pumping stations, etc .._. --- 428, 1309 Sharpnack, Maude (widow), for main and pipe- ............. 428, 1309 pension _.._............... - ........ 1952 for suburban .................. 428, 1309 Shasta N ationat Forest, Calif., for assessment and permit work-- 428, 1309 proclamation enlarging area of - ....... 2598 for rights of way ............... 428, 1309 Shaub, Adaline M. (daughter), for Anacostia interceptor ....... -..-- 428 pension _...._.,_.............. - .... 1518 for upper Potomac interceptor--- 428, 1309 Shauck, Mary A. (widow), for upper Anacostia interceptor-- 428, 1309 pension increased- --.- - ---.-.------- 1563 deficiency appropriation for assessment Shaughnessy, Cecelia (widow), and permit work -.-.-..------- 168 pension increased ------------.-..--. 1689 for main and pipe ------.---------- 168 Shaughnessy, James, for right of way, Luzon Avenue pension ------ - --------------.---..-- 1924 trunk --.. - --...--------.----- 168 Shaver, Elizabeth (widow), rate of assessment for laying service, pension -------.-------.-----..----- 1535 increased ------------.-----.- 451 Shaw, Ellen (widow), Seaton, Ann Amanda (widow), pension increased ---------.----- --- - 1906 pension increased ----------------- --- 1859 Shaw, Georgiana R. (widow), Seymour, Eleanora E. (widow), pension increased .------.------..--- 1691 pension increased- --.----.--------.. 1512 Shaw, Harriet M. (widow), Seymour, Mary J. (widow), pension increased --------------.---- 1647 pension increased .-----.------------ 1892 Shaw, Ida (daughter), Shade, Emma J, (widow), 723 Shpensgoii .--- A- - M - - :1 - H-i ---.- R -..- 1945 pension ----...--- - -.----------..--. 1 aw s and ba one i itary eser— Shade, Otto W., vation, Wash., pension -----.-.-.----------..------ 1592 lots on, granted to San Juan County, for Shadle, Mary E. (widow), public park purposes ----...-.. 1090 pension ------------..-----.-----.-- 1782 Shaw, James, Shadyside, Ohio, Bank, pension increased ------..---..----.. 1816 redeméntion of lost Treasury notes to- - 1830 Shaw, Nettie (widow), Shafer, yntha A. (widow), pension -----.---..-.----.--.--.-. -- 1643 pension increased .------.------.--.- 1728 Shawnee Indian Sanatorium, Okla., Shafer, Elizabeth J. (widow), appropriation for maintenance, etc., pension -----.._-_-----------.-.---- 1596 of _-_-,---_-..-------..---- 472, 952 Shafer, Maria (widow), Shawnee Indians, Okla., Absentee, pension ---.------------.----------- 1951 deficiency appropriation for drainage Shafer, Alzira W. (widow), assessments on allotments of --- 855 pension -..---.-.-----------..-----. 1867 Shay, Daniel, Shafer, Ella M. (widow), pension __-,-..-.-.---------. - --.-.- 1778 pension increased -.----------------- 1590 Sheay, N aney J. (widow), Shaklton, M arilla (widow), pension increased .--.--.----.-..-..- 1526 Shppcnsion ggcreased ---.-..----.-.----- 1928 Sheboygan, Wiis., f h b a opee, inn., existing p ans or improving, ar or bridge authorized across Minnesota modified -----------..-.-..... 1013 River at -----.---.-----....-. 401 Shedd, Sarah J. (widow), . Shaleen, Anna S. (widow), pension -------------.----..-... ---- 1946 pension increased -----.-.-.-----.--- 1904 Sheehan, W_ Tw Shfmouc RW": N- C-: _ release of, as surety on bond ----.-.--- 1480 improvement of, authorized -.-------- 1011 Sheep (See also Cattle) Sh°’"d* Ri°M"g° J', appropriation for eradicating scabies credit alélczvedqig accéounts of, Illinois 1806 in ________ ______ _ _________ 505, 982 a ion uar -----..------.. . . Shanibarger, Clagfinda (widow), for eiigeigment station, Clark Countggw 983 pension increased -.----------------- 1741 _ 8 ({**1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘*'‘‘‘ ’ ` ` ,3;,,,,,;,;;,,, game,-ih, (widow), for investigating problems of West- pensiom ________________ _ __________ 1953 ern Statesi -.----...-....... 507, 983 Shanley, James, alias James Croley, Sheets, Sarah A. (widow), pension increased --------..--------- 1597 pension increased .............-.---- 1685 Shannon, Anna L. (widow), Shqyigld Company, Shpensionyilrireased -.----------------- 1735 refund to ______ _ _____,_____-_-,.--- 1766 annon, o n, · ·d w p¤¤¤i<>¤ i¤<=r¤¤¤¤d ..-~--------------- 1590 Sh;2ZZi0`i1°i;€il$;rilii.i-i’ ..---..--.-.- 1869 Shannon, Mary J. (widow), Shaken Alonzo C v<=¤¤i·>¤ i¤¤r¤¤¤¢d -------——--——----—- 19*4 ...11112.. - recordheorrected 1495 Shannon, Susanna E. (widow), C y M. ' `` pension increased -----.------------. 1546 Shelby oemig "m‘E . . . . . . Sha ·,.0 Ma,. (mathe,.) time exten ed tor ridging Mississippi pgzsigm y ’ 1816 · River,v$n.t Clearwater, by Minne- Sharp, Bartlett, sota, right County, and ------ 131 pension increased .-..-.-.-.-....... - 1591 Shdby, N- C-, Sharp, John R., RIMS of 0011Yt at, --------~------—-—— I?40 pension increased _____ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ _ IOOIDS to be fl1X'l`llSh€d at ......... - -· -