Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1601

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mnnx. 3013 Star Routes, Postal Service-Continued. Pan. I States-Continued. Pl! deficiency approprration for inland grants to, in aid of common schools ex- transportation by, except tended to mineral lands- ....... 1026 Alaska"? ................... 863 leasing, etc., of coal and mineral lands 1026 Stare, Lydia A. (widow), proceeds for support of schools ..... 1026 pension I!10l`885Qd ...-....... - ....... 1563 option given, to purchase tracts no Stark, A. (widow), longer used for military pur- PEDSIOD Increased ................... 1902 poses; limitation, etc .......... 206 Starlings_Creek, Va., _ provisions for turning over to, Sublic preliminary examination, etc., of, to be land records, etc., when nited made ........................ 1018 States land omces, etc., therein, Starn, Margaret J_ (widow), 3bolished_ _ ; _______________ __ 672 pension increased ................... 1652 quarantine of, against dangerous plant Starr, Chester W. (son), diseases, authorized until Fed- pension ............................ 1921 eral, established .............. 250 Starr County Bridge Company, cooperation of Secretary of Agricul- may bridge Rio Grande, at Roma, Tex- 1341 ture in enforcing .,,______,_,., 251 consent of Mexico required ........ - 1341 violations subject to State laws, etc- 251 Starry,_Jennie E. (widow), refund, etc., of taxes paid under Rev- pensnon increased ........... - ....... 1563 enue Acts on salaries of otlicials Startsman,_Amonda M. (widow), of ..._,....,................ - 130 pension mcreased ................... 1575 sale of agricultural public school lands State Banks (see also National Banks), of, to be invested in Federal, etc., consolidation of, with national banks, bonds ,.,________..,.,....... 247 authorized ................... 1225 by States having no bonds ......... 247 provisions for eEecti.n]g)é .......... - - 1225 principal to remain a perpetual fund- 247 State Degartment (see partment of interest to be used solely for at tate). least one college, with specified State Homes for Disabled Soldiers and studies ......_............... 248 Sailors, taxation by, of shares of national banks , appropriation for aid to- .......... 294, 1145 therein, authorized ............ 223 State Laws, National Conference of Com- alternative forms of, allowed ....... 223 missioners on Uniform, Statesville, N. C., appropriation for aid to. .......... 424, 1304 terms of court at ................... 1340 State Legislation, I ndea: of, Stationery, House of Representatives, to be prepared biennially, and reported appropriation for .......... - ..... 544, 1154 to Congress .................. 1066 Stationery, Postal Service, amount authorized annually for ..... 1066 appropriation for ................ 159, 1050 State, War, and Navy Departments Build- Stationery, Senate, ings, appropriation for ................ 540, 1149 deficiency appropriation 101* 11161, l.i8hi·8, Stationery, Treasury Department, Sm,cmm,°;"?2%});5;)·r·:·i; ···········‘ 1256 appropriation f0!' --.-...-..-.-.-. 138, 1029 appropriation for preparing, iirst ses- St°i”"°°i ’,;?m“i°i I”‘°"‘““’°{‘“I¢ t .b sion Sixty-mnth Congress ..... -- 545 °pPr°p:}° mu °r anmm °°° n glo 1190 for preparing, second session Sixty- um ‘‘‘'‘‘‘'‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ ninth Congress _______________ 1155 Statuary Hall (see Statues). Staten Island, N. Y., Statues, improvement of Great Kills, author- of Crawford W. Long, accepted for ized ......................... 1011 Statuary Hall, from Georgia .... 1980 States, %oceedings on, ordered printed ..... 1985 deficiency appropriation for topographic of enry Clay to be procured and pre- surveys, cooperative with ...... 175 sented to Venezuela, in Caracas; air space reservations may be set apart approval of plans, etc .... - ..... 1178 by; restrictions ............... 570 to be of American artist ........... 1178 authorizations of appropriations for aid sum authorized for cost, expenses of tc, for rural post roads in 1928, erecting, etc ...............1.. 1178 1929 .,,..................... 760 of Albert Gallatin, authorized to be forest roads and trails in 1928, 1929- - 760 erected north of the Treasury continued approval of projects in, Department Building ..-.-...- 934 whose laws do not allow use of proceedings on accepting, of General their funds for road construction, Joseph Wheeler for Statuary etc.; condition ...........--... 760 Hall, ordered printed -.....-.-. 1978 captured World War devices and on unveiling, of John Ericsson, ordered trophies to be apportioned and printed .....-.-.-....-....-.. 1985 distributed to .......-........ 615 Statutes at Large (see also Code of the department of, weighing livestock at a Laws of the United States), stockyard may be registered as index to,_ published in 1908, to be a market agency therefor, etc-- 397 revised and extended to Acts designated agents of, to be furnished of sixty-ninth Congress .-...... 1401 revenue stamps for sale for stock St. Clair, J ennze (widow) , transfers .,.,................. 101 pension increased --...-...--.-...... 1738 exchanges of public lands with, for St. Clair, ary (widow), recreational parks, etc ...-..... 741 pension increased ...........-.....-- 141