Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/307

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SIXTYTNINTH CONG.RES&e *S¤ss{<I.; GH. 1926. 1739. =The¤nune·-gf·ih[i¤§§hievu1§,swidow of Steyensplate of “*'¥“‘°'°“· Company G y- B@1ent;Pen¤sylv•n1e.·L£111t1a, and pay her a.pensieh.ab¤tl{evrdeéof·.· ?pe1·»_month..;, L -=·V. 5 — ya P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_

w1dto?v§‘<;f{Jol{In;.S. Fullerlh ugf. EmmaC.Fu11¤r.

m iw { .‘ ` •L _ ux *1 and£:;?hen?a—pensiqn§attthe. rateo.of,$5Q··par in hou. of-that $139 ,l[0W:Em§ "l Al C; ::-5.:+) wsu, ,;»:, ;;.s_·,_. wi.} _; ,.-~;

 Thmnanie of "   wid¤wso£·Jos¤ph Laut,»late of Come “""*M-L°°°·

any B One hund ‘ -,·and»» sixteenth B•giment ;0hio»Volunteen

 pay ll1'¢‘I l0‘D at the»aate.otf $50oper month; in lieu

{ l » ‘¤' mw>mo0m' _ ` °' ;»=,;;e ·v~¤·< w~ I ,_V»

1i1ame%;fuEHm¢G.zG¤¤ber; widow.¢of»Amson»Gmcker, late ot E“°° G·C'°°*°'-

Com any B, Eleventh Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, vand; pay Eeroa pension- atthe rate ·of$50.pe1nmoi1th;in lieu otthat she is pq1i;:rgg3ivh1g;, ‘ ..€ ;P _ f' 1·:`f!' :1 ·.:a{;;~}¥ E U IZ *·» g. »  ; ~=The name of Rebecca G. ·Holt,»widow.of¢R¤1ben R. Holt,s1ate}o£ R°*’°°°° °·H°'°· Compan D, Forty-fourth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, andrpayiigdriaipehsion/.at·the.rate of $50¥p’er:·monl2i in lieu ofkthat · shelmno ° `  :::·e:t mi 2:%} .’. :_= »<, 2 -» ¢= '_ ·. ·< Thenamerof Gregoryywidow dfylamee R. Gtegoryplate °“'°“”“ °‘°'°‘Y· assistant sur n Ninety-ninth Regiment United··States ·C0lored` Infantr ‘?am§;0a§¥I1er’a*pe1ision*at*rt 6 rateiof $50 per month in Llieu ofthatsgie isF·now'·’reoeiving1·» ~, z .s . if ~-Thenanie of Yoder, widow-of Eli Yoder,¢.latei of,Com·; E¤¤¤¤¤ Y¤d¤r· pnany F, One hundred and twenty-Hfth4_Regiment4Ohio voxuueeee · H §a:¤§ry£ €pa;g¤ih:;_a `pens1on¤at»the,¥rate of per month, in 6 A s · — · .1 ,I·.'E_,‘.1.¤`i _Yi ’·:Z;;—;" ». ‘ The name of Anna}!. Jobnsonywidoww of John B. Johnson, lata ·*¤¤·M·’•>¤¤·¤¤· of Company E, Fift -fi§th Regiment, and Compan1y1tD,oOne hundred and thirty-éeyehth¤£eg1ment, Illin0xs¤Volunteor‘ - fmtvy, ~and· her a pension at thefrate of $60 percmonthin lieu of that sheis w ]_]_ng_ A ‘S`QV · ~·¢,.; ·;}¥‘·.1 - `}../I`1. · jv ..1 weigh; name of »Nig:ry*Sneed, widowiof Sneed, late of M"' °”"“· Comgcany A,·Twel h Regiment Kentuokyillol teen Imfantry, and _ 1 ‘ r -a·pensionat·the rate of $50‘ipe1‘=month inlieurof thatehe fsniiowreoeivin ‘ · The·nameVefgéToan~Shnmwggwidow of _Shjlm’Wl?,*i]i.t8 ’°•¤¤¤¤¤*•!- of Company C,"One ‘ ¤éeoond*Regiment Ohio·*Vo unteer

 payherajpemion at the=;~ate‘o ~~$50‘per month in lieu

0 Q E I, .2, VI»‘,»:J:.:·:  ;:· J', ".=·i. U .4 _ Themame of of Jonathan L.Cla!·k, slate M¤¥E·°¤*- or ®,,`BigMeex{th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay new a pension at the rate of $30* per month in lieu, ot that she 18 now reoei . _ , _ _ -‘i· _ ~ , C6The’namI§ §:&iE.'Evans; ggrgdowvof of L‘"”E‘E”“‘ mpan n * ei Regim t eat sir ' _'a ·o unteer V nt » sind payyheii a_ pension atdtherate of$40’§1e11i1month,in lieu of `81S·¤0W’;_l'B(%lVlI1._·_‘ ‘_ y The name of Aragellé Lehnhard, widow of’John Lehnhard, late ‘"‘°°“° L°°“'“"“‘ of Battery *C, First Regiment ’West Virginia Volunteer Light lértillgryi, ami pgyher a pension at the ratedof $50 per month in euo tat ei ` — ~ .,,,,,_ The namezf Plio!dl(;'15?(§ui·1l;1h§art,widow of Daniel Bnrkhart late ;'*l;i>• E- Bum"- ·of Company F, Forty·third Regiment Enrolled Militia, and pay her aipension at the grate of per month. . — The name 0 Nancy J. Nichols, widow of Orrin D. Nichols,ilate N"‘°’JiN*°°°1“‘

5 C, Oéie hunldred and l*;e¥?’(¥ork Volui;·

‘ r an an a erapensxon emo r nt. , , _ The n¤mgydf"MagyLarimer, widow of Captain Willidiii (liar- i`a°¥i°1'i¤¤m•». ` imer, late of'Company C, Sixty-second Regiment Ohio Volunteer