Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/48

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1480 SIXTYJINTH2 GONGRESS; Sus; I. Cue; 358-361. ‘/1926. ,. entéedtintoarith 1:hezUnited States on- November 28‘ 1917, have · uaupueensaeua performed to ef. the War Depart- ment, and conditional, upon- ue performance suehcovenan cunditiusgind agreements, is heeeby declared to—.be voidiand of no efeet; andsuch Chambereof Gonmerce, as prinei and Jack ' ` 'E. B. Joseph, John:P. II`. my Bruce _ ,;» bert C. Davis, Emanuel Meertief, Thomas M. Gwen, Simon _ __cl, junior, C. _J._iBeane, Leon Weil, Ia H. DeWees, §%§*“&=’.*‘,; "“*°°v‘&*°1‘§"if'.; E *%**3* %"`v.?; e‘5§?“‘v‘?* mms, · ’ 1:. w¤ge¤,1€ir1L.,wi1ker,`vél'iy¤6¤~'r. Tame, Sgodney

 F; '  S.    G. Salter,

.# .· . reeue, a perman, Leo*Khi¤,:J. , . Haas, Benr?Fi’tzpatrick, Qrry D:l:zigg·,£e· Levy- stein, Stuart May, and Alex; Rice, as sureties, and their successors, heirs, executors, and admimstrators are hereby declared to be charged and released from all liabilities under such obligation. Apgroved, _May`21, 1926. ·_ · ‘ MIYZLIK; 1 · _ _ 4 . [H- 3-07-1 CHAI 8¤9.—An Act Permitting the sale of lot 9, sixteen and su$y·three [Hm Ne *-1 oneehundredtbs acres, in sec§0n 31, township 2 south, range 17 west, in Bay C¤¤¤?!»Fi¤¤?¢i¤·.*¤ P- C- 31*+*- c _. — y . R it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the izégtzemix me in Uniged bfégl/merioa in §'0ngreea aeeemblegi, That the Secretacry §{°{,&$¤”·m·· °“‘ of the; Interior be, and he IS hereby, authorized to sell _to P._ ,.

lot 9,_sixteen, and sixty-three one-hundredths acres, m_sect1on

8*1, townslup*2 south- range 17 west, Tallahassee meridian, m Bay County, Florida, at the rate of $1.25 ·pei· acre.

 21, 1926. "   ,_

r’§'f’éi‘h}-T" `;`DkhD._i800.—-—An rm- me er Mmm w. msu-, or Ama, seam;

 Qounty,_NewMerieo,-orhistransfemess , i »:— . , ;

_ _ 51/IIN of Representatives gf the ewes Uniwéftatna of Amerive .iy¤,Q'¤¤»ar¤¤w¤•¤ezr¤6kd, Memtt W- Blair, his successors or assigns, be, and are hereby, authorized to ,. select and to receive patent for not exceed eighty acres of_land to be selected from the unapptrgfriated, nmreserved, nonmmeral, ‘“"°§°2..’Z£"$§ .‘2““’.2§.f'*° .3 ,E.*“f,i‘.iz1‘*‘°‘““‘H;’§}°°,"2.‘;.‘;’,.‘°.i* 3 li · ex ·m» ue _ erroneo _ A

 Blair‘on"January 27, 1922, under hoxhestead eng;

Cézagton 024795, all interestunder the said patent dated January 1 _ ,.to be reconveyiegdtb the United States by a duly executed and mwrded. QKKVBINID. . ‘

 May. 21, 1926.

Maym 19%. ilu; . —» `V . ·. ~ A

 GHLP,·,861,+·-An Act For the relief  

B it ted b the S mt nd’Bf‘·Rep¢·ese1»¢a#i¢vea of the www Uniegad ggzcee of gmericefin (€'o(;¤gz‘eea_asaembZe¢§, That the _Secretary °°‘°‘°"“”°"‘ ‘ of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ""i¤‘.Z3S e°* ‘“l%0"‘*°”°’ 2£."‘° T'°2°$“§’3¤?>°* °°“i,‘i.u‘”l“°,ti°’*’.’.‘i%’“¥‘°.‘}1 to erme risen sumoi~~m seem o claims against the Government on account of the dea$,_on 7`1 ,‘g " . risonw e“i‘a erjroiitron »*· **"%..e§§.Y”m **"‘*'w;i..gE.&`..{.`?i?}1.m*“““,`;;‘2i.»§;°§,,..1 B..,£i{’.m... ° · 9 as Aa. 9 u e 2 · u ’ ». .... .‘‘‘ f , ‘ n' R ‘ ‘ iApproved,‘May 21, 1926. ’