Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/581

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CONVENTION-·-NE'I'H§{•3RLA1*TlDSk’ i AUéUs*r 21, -1924. 2013 Convention betweeniithe United States and the 1getherZands_éor fthe pre- ventionj Lemugg nyc intoxieati ° uors.; _ at as ington, A ttgl, 1924; ratéoation by the Senate, December 10, 1.9§4; by the resident, February 26, 1925· ratwedby the Netherla .March-3J,~1926;rat;.)iw¢tem,eiehengedac. aehington, April 8, .1926i Proclaimed, Apri -8, 1.925. ` Br rim ‘Pnnsmm~rr or ·r1m· Umrnn Srnns or Aimmca. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a Convention between the United States of America °°'"°°“°“ "‘“‘“‘° Netherlnadstoprevent and the Netherlands to aid in the prevention of the smu§ling~ of sujuwmg or seale- aleoholie liquors into the United States was concluded an signed °%‘¤i'£4 s&`ZZ” *° by their respective pleni otentiaries at _Washington on the twent - P'°'*'“"’°· first dy of ugust, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, tds origin of which Convention, being in the English and Dutch languages, is word for word as follows: · ~ A The President of the United DeP1·esident_van de,Vereenig- C°”?°°°°”' P‘l"?°' States of America and Her Maj- de Staten van Amerika en Hare esty the Queen of the Nether- Magesteit de Koningin der Neder- lands be?f desirous of avoiding lan en, alle moeilijkheden wen- any dilii ties which might arise schende tevermijden die tusschen between them in connection with hen zouden kunnen ontstaan in the laws in force in the United verband met dei n de Vereenigde States on the aubtject of alcoholic Staten van kracht zijnde wetten beverages have ecided to con- betreifen de alcoholische dranken, clude a Convention for that hebben besloten met dat doel een purpose, and have appointed as verdrag te sluiten en hebben als _ __ their Plenipotentiaries: . · · Hunne gev0lmacl,1tigden·aange- , I-The President of the United De President van de Ver- P'°°"’°*""“""‘· Statesof America: Charles Evans eenigde Staten van Amerika: Hughes, Secretary of State of the Charles Evans Hughes Secretaris Umted States; and van- Staat van e ]Vereeni·gde Staten; en J · Her Majesty the Queen of Hare Majesteit de Ko " ' the Netherlands: Jonkheer Dr. der ‘ N ederlanden: Jonkheer A. C. D. de Graaf, Her Envoy A.— C. ·D;‘ de Graeff, Hoogst Extraordinary and Minister Derzelver Buitengewoon Gezant Plenipotentiary to the United en Gevolmachtigd Minister in States of America; — gen rilliereenigde Staten van e a; - Who, having ·communicated die, na hunne volmachten te their full Powers found in good hebben overgelegd, welke in and due orm, have agree as goeden en` behoorlijken vorm- ‘‘`‘ follows: A l· i zijn bevonden, als volgt 'zijn e overeengekomen: · ‘ ARTICLE I. ARTIKEL I. The High Contracting Parties V De. Hooge Verdr luitende .,£,°,‘§,i“,{,‘";;,,;°'$,‘?.§°3‘,i°”° declare that it is. theirjfirm in-V Partijen verklaren dallgs het him .· t tention to upholdwthe principle vaste. bedoeling is, het beginsel · ` that 3 marine miles extending te handhaven, dat 3 zeemijlen