Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/692

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 Treat between the United States Belgium the British Em °re 0`hina, ·

Faima, Ital , Japan, The~lVetherlands, and Portugainrellating to revision of Obinese customs tarijl Signed at Washington, February 6, 1922; ion advised bg the Senate, ~March·80, 1922; ratgijvd bytheP ' , June~9, 192 ; ratifokationsdepositedzviththe ernment of the United States, August 5,1925; proclaimed, August 5, 1925. , . Br rm: Pkmsmmrr or um »Um·rm> Smrns or Ammxcs A PROCLAMATION. Clxlihzbycusrsolidismwdtéi Whereas a’T1·eaty between the United States of America, the I’*°¤¤'>*°· British Empire, Belgium, China., France, Italy, Japan, the Nether- lands, and Portugal, relating to the Chinese Customs Tariff, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Washington on February 6, 1922, the originalof which Treaty, in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows: ‘ °°°“‘°“”‘ P°'““ Les Etats-Unis d’Amérique, la The United States of America,

e, l’E¥pire Britanmque, Belgium, the British Emplig,

la e, la rance, l’Italie le China, France, Ita%y, Japan, e Japgln, les Pays-Bas et le Por- Netherlands and ortugal; t : . , P““’°°°“°“°°°‘ u§)ans le but d’accroitre les With a view to increasing the revenus du Gouvernement chi- revenues of the Govem- nois, ont convenu de conclure ment, have resolved to conclude un traité touchant la revision a treat relating to the revision du tarif des douanes chinoises et of the Uhinese customs tarid and autres matiéres connexes, et ont cognate matters, and to that end désigné pour leurs plénipoten- have appointed as their Pleni- Pm tiaires: _ potentiaries: i °°‘°°°“"°" Le Président des Etats-Ums The President of the United d’Améri ue: States of America: Ctliarles Evans Hughes, Charles Evans Hughes, Hem·y Cabot Lodge, Henry Cabot Lodge, Oscar W. Underwood, Oscar W. Underwood, Elihu Root, Elihu Root, citpjyens des Etats- citizens of the United nis; States; Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges: Majesty the King of the Belgiansz Le Baron de Cartier de Ba1·on de Cartier de Mar- Marchienne, Comman- chienne, Commander of deur de l’Ordre de Léo- the Order of Leo old pold et de l’Ordre de la and of the Order ofpthe Couronne, Son Ambas- Crown, His Ambassador sadeur Ex traordinaire Extraordinary and Plen- et Plénipotentiaire a ipotentiary at Washing- Washington ;_ ton; Sa Majesté le R01 du Roy- His Majesty the King of the aume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et United Kingdom of Great Britain