Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/779

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CONVEN'l`ION—DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. JUNE 12, 1924. 2209 and those contracts shall remain pleno vigor y efecto hasta que in full force and effect unless and sean abrogados or los organismos until they are abrogated by que, de acuerdlb con la Consti- those bodies which, in accordance tucion Dominicana, puedan le- with the Dominican Constitution, gislar. Pero esta val1daci6n, en can legislate. But, this ratiiica- cuantoa aquellas de las anteriores tion, in so far as concerns those of Ordenes Ejecutivas, Resoluciones the above mentioned Executive Reglamentos Administrativos y Orders, resolutions, administra- Contratos ue hayan sido mOd1- tive regulations, and contracts, ficados 6 (derogados por otras which ave been modified or Ordenes Ejecutivas Resoluciones abrogated by other Executive 6 Re lamentos Administrativos Orders, resolutions, or adminis- del Gobiemo Militar, solo se trative regulations of the Mili- refiere a los efectos legales que tary Government, onli refers to ellas crearon mientras estuvieron the legal effects w ich they en vigor. created while they were in force. The Dominican Government "El Gobiemo Dominicano, ,,,,{"?,‘§“fc‘§;‘§{"‘ "°°'“‘°" further agrees that neither the ademas, conviene en que ninguna subsequent abrogation of those subsecuente abrogacion de esas Executive Orders, resolutions, ad- Ordenes Ejecutivas, Resoluciones ministrative regulations, or con- Reglamentos Admmistrativos 6 tracts or any other law, Execu- contratos, ni ninguna otra le , tive Order, or other oflicial act of orden eljecutiva ti otro acto og- the Dominican Government, shall cial de Gobiemo Dominicano affect the validity or security of afectara la validez y seguridad de rights acquired in accordance los derechos adquiridos en virtud with those orders, those resolu- de esas Ordenes, esas Resolu- tions, those administrative reg- ciones, esos Reglamentoslvy esos lations and those contracts of e Contratos del Gobiemo ilitar; Military Government; the con- pero las controversies que puedan Dewrmmmpn or tI‘0VBI‘S1BS which may arise re- surjir con relacién 6. esos dere- i>°i»i$i¤i)¤l¤:;:¤i¤°i:. by lated with those rights acquired chos adquiridos seran soberana- will be determined solely by the mente juzgados por los tribunales Dominican Courts, subgect, how- Domimcanos; admitiéndose, sin ever, in accordance wit the gen- embargo, de acuerdo con las erally accepted 111].68 and prmci- reglas y losmprincipios general- ples of international law, to the mente acgpt os de derecho in- right of diplomatic intervention temacion el derecho de inter- ii those Courts should be respon- vencién diplomatica, cuando di- sible for cases of notorious injus- chos tribunales incurrieren en in- tice or denial of justice. The de- justicia notoria o denegacion de I Arglrmlon or cms termination of such cases in 3usticia;casos estos que, si afectau .'irK·t.,Y;, “"°d B°“°°’ which the interests of the United unicamente los intereses de los States and the Dominican Re- Estados Unidos y de la Republics · public only are concerned shall, Dominicana, seran si ubiese should the two Governments dis- desacuerdo entre los dos Go- agree, be by agbggation. In the pilqrnos, disrixnlidos azébitralniente. S i I ts carrying outo t agreement in e'ecuci n eeste m romiso ¤°°° “¢'°°m°¤ each individual case, the $.ih en dada caso, los contriatantes; igrim °°°°lud°d tm Contracting Parties, once t e delspués de reconocida la necesi- necessity o arbitration is deter- d del arbitrlzile, concertarén im mined, shall conclude a special acuerdo espec` deiiniendo clara- agreement defining. clearly the mente la extension de la contro- scope of the dispute the scope of versia, la extension de los poderes the powers of the arbitrators, and de los arbitros y de los periodos the periods tobefixed for the for- que habran de Hjarse para la mation of the arbitral tribunal ormacion del tribunal ar itral y and the several stages of the pro- el desarrollo del procedimiento. 4ss02·-27-m·s-—-48