Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/995

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CAMEROONS-.MANDATE¢+GREAT BRITAIN. a Fmsnuaar 10; ,1925. 2425

J; A ·~ » ?°Ai'Hde¢12. ¤·¤·*¤*··°¤¤°°·

" The Mandatory agrees that,if any! digpute whatever should _ arise between the Mandatory and anot, er ember of the League

   of Nations2·-relatin5;@to»the i¤terg>retation‘or1the application of

“»* atheprotisioiis 1of· ' .msmdate;·’such~d1épute,· if ·1t cannot be settled by negotiation, shall be submitted to the Permanent- Court of International Justice‘= provided for by article 14 of the » ¤s>v¤¤¤¤t—<>f the Ieeguevf N¤¢i¢2¤s"; and 1 _ s A `Twhereasthe of‘His Britannic Mejs;y—¤¤e the Gov- °°¤”°°'·*¤¢ P°"°”· oernmentiof ‘the,’Unil:edfStates ’of America are desirous of reaching a deEnite‘iunderstandin%* as ’liOi`l7lI8. rightsfof their respective Govern- ments and oftlreirna ionalsin thesaid territory: ` A _‘ ` `° Q ” ‘ The Presiderltofthe ’$tates‘of*A‘merica and His Britannic Majesty have dfcided"to conclude ayconvention to this eEect,,and have named as heir‘plenipotentiaries:—‘ ‘ ‘ · ‘ The President of the United States of America : _ "°°‘¤’°*°¤“”‘°* His Excelléncythe’HonourabIe Frank B. Kellogg} Ambassador ,_ g Extraordinary ;and.,P1enipotentia1·y. oi, the nited States - r~,` T e#.I·¤¤d¤esr:·.. he T ..·. e , .¢~ His·xMajesty tbe·_Kingrof the_zUnited-Kingdomfof· Great Britain aheggland and of the ritish Dominionabcyond the Seas,·Emperor .0, ’a:·~.Q ·.~¤ ~;;; ~ * · —_··r1·ie na u¢’1r2>¤e¤g:i1;ie Jossgg xusamgoouameeuemséu. r.,

·His{·{[ajesty’s$ cipal = ‘ retaz·y~of»’ State for iForeign
 ·~ A¤¢irs,é·=’__·*·%{=     ’ J     "   c‘ H     A

who after having "éated to other their ll _;`veful1 powers, found ingood aaqdpdue. form, have agreed. as fo 0WSi-r-ei

   “ '·-i>;j___#;R'.l‘IOL1 1.j `T A 

' I Subjectito the of the present convention, the United R°°°¤°*°‘°° °‘ '”°°‘ States ponsents to the administration by His Britannic Majesty, dm gursuant to the aforesaid mandate, of the former German territory escribed in article 1 of the mandate, hereinafter called the mandated ~‘”“·P· ml territory. ‘ 1 Airmcmn 2. The United States and its nationals shall have and enjoy all the ,,,I{}§;h,°§&°§°,;,§,°?“°“ rights and benefits secured under the terms of articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8 and 9 of the mandate to Members of the League of Nat1ons and their nationals, notwithstandin§ the fact that the United States is not a member of the League of ations. Anrrrcnn 3. Vested United States property rights in the mandated territor V¤¤*¤¤ ¤;¤¤•¤‘¢lv shall be respected and in no way impaired. y mm W b° °° ` Airrxcnn 4. A duplic te f th ann al re ort to be made b th Mand tory ·*¤¤¤¤' *’·P°'°· léhdteaig article 13 of {the uilandatg shall be furnishgd ai the Uhited A°“'°'2m` a . Aarrcm 5. Nothin contained in the rese t t` n shall be ife ted b M°‘““°°**°¤’ °' my mod%cation which maypbe riiadioilriatligoterms of tl; uiandatz xdiiuvsdzdmsxg