Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1037

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CHs. 900, 901. 1928 . them, such contracts shall be reduced to writing and signed by the contractstions for other contracting parties . In all other cases contracts shall be entered Pr ovi so

into under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary Act to cease after of War : Provided, That this Act shall cease to be in effect after June 30, 1930 .

June 30, 1930 . Approved, May 29, 1928 . May 29, 1928. [H. R. 12064.] [Public, No. 611 .] Reports, etc ., to C on- gress . Submission of desig- nated, discontinued . Departments and in- dependent establish- ments . Conti ngent app ro- priations. U.S. Code, p.35. Publications re- ceived, etc . U.S. Code, p.1421. Publications issued, et c. U.S. Code, p.1430. Trave l outsi de the District . U.S. Code, p.35. Exchange of type- writers, etc . U.S. Code, p.1311. Ren ted bu ild ings , D. C. U.S. Code, p.1014. Care, etc ., of Govern- ment-owned buildings, D. C. U.S. Code, p.1014. Receipts from sales of supplies, in connec- tion with the war. Vol. 40, p . 548. Pre parati on of an- nual estim ates o nly a s now required by law . Vol 37, p.415. CHAP . 901 .-An Act To discontinue certain reports now required by law to be made to Congress. B e it enacted by the Senate an d House of Rep rese ntat ives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following repor ts and statem ents now requi red by law to be made to C ongress are hereby discontinued, and all Acts or parts of Acts herein cited as requiring the submission of such statements and reports are hereby repealed to the extent of such requirement : REPORTS UNDER EACH EXECui1VE DEPARTMENT AND INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHMEN T 1 . Sta tement of ex pendi tures from c onting ent a ppropr iation s . (Revised Statutes, section 193, page 30 ; Statutes at Large, volume 18, part 3, page 96 ; title 5, section 104, United States Code .) 2 . Detailed report of publications received and distributed . (Stat- utes at Large, volume 28, page 623 ; title 44, section 96, United States Code.) 3 . Report on aggregate num ber of public ations issued during the preceding fiscal year ; cost of paper used for such publications, cost of pr inting, and c ost of prepara tion of each publication, and the number of each distributed . (Statutes at Large, volume 41, part 1, page 1037 ; title 44, section 221, United States Code .) 4 . Report of travel on official business from Washington to points outside of the District of Columbia . (Statutes at Large, volume 35, part 1, page 244 ; title 5, section 105, United States Code.) 5 . Report relative to e xchange of typ ewriters, add ing machines, and other similar labor-saving devices . (Statutes at Large, volume 38, part 1, page 1161 ; title 41, section 26, United States Code.) 6. A statement of the buildings rented within the District of Columbia for the use of the Government, and so forth . (Statu tes at Large, volume 22, page 552 ; Statutes at Large, volume 27, page 199 ; Statutes at Large, volume 38, part 1, page 3; Statutes at Large, volume 41, part 1, page 691 ; title 31, section 595, United States Code.) 7 . A stateme nt given for e ach of the Go vernment-owne d buildings in the District of Columbia under the jurisdiction of each department and i ndependent es tablishment, t he location a nd valuation of each building, the purpose or purposes for which used, and the cost of care, maintenance, upkeep, and operation thereof . (Statutes at Large, volume 41, part 1, page 945 ; title 31, section 596, United States Code.) 8. Report of money received by sales of supplies, materials, equip- ment, or other property purchased, acquired, or manufactured in the United States in connection with the prosecution of the war . (Stat- utes at Large, volume 40, part 1, page 548 .) 9 . That until otherwise provided by law the regular annual esti- mates of appropriations for expenses of the Government of the United States shall be prepared and submitted to Congress, by those charg ed with the d uty of such pr eparation and submission, only in the form and at the time now required by law . (Sta tute at Larg e, volume 37, part 1, page 415 .)