Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1077

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 30. 1928 . Range Front Light, described as follows in a deed of July 26, 1878, from James C . Snyder to the United States, recorded June 12, 1879, in book numbered 11, page 511, of Beaufort County register's office : Description . "All that piece or parcel of land being a part of a tract of land formerly known as the `Means Plantation' and numbered according to a map of a survey on file in the office of Commissioners of Internal Revenue, Washington, District of Columbia, as lot 23, section 20, township 2 south of Beaufo rt base line and 1 west of the Saint Helena meridian in the county of Beaufort and State of South Carolina, to wit " ` Commencing at a point on the shore of a creek known as `Means Creek' north twenty-eight degrees and forty-one minutes west, two hundred and six feet from the southeast corner of lot 23 of the aforesaid map and running thence north seventy-seven degrees and thirty minutes, west five hundred and fifty-eight feet ; thence north seventy-two degrees and fifteen minutes east, seven hundred and ten feet to Means Creek ; thence southerly along the shores of Means Creek to the place of beginning, the whole containing two and one-quarter acres, more or less, and including the water priv- ileues of the front on Means Creek, and * * * a right of way of su l~icie nt wid th for the c onstru ction of an e arthen cause way an d for the procuring of the material to construct and keep in repair the s ame a cross the land lyin g bet ween the afore said piec e or parc el of land and an earthen causeway across the marsh to the southerly end of Parris Island ."' Parcel No . 2 . Parcel numbered 2 . The tract of land, on which the Parris Island Range Rear Beacon is now located, described as follows in a deed of February 28, 1879, from Silas E . Taylor to the United States, recorded November 14, 1879, in book numbered 11, page 576, of Beaufort County register's office Des crip tion . "All that piece and parcel of land situated, lying, and being on Parris (or Parry) Island in the county of Beaufort and State of South Carolina, to wit : "'All of the northeast quarter northeast quarter southeast quarter section 18, township 2 south, range 1 west, of Beaufort principal meridian, according to a plat of the United States survey on file in the offic e of C ommiss ioner of Int ernal Revenue , Wash ington , Dist rict of Columbia, and numbered according to the said plat, lot 33, of the aforesaid section, containing ten acres, more or less ."' Retention for li ght- The Parris Island Range Rear Beacon shall be allowed to remain house uses« in its present position until removed or relocated by or with the permission of the Department of Commerce Lighthouse Service . The Department of Commerce Lighthouse Service shall also retain the right of ingress and egress by the most convenient route across the above-described parcel numbered 2, for maintenance, relocation, or removal of the said rear beacon of this range . Mar ine Detroit, Mich . hosh ospit al at .

SEC . 4 . The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and Additional land of, directed to transfer to the Department of Commerce for lighthouse tra nsfer red for l ight . house purposes . purposes an additional strip of land six feet in width, extending in a southerly direction from Jefferson Avenue a distance of one hun dred a nd fif ty fee t, par allel and co ntiguou s to t he eas terly line of the portion of the old Marine Hospital Reservation, Detroit, Michigan, which was transferred to the Department of Commerce vol. 44, p. 563.

by authority of the Act of Congress approved May 18, 1926. Appr ove d, D ecem ber 15, 1928 .