Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1183

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1132 Services in the Dis- trict . Proviso. Mine rescue trophies. In vesti gati ng mi nera l fuels . Services in the Dis- trict . Mineral mining . Studies, investiga- ti ons, etc ., for impro v- ing . Services in the Dis- trict Proviso. oviso. Private work forbid- den . Oil, gas, and oil-shale investi gations . Purc hase of new s- papers . Proviso. R.S.,see .192,p.30. U.S . Code, p.34. All other expenses . Services in the Dis- trict. Mining exp er ime nt stations. Pe rson al se rvic es, etc., expenses in opera tion of. Vol . 38, p. 959. LT. S. Code, p.31. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cx. 102. 1929. supplies ; travel and subsistence, and other incidental expenses of emplo yees in at tend ance at me etin gs an d con feren ces held for t he purpose of promoting safety and health in the mining and allied industries ; the purchase and exchange in part payment therefor of cooks' uniforms, goggles, gloves, and such other articles or equipment as may be necessary in the operation of mine rescue cars and stations, including not to exceed $14 .140 for personal services in the District of Colum bia, $326, 130 : Prov ided, That of this amount not to exceed $500 may be expended for the purchase and bestowal of trophies in connection with mine rescue and first-aid contests ; Testing fuel : To conduct inquiries and scientific and technologic investigations concerning the mining, preparation, treatment, and use of mineral fuels, and for investigation of mineral fuels belonging to or for the use of the United States, with a view to their most effi- cient utilization ; to recommend to various departments such changes in selection and use of fuel as may result in greater economy, and, upon request of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to investi- ga te the fuel- burnin g equi pment in use by or propos ed for any o f the de partme nts, e stabli shment s, or instit utions of the Unite d Stat es in the District of Columbia, $179,210, of which amount not to exceed $32,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia ; Mineral mining investigations : For inquiries and scientific and technologic investigations concerning the mining, preparation, treat- me nt, and u tilizatio n of ores and mine ral subs tances, o ther than fuels, with a view to improving health conditions and increasing safety, efficiency, economic development, and conserving resources through th e prev ention of wa ste in the m ining, quarry ing, m etallu rgical , and other mineral industries ; to inquire into the economic conditions affecting these industries ; and including all equipment, supplies, expenses of travel and subsistence, and the operation, maintenance, an d repa ir of motor- propel led pa ssenge r-carry ing ve hicles , incl uding no t to exce ed $9,500 for pers onal serv ices in the Distr ict of Co lumbia, $1 44,220 : Pr ovide d, That no part of this appropriation may be expended for an investigation in behalf of any private party ; Oil, gas, and oil-shale investigations : For inquiries and investiga- ti ons an d diss eminat ion of infor mation concer ning t he min ing, p repa- ration, treatment, and utilization of petroleum, natural gas, and oil shale, including economic conditions affecting the industry, with a view to economic development and conserving resources through the prevention of waste ; for the purchase of newspapers relating to the oil, gas, and allied industries : Provided, That section 192 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., p . 34, sec . 102) shall not apply to such purchase of newspapers from this appropriation ; and for every other ex pense incide nt the reto, includ ing su pplies, equip ment, expens es of travel and subsistence, purchase, not to exceed $7,000, exchange as part payment for, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled pas senger -carry ing ve hicles , purc hase o f labor atory gloves , gogg les, rubber boots and aprons, $232,000, of which amount not to exceed $25,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia ; Mining experiment stations : F or the emp loy men t o f p erso nal services, purchase of laboratory gloves, goggles, rubber boots and apr ons, a nd all other expen ses in conne ction w ith th e esta blishm ent, maintenance, and operation of mining experiment stations, as pro- vided in the Act authorizing additional mining experiment stations, approved March 3, 1915 (U . S . C ., p . 31, sec. 8), $205,450, of which amount not to exceed $11,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia ;