Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1206

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II . CHs . 160-162 . 1929 .

1155 shall recommend the acquirement of the same by the United States under the provisions hereof, then, in such event, the Secretary of the Interior shall be, and hereby is, authorized and empowered, in his discretion, to enter into and conclude negotiations with such owner or owners thereof, and in exchange for such designated privately owned lands, and upon conveyance by the owner or owners thereof to the United States by a good and sufficient deed, to cause to be patented to such owner or owners such acreage of nonmineral, non- irrigable grazing lands not suitable for agricultural purposes, except for raising grass, situated within the said State of New Mexico, of equal value, as near as he may be able to determine, to the lands so conveyed to the United States . SE C. 2 . That any lands conveyed to the United States under the provisions of this Act shall, upon acceptance of the conveyance thereof, become and be a part of such Lincoln National Forest . SEc. 3 . That before any exchange of lands as above provided is effected, notice of such exchange proposal describing the lands involved therein shall be published once each week for four consecu- tive we eks in some newspa per of gener al circ ulatio n in t he cou nty in which such lands so to be conveyed to the United States are situated . Exchange for, of pub- lic lands . Patents to be issued . Added to the Forest . Notic e of pro posed exchange to be pub- lished . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Oklahoma . United States of America in Congress assembled, That the second Drainage assessments paragraph of secion 3 of Public Act Numbered 20 (Thirty-seventh land Indian restricted Statutes at Large, page 194), approved July 19, 1912, being an Act to provide for the payment of drainage assessments on Indian lands in Oklahoma, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows "That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his a lo tmen ts in any discretion, to approve the assessments, together with right-of-way dr volage,pistr icte

d- maps, upon all other restricted Indian allotments situated within any ed . drainag e dist rict l ocated withi n and organiz ed und er the laws of the Pro,j,,,. State of Oklahoma : Provi ded, That the limitation prescribed in Limitation on assess- me nt payment, not section 2 hereof that no assessment shall exceed the sum of $15 per applicable . acre on any allotment or portion thereof shall not apply to assess- ments approved hereunder : Provided further, That for the purpose Payment authorized of assessments in Little of payi ng suc h asse ssment s appr oved b y the S ecreta ry of the In terior River drainage d is- March 21, 1928, aga inst restr icte d lan ds wi thin the Littl e Riv er tries' drainage district Numbered 2, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Post, p. 103x. Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2,720 .94, to be reimbursable as provided in section 2 of this Act ." Approved, February 7, 1929 . February 8, 1929. CHAP. 162 .-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to sell [8 .4739 .1 certain Government-owned land at Manchester, New Hampshire .

[Public, No . 709 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United State s o f Americ a in C ongres s assem bled, That the Secretary Sal e of part of public of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered, in bui ldi n g site at, a uthor- his discretion, to sell to the highest bidder, after public advertise- ment, for an amoun t not less t han $2 0,000, the ea sterly twent y-five feet of the Government-owned site at Manchester, New Hampshire y at such time and upon such terms as he may deem to be to the best Approved, February 7, 1929 . CHAP. 161 .-An Act To amend section 3 of Public Act Numbered 230 Feb 13507 .19 (Thirty-seventh Statutes at Large, page 194) . [Public, No . 708.1