Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1287

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 270. 1929. Administrative ex- For the purpose of making studies, investigations, and reports panes

investigating placements, etc . regarding the vocational rehabilitation of disabled persons and their Vol . 41, p. 735; Vol . placements in suitable or gainful occupations, and for the adminis- 43,p.432. trative expenses of said board incident to performing the duties U. S. Code, pp . 649, imposed by the Act of June 2, 1920 (U. S. C., p. 649, sets. 33-42), 948 . as amended by the Act of June 5, 1924 (U.S. C s p . 948, sec 31), Off ice personnel , etc . inclu ding salar ies of su ch as sist ants, expe rts, c~er ks, a nd ot her employees in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, as the board may deem necessary, actual traveling and other necessary expenses incurred by the members of the board and by its employees, under its orders ; including attendance at meetings of educational associations and other organizations, rent and equipment of offices in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, pu rchase of books of reference, law books, and periodicals, payment in advance for subscriptions to news- papers not to exceed $50 per annum, stationery, typewriters and exchange thereof, miscellaneous supplies, postage on foreign mail, printing and binding to be done at the Government Printing Office, and all other necessary expenses, $79,120, of which amount not to exceed $58,08 0 may be exp ended for pe rsonal servic es in the Di strict of Columbia. Appropriations available to the Federal Board for Vocational Education for salaries and expenses shall be available for expenses of attendance at meetings of educational associations and other organiz ations which in th e disc retion of the board are n ecessa ry for the efficient discharge of its responsibilities . Total, Federal Board for Vocational Education, $822,520 . Rent, etc. Printing and bind- ing. Servi ces in the D is- trict. Attendance at meet- ings allowed from ex- penses of the board. Federal Power Com- mission. All expenses. Vol. 41, p . 1063. Personal services. Printing and bind- ing . Federal Radio Com- mission . Commissioners. Post, p.1559. All other expenses . Vol.44,p. 1162 . Reporting wi tho ut advertising . R. S., sec. 3709, p. 733 . U.S. Code, p .1309. Services in the Dis- trict . Federal Trade Com- mission . Commissioners. Ali other expenses . Vol. 38, p. 717. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of the Federal Power Commission as authorized by law, including traveling expenses ; contract stenographic reporting services, and not exceeding $600 for press-clipping service, law books, books of refer- ence, and periodicals, $165,750, of which amount not to exceed $131,800 shall be available for personal services, and of this amount not to exceed $127,200 shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia . For all printing and binding for the Federal $4,500. Total, Federal Power Commission, $170,250 . Power Commission, FEDERAL RADIO COMMISSION For five commissioners, at $30 each per diem, $45,000 . For all other authorized expenditures of the Federal Radio Com- mission in performing the duties imposed by the Radio Act of 1927, as amended, including personal services, contract stenographic report- ing services without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Stat- utes (U. S . C ., p . 1309, sec . 5), printing and binding, supplies and equipment, travel and other necessary expenses, $119,440, of which amount not to exceed $81,440 may be expended for personal services in the Di strict of Co lumbia . Tota l, F edera l Rad io C ommis sion, $164 ,440 . FEDE RAL T RADE C OMMIS SION For five commissioners at $10,000 each per annum, $50,000 . For all other authorized expenditures of the Federal Trade Com- mission in performing the duties imposed by law or in pursuance of law, including secretary to the commission and other personal serv-