Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1405

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 366. 1929 . Courts martial, etc ., expenses. Deserters, etc . Payment for appre- For the apprehension, securing, and delivering of soldiers absent hension of, etc .

without leave and of deserters, including escaped military prisoners, and the expenses incident to their pursuit ; and no greater sum than $50 for each deserter or escaped military prisoner shall, in the dis- cretion of the Secretary of War, be paid to any civil officer or citizen Donation to die- for such services and expenses ; for a donation of $10 to each prisoner charged prisoners,

discharged otherwise than honorably upon his release from confine- ment under court-martial sentence involving dishonorable discharge, $1 70,0 00. Finance Service . Pay of clerks, etc. Private property damages. Payment of claims for . Proviso . Sett lemen t by Gen- eral Accounting Office . Destruction of pri- vate property of offi- cers, etc . Payment of claims for, in the service . Vol.41,p.1436. U.S. Code, p. 989. Quart ermas ter C orps . Payments. Commutation allow- ances . EXPENSES OF COURTS-MARTIAL For expenses of courts-martial, courts of inquiry, military com- missions, retiring boards, and compensation of reporters and wit- nesses attending same, contract stenographic reporting services, and expenses of taking depositions and securing other evidence for use before the same, $80,000. APPREHENSION OF DESERTERS, AND SO FORTH FI NA NCE SERVICE For compensation of clerks and other employees of the Finance Depar tment, $1,110 ,000. CLAIMS FOR DA MA GES TO AND LO SS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY For payment of claims not exceeding $500 each in amount for damages to or loss of private property incident to the training, prac- tice, o peration, or maintenance of the Army tha t have accrued , or may hereafter accrue, from time to time, $16,000 : Provided, That settlem ent of such c laims shall be made by the General Accoun ting Office, upon the approval and recommendation of the Secretary of War, where the amount of damages has been ascertained by the War Department, and payment thereof will be accepted by the owners of the property in full satisfaction of such damages . CLA IMS O F OFF ICERS , ENL ISTED MEN, AND NURSES OF THE ARMY FOR DESTR UCTIO N OF PRIVA TE PR OPERT Y For the payment of claims of officers, enlisted men, and nurses of the Army for private property lost, destroyed, captured, abandoned, or damaged in the military service of the United States, under the provisions of an Act approved March 4, 1921 (U . S . C ., p. 989, sees . 218-222), $5,000 . QUARTERMASTER CORPS Subsi stenc e . Purchase of supplies Subsistence of the Army . Purchase of subsistence supplies : For for issue as rations . issue as rations to troops, including retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, civil employees when entitled thereto, hospital matrons, applicants for enlistment while held under observation, general prisoners of war (including Indians held by the Army as prisoners, but for whose subsistence appropriation is not otherwise mad e), In dians employ ed by the A rmy as guid es and scout s, and general prisoners at posts ; for the subsistence of the masters, officers, crews, and employees of the vessels of the Army Transport Service ; hot coffee for troops traveling when supplied with cooked or travel ra ti ons

meals for recruiting parties and applicants for enlistment

Sales to officers, etc . while under observation ; for sales to officers, including members of the Officers' Reserve Corps while on active duty, and enlisted men of the Army . For payments : Of the regulation allowances of com- mutation in lieu of rations to enlisted men on furlough, enlisted men