Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1418

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1367 experimental purposes for the engineering and artillery and military j art departments and enlisted specialists division ; for purchase and binding of professional books treating of military and scientific sub- ects for library, for use of school, and for temporary use in coast defenses ; for incidental expenses of the school, including chemicals, stationery, printing and binding ; hardware ; materials ; cost of spe- cial instruction of officers detailed as instructors ; employment of tempora ry, tec hnical, or sp ecial s ervices ; for of fic e f urn itu re and fi x- tures, machinery, and motor trucks ; and unforeseen expenses ; in all, $29,205 : Provided, That section 3648, Re vis ed Statutes (U. S. C., p. Provisos . 1009, sec . 529), shall not apply to subscriptions for foreign and pro- R s5ecls, etc . p .718. fessional newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this appro- U.S. Code, p.1009. priation : Provided further, That purchase and exchange of typewrit- p ~pecial t ypewriter ing machines, to be paid for from this appropriation, may be made at the special price allowed to schools teaching stenography and typewriting without obligating typewriter companies to supply these machines to all departments of the Government at the same price . UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY

Military Academy . PAY OF MIL IT ARY ACADEMY

Pay. Permanent establishment : For eight professors, $30,159 ; chaplain, Professors, etc . $4,000 ; constructing quartermaster in addition to his regular pay, $1,000 ; additional pay of professors for length of service, $11,579 ; subsistence allowance of professors, $4,092 ; in all, $50,830. For cadets, $929,828.

Cadets . Civilians : For pay of employees, $256,628 .

Civilians . All of the money hereinbefore appropriated for pay of the Military fund constitute one Academy shall be disbursed and accounted for as pay of the Military Academy, and for that purpose shall constitute one fund . MAINTE NANCE , UNI TED S TATES MILI TARY ACAD EMY For text and reference books for instruction ; increase and expense of librar y (not exceedi ng $6,000) ; office equipment and supplies ; stationery, blank books, forms, printing and binding, and peri- odicals ; diplomas for graduates (not exceeding $1,100) ; expense of lectures ; apparatus, equipment, supplies, and materials for purposes of instructi on and athlet ics, and main tenance and re pair thereof

musical instruments and maintenance of band ; care and maintenance of organ ; equipment for cadet mess ; postage, telephones and tele- grams ; freight and expressage ; transportation of cadets and accepted cadets from their homes to the Military Academy and discharged cadets, including reimbursement of traveling expenses ; for payment of commutation of rations for the cadets of the United States Mili- tary Aca demy in lieu of the regu lar esta blis hed rati on ; maintenanc e of children's school (not exceeding $12,200) ; contingencies for super- intendent of the academy (not to exceed $3,000) ; expenses of the members of the Board of Visitors (not exceeding $1,500) ; contingent fund, to be expended under the direction of the Academic Board (not exceeding $500) ; improvement, repair, and maintenance of buildings and grounds (including roads, walls, and fences) ; shoot- ing galleries and ranges ; cooking, heating, and lighting apparatus and fixtures and operation and maintenance thereof ; maintenance of water, sewer , and plumbin g systems ; maintenan ce of and repa irs to cadet camp ; fire extinguishing apparatus ; machinery and tools and repair of same ; maintenance, repair, and operation of motor- propelled ve hicles, and p urchase of th ree such passe nger-carrying vehicl es for offici al use (two at a cos t not e xceedin g $2,5 00 ea ch, and 0 Maintenance: Designated expenses . Boar d of Visit ors .