Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1466

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHs. 415, 416 . 1929 . CHAP. 415 .-An Act To repeal certain provisions of law relating to the Federal building at Des Moines, Iowa . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the last three paragraphs of section 20 of the Act entitled "An Act to increase the limit of cost of certain public buildings ; to authorize the enlarge- m ent, ext ensi on, remo deli ng, or i mpro veme nt of ce rtai n pu blic buildings ; to authorize the erection and completion of public buildings ; to authorize the purchase of sites for public buildings

and for other pu rpo se s," approved Ma rch 4, 1913, as amended, are hereby repealed . Approved, March 1, 1929 . INS TIT UTI ON OF PR OCE EDI NGS 1415 March 1, 1929 . [H. R. 13957.1 [Public, No. 866 .] Des Moines, Iowa . Sale of present Fed- eral building at, re- pe aled . Vol .37, p .884, amend- ed. CHAP. 416 .-An Act To provide for the acquisition of land in the District

March 1, 46 .] of Columbia for the use of the United States .

[Public, [11 . , . 13461 No. 867 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That when ever the h ead of any executive department or independent bureau, or ot her officer of the United States, or any board or commission of the United States, hereinafter referred to as the acquiring authority, has been, or hereafter shall be, authorized by law to acquire real property in the Dis tr ict of Columbia for the construction of any pub lic buil ding or work, or for par ks, park ways, pu blic pla ygrounds , or any other public purpose, such acquiring authority shall be, and hereby is, authorized to acquire the same in the name of the United St ates by cond emna tion und er j udic ial proc ess when ever in the opinion of such acquiring authority it is necessary or advantageous so to do ; and in every such case the Attorney General of the United States, upon the request of such acquiring authority, shall cause a proceeding in rem for such condemnation to be instituted in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a special term as a district court of the United States, which court is hereby vested with jurisdiction of all such cases of condemnation with full power to hear and determine all issues of law and fact that may arise in the same. District of Columbia . Heads of executive departments, etc ., au- thorized to acquire real estate in, for public purpose, may acquire the same by condemna- tion in the name of the United States . Proceeding in rem to be instituted in Dis- tri ct Suprem e Court holding special term as a district court. Institution of pro . ceedings . SEC. 2. Every such condemnation pro ce edi ng shall be ins ti tut ed be led .ed petition to by filing in said court a verified petition which shall contain or have contents . annexed thereto the following (1) A statement of the authority under which and the public use for which the lands are to be acquired . (2) A description of the lands to be acquired sufficient for the identification thereof. Where such lands, taken together, constitute all privately own ed la nd in any square in the city of Was hi ngt on it shall be sufficient t o designate the same by the numbe r of the square as the same appears on the records of squares in the office of the surv eyor of the Dist rict of Columbia . (3) A plan showing the lands to be acquired . (4) The names of the owners of the lands to be acquired, so far as a scertain able by reasonab le inqui ry, and of the pe rsons in actual and open possession of the same . If it shall appear from the land records of the District of Columbia that a right, title, interest, or esta te in sa id lands was for merly ve sted in any perso n who i s known, or m ay be pr esumed, to be de ceased, which ri ght, titl e, inter est, or estate, if valid and subsisting, would be adverse to the person in pres ent poss ession c laiming to be ow ner of s aid lands , and th e names Authority for . Description of lands . Plan . Names of owners, etc .