Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1554

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHs . 521-523 . 1929 . SEC. 2 . S uch cons ent is g iven upo n condit ion that a repre sentativ e of the United States fr om the Department of the Interior, to be appointed by the President, shall participate in the negotiations and shall make report to Congress of the proceedings and of any compact or agreement entered into. Other th an the compensation and expenses of such representative the United States shall not be liable for any expenses in connection with such negotiations, com- pact or agreement . The payment of such expenses of such represen- tative are auth orized t o be pai d from t he appro priation s for co oper- ative and general investigations for the Bureau of Reclamation . SEC . 3 . No such compact or agreement shall be binding or obliga- tory upon either of such States unless and until it has been approved by the legislature of each of suc h States and by the Congress of the United States . SEC . 4 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is herewith express ly reser ved . Approved, March 2, 1929 . CHAP. 522.-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to compacts or agree- ments between the States of New Mexico and Oklahoma with respect to the division and apportionment of the waters of the Cimarron River and all other stream s in wh ich su ch Stat es are jointl y inter ested . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress is hereby given to the States of New Mexico and Oklahoma to negotiate and enter into compacts or agreements providing for an equitable division and apportionment between such States of the water supply of the Cimarron River and of the streams tributary thereto and of all other streams in which such States are jointly inte res ted . SEC. 2 . Such consent is given upon condition that a representative of the United States fr om the Department of the Interior, to be appointed by the President, shall participate in the negotiations and shall make report to Congress of the proceedings and of any compact or agreement en te red into . Other than the compensation and expenses of such representative the United States shall not be liable for any expenses in connection with such negotiations, compact, or agreement. The payment of such expenses of such representative are authorized to be paid from the appropriations for cooperative and general investigations for the Bureau of Reclamation . SEC. 3 . No such compact or agreement shall be binding or obliga- tory upon either of such States unless and until it has been approved by the legislature of each of such States and by the Congress of the Unite d Sta tes . SEC . 4 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express ly reser ved . Appr ove d, March 2, 1929 . Amendme nt . March 2, 1929 . [A. R. 6496.] [Public, No . 948 .1 New Mexico and Oklahoma . Consent given for compacts between, for equitable division of water supply of Cimar- ron, etc., rivers . Federal re presenta . tive to take part in negotiations, and re- port to Congress . Expe nses limi ted . 1503 Federal re pre sen ta- tive to take part in negotiations, and re- port to Congress. Exp enses lim ited . Reclamation fund to be used . Com pact subj ect to approval of each Legis . lature and Congress. Reclamation funds to be used . Compact subject to approval of each Legis . lature and Congress. Amendmen t . March 2, 1929 . [S . 2366 .] [Public, No . 949.1 CHAP. 523 .-An Act To amend subchapter 1 of chapter 18 of the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia rel ating to degr ee-conferrin g institutio ns . Be it en act ed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress asse mbled, That subchapter 1 C District of Columbia of chapter 18 of the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia be Vol . 31, p. 1282, amended . amend ed by addin g the foll owing new sections :

Degr ee-c onfer ring in- " SEC. 586a . The fee payable to the recorder of deeds for filing Fee . g F for filing incorpo- the certificate of incorporation under this subchapter shall be $25 . rati on ce rtifi cate .