Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1615

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II. CI -T . 705. 1929. tute, together with the first-named sum of $110,000, the total appro- priation for contingent expenses for the department and its several bureaus and offices for the fiscal year 1930 . Books, periodicals, For the pu rchase or ex change of pr ofessio nal an d scie ntific books , etc. law and medical books, and books to complete broken sets, periodi- cals, directories, and other books of reference relating to the busi- ne ss of the de partme nt by the se veral offices and b ureaus of th e In- terior Department herein named, there is hereby made available from Of fice allot ments . any appropriations made for such bureau or office not to exceed the following respective sums : Office of the Secretary, $600 ; Pension Office, $800 ; Indian Service, $200 ; Bureau of Education, $1,500 ; Bureau of Reclamation, $2,000 ; Geological Survey, $2,000 ; National Park Service $500 ; General Land Office, $500 . Printing and bind-

PRINTING AND BINDING in g. For Department, bu- reaus, etc. For printing and binding for the Department of the Interior, in- cluding all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, except the Alaska Railroad and the Bureau of Reclamation, $295,000, of which $32,000 shall be for the National Park Service, $47,000 for the Bureau of Educa- tio n, and $150, 000 fo r the Geolog ical S urvey, of whi ch lat ter am ount not more than $35,000 may be used for engraving . General Land Office . GENER AL LA ND OFF ICE SA LARIES Commissioner, and office personnel .

For Commissioner of the General Land Office and other personal Acting depositary of services in the District of Columbia $717,600 : Provided, That the public moneys .

depositary acting for the commissioner as receiver of pubic moneys may, with the ap proval of th e comm issione r, des ignate a cle rk of the Clerk to sign land General Land Office to act as such depositary in his absence . One patents'

clerk of grade 1, clerical, administrative, and fiscal service, who shall be designated by the President, to sign land patents . General expenses,

G ENE RAL EXP ENS ES public lands . Traveling expenses, For tra veli ng e xpen ses of o ffi cers and emp loye es, inc ludi ng maps, etc. employment of stenographers and other assistants when necessary ; for separate maps of public-land States and Alaska, including maps showing areas designated by the Secretary of the Interior under the enlarged homestead Acts, prepared by the General Land Office ; for Restor ing lan ds in the reproduction b photolithography or otherwise of official plats national forests, etc . of surveys ; for expenses of restraion to the public domain of lands in forest reserves and of lands temporarily withdrawn for Hea ri ngs in la nd entries, etc . forest-reserve purposes ; and for expenses of hearings or other pro- ceedings held by order of the General Land Office to determine the character of lands, whether alleged fraudulent entries are of that character or have been made in compliance with the law, and of Depos ition

hearings in disbarment proceedings, $23,000 : Provided, That where eposition fees . depositions are taken for use in such hearings the fees of the officer taking them shall be 25 cents per folio for taking and certifying same and 5 cents per folio for each copy furnished to a party on request. LanOffice maps . For United States maps, prepared in the General Land Office, $15,000, all of which maps shall be delivered to the Senate and House of Representatives, except 10 per centum, which shall be delivered to the Commissioner of the General Land Office for official purp oses . All maps delivered to the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives hereunder shall be mounted with rollers ready for use .