Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1631

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 705. 1929. improvements, including $1,000 for enlargement of hospital, $8,000 ; for dining hall and kitchen, including equipment, $15,000

in all,

$58,625 ; Chema wa, S alem, Chemawa, Salem, Oregon : For seven hundred and fifty pupils, Oreg . includ ing n ative India n pup ils b rought from Alas ka, in cludi ng no t to exc eed $ 1,000 for printing and issuing school paper , $14 1,500 , together with $46,000 of the unexpended balance for support of this school for the fiscal year 1929 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and improvements, $20,000 ; for boys' dormitory Proviso . and equipment, $70 ,0 00, to be immediately available ; for boilers, Restriction on Alas- $25,000 ; in all, $256,500 : Provided, That except upon the individual kanatives .d of the Secretary of theor no pa rt of th is appropriation orer interi shall be used for the support or education at said school of any native pupil brought from Alaska after January 1, 1925 ; Fl andreau, S outh Dakot a : For four hundred pupils, $104,000 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and im- rovements, $15,000 ; for hospital and equipment, $35,000 ; in all, i .4,000 ; Pierre, Sou th Dakota : For three hundred pupils, $78,000 ; for pay of sup erint enden t, dra yage, and genera l rep airs and im prove ments , $47,000, including $35,000 for enlarging and remodeling buildings i in all, $125,000 ; I3ayward, Wisconsin : For one hundred and sixty pupils, $45,600 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and im- provements, $10,000, including $2,000 for a schoolroom and equip- ment ; in all, $55,600 ; Tomah, Wisc ons in : For t hree hundred and twenty-fiv e pupils, $8 4, 50 0 ; for pay of super intenden t, draya ge, and general repairs and improvements, $12,000 ; for employee's cottage, $3,500 ; for septic tank and extension of sewer line, $3,500 ; and for the Lindley M. Co mp ton gymnasium and equipment, $30,000 ; in all, $133,500 ; Proviso .

In all, for above-named boarding schools, not to exceed $3,889,500 : Purchase of library books.

Provided, That not less than $6,000 of this amount shall be available only for purchase of library books. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to withdraw from the Treasury of the United States, in his discretion, the sum of $35,000, or so much therof as may be necessary, of the pri ncipal sum on depo sit to the credit of the Chi ppew a In dian s in the Sta te of Minnesota arising und er se ct ion 7 of the Act of Ja nua ry 14, 188 9 (25 Stat ., p . 645), and to expend the same f or pa yment of tu ition for Chippewa Indian children enrolled in the public schools of the State of Minnesota . For support of a school or schools for the Chippewas of the Mississippi in Minnesota (article 3, treaty of March 19, 1867), $4,000 . For the education of Osage children, $8,000, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma : Provided, That the expenditure of said mon ey sh all include the re ne wal of the present contract wi th the Saint Louis Mission boarding school, except that there shall not be expended more than $240 for annual support and education of any one pupil . For aid to the common sc ho ols in the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole Nat ions and the Quapaw Agency in Okla- homa, $250.000, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, and under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him Provided, That this appropriation shall not be subject to the limita- tion in section 1 of the Act of May 25, 1918 (U. S. C., p. 708, sec. 297), limiting the expenditure of money to educate children of less than one-fourth Indian blood . Flandreau, S . Dak . Pierre, S . Dak. Hayward, Wis. Tomah, Wis . Chippewas of Min - neso ta . Tuition of chi ldr en in State schools from tribal funds . Vol . 25, p. 645. Chippewas of the Mississippi . School for . Vol. 16, p. 720. Osages in Oklahoma . Educa ting chi ldre n from tribal funds . Proviso . Sain t L ouis Boardin g Scho ol . Five Civilized Tribes . Common schools . Proviso . Parentage limitation not applicable . Vol . 40, p. 564 . U. S. Code, p. 708.