Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1672

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1621 INDEPENDENT OiICES For housing for war needs, $1,782 . For salaries, General Accounting Office, $7 .50. For salaries and expenses, Board of Tax Appeals, $3. For increase of compensation, Veterans' Bureau, $1,071 .33 . For salar ies an d expe nses, Vetera ns' Bu reau, $ 322 .5 5 . For vocational rehabilitation, Veterans' Bureau, $1,538 .68 . DEP ART MENT OF AG RIC ULT URE For genera l expe nses, Forest Servi ce, $30 9 .22 .

cuDtepe tment of Agri . For general expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, $12 .18. For salaries and expenses, Federal Horticultural Board, $3 .21 . DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE For district and cooperative office service, Department of Com- m DCe artment of Com- merce, $6.58 . For inves tigati ng min e acci dents, $126 .5 7 . DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR For Geological Survey, $42 . For Wind Cave National Park, $30 . For Army pensions, $155 . For relieving distress and prevention, and so forth, of diseases among Indians, $18 . For Indian schools, support, $130.72. For support and civilization of Indians, $189 . For support of Indians in California, $2 .63 . DEPARTME NT OF JU STICE For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, t, apartment of Jus- $1295.73 . For salaries and expenses, district attorneys, $111 .83 . For salaries and expenses of clerks, United States courts, $4,293 .00 . DEPARTMENT OF LABOR For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Naturalization, $1 . Fo r sala ries a nd exp enses, Commi ssione rs of C oncili ation, $4 .5 0 . For general expenses, Children's Bureau, $6 .05. For expenses of regulating immigration $281 .64. For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Labor Statistics, $1 .90. NAVY DEPARTMENT Independent offices . Interior Department . DepartmentofLabor. For pay, miscellaneous, $43 .81 .

Navy Department. For increase of compensation, Naval Establishment, $1 .74. For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $295 .03 . For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $42. For pay of the Navy, $2,626 .11 . For provisions, Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $75 .11 . For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $81 .29. For freight, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $62 .93. Fo r avia tion, Navy, $5,657 .5 0 . For pay, Marine Corps, $166 .61 . For general expenses, Marine Corps, $132 .73 . For maintenance, Quartermaster's Department, Marine Corps, $243 .48 . For scr apping of na val ve ssels, $3,59 0 .76 .