Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1750

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S EVEN TIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHs. 713, 714 . 1929 . appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives . The commission is authorized and directed to investigate the needs for airports and aviation fields of the War Department, the Navy Department, the Post Office Department, the Department of Com- merce, and the District of Columbia, and to report to the Congress as soon as practicable but in no event later than December 15, 1929 . the results of its investigation, together with its recommendations of sites, plans, and suitable allocation of costs . SEC. 2 . For the purposes of this resolution the commission, or any committee thereof, is authorized to hold such hearings, to sit and act at such times and places, to employ such experts and clerical, stenogra phic, an d other assistan ts, to r equire b y subpoen a or oth er- wise the a ttenda nce o f suc h witn esses and the pr oduct ion o f such books, p apers, a nd docum ents, to adminis ter such oaths, t o take s uch tes ti mon y, and to ma ke su ch expenditures, as it de ems advisable . The cost of sten ographic service s in rep orting h earings s hall not be in excess of 25 cents per hundred words . The expenses of the com- mission, which shall not exceed $2,000, shall be paid one-half from the contingent fund of the Senate and one-half from the contingent fund of the House of Representatives upon vouchers approved by the chairman of the commission . SEC. 3. The commission shall cease to exist upon the submission of its report to the Congress in accordance with the provisions of this reso lut ion . Approved, March 4, 1929 . 1699 Inv est ig ati on of needs for, of Depart- ments of War, Navy, Post Office and Com- merce, and District of Columbia. Rep ort and recom- mendations n ot later than Dece mber 12,1 929 . Power s co nferr ed . Sum autho rized in equal amount from contingent funds of Senate and House . commission to cease upon submit ting re- port. CHAP. 714 .-Joint Resolution To create a commission to secure plans and de-

March 4,1929.

[S. for and to erect a memorial building for the National Memorial Association

.J.Res.o [Pub. Res. No . 107 .] (Incor porated ), in the cit y of Wa shingt on, as a tribu te to the neg ro's co ntribu - tion to the achievements of America . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o America in Con gress assem bled That a commission is Nat io nal Memorial Commission. hereby created, composed of fifteen members, of whom the Director creation and com- of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, the position . Supervising Architect of the Treasury, and the Architect of the Capitol shall be ex officio members, the twelve additional members to be appointed b y the President, to be known as National Memorial To pr ocu re plans, etc ., of building for Commission, to pro cu re and determine upon a location, plans, and National Memorial As- designs for a memorial building suitable for meetings of patriotic soci ation (inc orpor ated) g


as a trib ute to the organizations, public ceremonial events, the exhibition of art and negro's ach evements inventions, and placing statues and tablets, for the National Memo- m America . vi al Association (Incorporated), in the ci ty of Washington, as a tribute to the negro's contribution to the achievements of America . SEC. 2. That the construction of the memorial herein and hereby c . Determi nation of au tho ri zed shall be up on su ch si te as shall be det er min ed by the site. co mmi ss ion herein cr ea ted and approved by the Commission of Fi ne Ar ts, and sa id construction shall be ent er ed up on as speedily as pl an s ucti o af ter design practicable aft er the pla n and design therefor is de ter mi ned and proved . approved by the Commission of Fi ne Ar ts, and sh all be prosecuted to com pletion, under t he direc tion of said com mission and the super- sup ervis ion . vision of the Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the Nation al Capit al, unde r a cont ract or contract s as may be auth orized Contract authorized y

for sum provided by to be entered into by said commission ina total sum not less than the National Memor- ial Asso ciati on ( Incor - $500,000, which sum shall be provided by voluntary contributions, porated) . under auspices of the National Memorial Association (Incorporated), in accordance with plans to be authorized by said commission .