Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1757

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vi INDEX. Alaaka Railroad-Continued. Paae. appropriatioa for maintenance, etc•• payments for injuries____ ._ 2 4 1,1604 . additional, from receipta_ _____ 241, 1604 Alaaka Salmon F..Mria, . preserviq ealmon for sale 88 food un- lawful unless canned, etc., witJUn 48 aours after kill1ng_~________ 1349 Albania, appropriation for minister to_______ 65, 1096 Albany, N. Y .; . appropriation for publio buildiDg. __ 17 7,1041 Albright, A. S., . appointed on Board of Managers of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers____________ 1015 AZbrook Field, Canol Zone, I amount authorized for constructing landing field, Aritly Air Corpe__ 130 construction for Air Corps, authorized at________ ~-------_------- 149, 1303 of buildings authoriznd at_~ ____ '148, 1303 f1 dispensary at__________________ .. 1301 foraviation__ ·____________________ 1303 sum authorized for heavy aea-going Air Albuquerq<;:r~B~:.ndi~-8cAoofii;': 1425 ~, . appropJi&tion tor care of reservation patientl_____________________ 1582 A~!.N.Mu., appropriation for Indian eobool at__ 218, U579 for publio buildinS---------------- 1041 deficiency appropnation for publio bundirig _________________ ~___ 918 Alburg, ve., .... appropriation for publio b~_____ 1041 defioienol appropriation for publJo building at____________________ 918 bridge .ulhorlzed across Lake Cham- W~,·TarmstroBot (talk) 00:55, 25 September 2010 (UTC)__TarmstroBot (talk) _ _TarmstroBot (talk) 00:55, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 1178 Alcatra.lalafl4, Calif••. ('.onstruotion.of 4rIDy bunc!inga author- ized at__ ~____________________ 748 Alder_, W. Va., appropriation for Institution for Women, maintenance________ 82, 1113 defioiency appropriation for Insiitution for Women; reappropriation for Al(1Of11l'Uin, IU., bridie authorUed across Fox River, Pap. near_________________________ 383 Aliullille, Ala., bridge authorized across Tombigbee River, at ____________________ 310 Alien Property Cmtodian (868 alao Settle- mentol War C1ahns Act of 1928), appropriation for offioe expenses ofl r~l3~I:t!TarmstroBot (talk):~_~__O_~ _~_ 574 defioienoy appropriation for salaries and expenses_____________________ 1616 investment in partioiI-~ting certificates of funds hel,~n~b----uu------ 268 amount from ocated interest fund________________________ 268 property, etc., considered &8 owned by German Government to be trans- ferred to special deposit account by__________________________ 269 issue ~:.e~~__~__~!~~t~~ 269 property, etc.J . of Austrian and Hun- garian UOV(lrnments to be trans- ferred to tleir special deposit accounts_____________________ 269 additional returns of property by____ 274)-273 allocation of unallocated interest fund, and payments therefrom_ ______ 273 amounts paid to, for patenta, etc., by United States, to be returned.__ _ 274 may waive demapd for returnable property,etc_________________ 274 payment to per!IOns entitled to income of property held in trust by_____ 275 computation and payment of woome, etc., taxes on property held by__ 276 tax of 30 per cent on sales of prop- erty_________________________ 276 sales considered &8 involuntary con- VenDons_____________________ 276 no penalty 888el!8ed on tax while prop- erty held by Custodian_________ 276 statua of suite brought on royalties fer ~atents, etc., held by_______ ~__ 277 1'e8trictlons on returns to insurance companiesrepealed____________ 277 time extended one yesr for filing claims ~th_________________________ 1255 construction, etc_____________ _ chapel at Industrial lnatitution for Women at, may be conatructed Aliena (8. alao Naturalization), 22 appropriation for enfOJ'OiDllaws ~1a- tiug immigration of, under De- from funds contributed therefor_ 1509 right of way &01'018 Federal Industrial Institution premiaes, granted to, !or,.publio h!'hway___________ _ AluandnIJ 1SGfI. N . Y., . bridp authori.led aorosa Saint Lawrenoe River, near___________________ 1552 Aluandna, Va., appropriation for customhouse, etc., additional site, construotion, etc_ 177i 104 AVolla, appropriation for testing commercial seeds "Jf, etc_______________ 650,1201 for preventing admission of adulter- ated______________________ ~ 1201 for investigating improvement 01.. _ _ 1202 defioienoy appropriation for introduo- tion of wilt-resistant varieties of__________________________ 1633 partment of State___________ 67,1098 for enforcing laws regulating admis- sion 01.. __________________ 107,1137 for expenses, naturalization ot. __ 107,1138 formedioal examination of,by Publio Health Service ____________ 174, 1039 deficienoy appropriation for expenses regulating admilJ8ion of- - - - - - - _ 44J 907,934, 1618, 1621, 1641, 1671 for enforcing laws re1)!ating immi- TarmstroBot (talk) 00:55, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_o!:TarmstroBot (talk)___ 00:55, 25 September 2010 (UTC):~~ annual quota. ratio for admlasiona, de- ferred untn 1929_____________ 400 deportation, eto., provisions__________ 1551 exemption of American Indiana born in CanlMia, from restrictions of Immigration Aot of 1924_______ 401 registry of, eligible for citisenahip, bav- ing no record of admission for permanent resideDCe___________ 1512