Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1767

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xvi INDEX. Army-Continued. p .... appropriation for Air Corps ex- penses____________________ 337,1360 allotments for deoignated ob- jects_________________ ~ ___ _ 337,1361 conaultingengineers __ • _______ 838, 1361 experimental and reeearch· work' balances available__________ 338, 1361 contraCts for new alrplanee etc_ 338, 1361 paymentofincurredobligatloDB_ 338,1362 restriction On exhibition fiights_ 339, 1362 purchase of airplanes equipped with designated engines, lor- bLdden.______________________ 1362 for Medical Department, supplies_ 339, 1362 Ho~ 8prinp,.Ark., hospitaL ___ 340, 1363 uae for Meaical and Surgical His-

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for hospital care, Canal Zone garri- BODB _______________________ 340, 1363 for Army Medical Mul8um ______ 340, 1363, for oTarmstroBot (talk) 00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC) ___00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC) __ _TarmstroBot (talk), 1363 for care, etc., insane Filipino and Porto Rican soldiers__________ 340 for care, etc."insane Filipino soldiers_ 1363 for Engineer Department, expenaes of depots __________________ 341, 1363 for Engineer SChooL___________ 341,1363 forequipmentoftrooPfl.. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 341,1364 forfieldoperatioDB _____________ 341,1364 purchase of optiOIl8 on mate- riala... _________________ .. _ __ 341, 1364 for military surveys and mal»_ ___ 342, 1364 offices to assist_________________ 342 for Ordnance Department, manu- - facture, etc., of ordnance mate- rial ______________________ 34~ 1364 supplies andservicee__________ 342, 1363 ammunitionformllitarysal__ 342,1365 couaulting ensineen---------- 342.1363 for ordnance stores; ammunition___ 342 for manufacture of arms___________ 342 for preeerviDs, etc., ordnance and ordnanceatortis_______________ 342 for ordnance stores and supplies for troope.______________________ 342 for automatio machine rifles_______ 343 for tanka, purchase,repalr,etc------ 343 for Field Artillery armament_______ 348 for proving grounds_______________ 343 for Rock rsland Arsenal___________ 343 for Moline-Rock Ialand bridge_ __ 343, 1365 for' testing machlnes..______________ 343 for repairs of arsenals_ __________ 344, 1365 for procuring gauges, etc., for arma- ment manufacture_________ 844,1365 for Chemical Warfare Service, ex- for rm=rY-&hooi,-Fort-~itn3g44, 1363 <la_______________________ 344, 1365 for tank I8rvice________________ 344, 1366 for ~.!~_TarmstroBot (talk)!~ __TarmstroBot (talk) __~e145, 1366 for Field Artillery School, Fort Bill. Okla_____________________ 34 ~ 1366 for Field Artillery instruction at flring centers___________________ 34~ 1366 for Coast Artillery School, Fort Mon- roe, Va ___________________ 345,1366 for Military Academy__________ 345,1367 for Militia Bureau_____________ 347,1368 for National Guard, arming, equip- ping, and training__________ 347,1368 Armll-Continued. p .... appropriation for forage, bedding, etc. foranimals________________ 347,1368 for care of animals, materials, and equipInent________________ 347,1368 for In8truction camps ___________ 347,1368 for expenses, attending I8rvice schools ___________________ 347,1368 for f:~:.._~~ __TarmstroBot (talk) 00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_ ~47, 136d for equipment and instruction ex- peDBeB ____________________ 347, 1368 for travel expenaea of Regular Army officers ____ ·__ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ 347,136.9 WarDepartmentGeneralStaft'_ 347,1369 for transporting supplies, etc____ 347, 1369 for e~penses Army enlisted men on Natio;;;.\ Guard duty_______ 347,1369 for ld~~f_00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~_~_aTarmstroBot (talk)_~~0~~7, 1369 interchangeableappropriations_ 347,1369 lor arms equipment, etc., for field ser;toe ___________________ 34~ 1369 new airplanes, etc____________ 347,1369 clothing, equipment, etc., for field service ___________________ 34~ 1369 reduotion of Inounted, ete. . units _____________________ 347,1369 for OfIlcers' Reserve Corps______ 348, 1369 mileage allowed for training___ 348, 1370 for En1l8ted Reserve Corps_ _____ 848, 1370 for purchase of training manuals, blank forms, etc___________ 348, 1370 for establishing head9uartel'8', train- ing camps, administration ex- penses, etc ________________ 348, 1370 purchase of new airplanes etc_______________________ 348, 1370 Inedi;:al and hospital treatment if injured in line of duty; burial .e~------------------ 348, 1370 un:=~___~~ _ __~~!'..~ 349 allotment for divisional and regi- mental headquarters _______ 349,1310 use of other funds forbidden ___ 349, 1370 period of pay officers on active duty; ~~ detalls________ 349, 1371 additional from purchaees of dis- charge by enlisted men_ _______ 1370 reStriction on flight training to Officers' Reserve COrps________ 1370 for Medical Reserve Corps in care of Veterans' Bureau patients in Army hospitals ____________ 349,1371 for Reserve Officers' Training Corps, quartel'Dl88ter supplies to units, etc_______________________ 349, 1371 expenses of tralnfng camps, sub- sistence, etc_______________ 349,1371 commutation of subsistence, senior division members __________ 350,1371 Inedicai treatment if injured in line of duty; burial expenses_____ 350, 1371 uniforms, etc., from Army surplus ~k_____________________ 350, 1371 price current at time of issue to . govern payments __________ 350,1372 additional mounted, etc., Units forbidden _________________ 350,1372 use of other funds forbidden ___ 350, 1372 traDBportation, etc., of competitors in national rifle match________ 850 for supplies and equipment for other schools and colleges ________ 350,1372