Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1778

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INDEX. xxvii Boo1:kHpi", IJ1ICI W Gr7'GftII DiNitna, 1'.... approp~7:70~C~'riIion,aod oft)oe~ ___________ 166,1031 for contiDpni e:speMeII, publio 1D0087&.__________________ 166, 1031 for IeOOiDap of gold and lDiDor ~ ____________________ 160,1031 defioien~:00:58, 25 September 2010 (UTC)r_TarmstroBot (talk) 29 BooUdxIy H4t6or, Jle., . defioienoy appropriation for fish cultural statton, pow~r vesael__________ 16 Btn'ongtm, BtJ'IfItS'r, P. 1 ., . defioieDcy appropriation for Army ren~fn ________________ 1623,1674 Bo.ttm Airport, BMI BOlton, MOl'., 1D0ving, reerecting, ~tc., of, authorized_ 1303 BOBWn, CtJpe. Cod, and New Y tn'k Canal Company, deficienoy appropriation for payment _of bonda ot. ____________________ , 914 BOBWn, MOl'., . appropriation for passport bureau ___ 65, 1096 for extendins marine hOlPital build- ~---------_--------------- 176 for rental of pneUlD8tio iubea for JDaiJ. transDQUqdon _______________ 189,1052 for nayy yard, public works_____ 630. 1463 for poet o16ce, etc., building________ 1041 deficienoy appropriation for navy yard, for je'!!':utiTarmstroBot (talk)-p;;;eDt-bd-eo~: 24 atruction of new poet office, etc., building_____________________ 919 for reDlodeling, etc., iDunigrant at&- tion_________________________ 1656 investigations directed as to feasibility ofex1enciing facilities of Inland Waterways Corporation to in- land water route to Beaufort, N. C ., frolD__________________ 981 BOBton Villoge, Pa.,. bridge authorizea &CI'088 Youghiogheny River, between Versailles and_ _ 1169 Bolanic Garden, D. C:z.... . appropriatlc.n for .lJirecwr, and o~ personalservices___________ 627,1397 for repairs, improvelDents, etc_ __ 627, 1397 for installing elDergency heating ~~p:rt:haH8-0rD_;;"8i<!~' 1397 pernutted without advertising_ _ 628.l 1391 for constructing buildings, etc., on newmte___________________ _ deficienoy appropriation for enlarge- lDent and relocation of_______ _ for replacing nllJ'lery 8tock, repairing flood damages, etc___________ _ for aalariea, 1929, under___________ _ Boulder Canyon Projed Act, purpose declared for controlling floods of Colorado River____________ _ hnPft~~h:TarmstroBot (talk) 00:58, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_00:58, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~! providing 8torage waters for reclama- tion of publio lands, eto_______ _ generating electrical energy to make project self 8Upporting, etc____ _ subject to terms of Colorado River CODlpact ____________________ _ 1397 4 1609 1676 1007 1007 1057 105T 1057 Boulder Ca.." . Proj«l Ac:l-Continaed. daJn, etc., to be OODBtruobed. operated, eto. in Dl&in 8tream 01 the Ri'Yer at ~k, or Boulder Canyon__ _ capacity of l'8I8I 'Vofr to be made by dlJD- _____ ~ _________________ _ canal, etc., entirely within the United States, authorised to coDDeCt ~ or other daDl, with IID- ~aUf__ ~~__~~_TarmstroBot (talk)8~ expeneee reimbursable uDder reoJa.. JD&tion law__________________ _ not froDl revenues froDl daDl at the ~=:1h! ~.:00:58, 25 September 2010 (UTC) complete plant to be oonstructed at the daID to develop electrical energy froID water diIoh&rpd from the reaervofr ____________________ _ necell8&l'Y larDds, riPts of way, ete., to be acquired_________________ _ Colorado River DaJn fond established_ available for exeoutiag the Act ____ _ revenues to be paid into and expendi- turesmadeoutof______ ".. _____ _ advanoea to fund froID time to time by Secretary of the Treasury_____ _ aggrep.te not to exoeed 8UDl of $1~'O:OOlOOO- - --------------- 8um allocated to flood control _____ _ repaytDent out of per centuID of revenaee, .in exoeaa of the peri- odical payment. during aDlor- tiutiODo.__ ;,._-________________ _ deferred payments; interest_____ _ interest payable out of the fund____ _ lDoneY8 available far eoDlltluotion. andinteftRduringcm.tructto~ not for operation and Dl&intenance except fl"ODI appropriations ~or_____________________ _ interest on, chargeable each year; rate ________________________ _ on deferred p&YJD6Dta-- ________ _ aDlount in excess of oonatruoti,?n1 etc., requireDlenta to be certinea each year as repa~nta of____ _ to be covered into the Treasury__ _ 8UDl8, Dot to· exceed In agsrepte $165,000,000, authorilled______ _ Act not effecti'Y8,_nor work to begin, etc., uDtU Colorado River CODl- pact be ratified by seven desig- nated States_________________ _ to be declared by proclamation of the PTeddent________________ _ or, on fallure).. then by six States, in- cluding \,;~ waiving rati- fication by each of the seven States ______________________ _ to be declared by proolaDlation of the President________________ _ until CalifOrnia irrevocably agree, for benefit of Arizona, etc., upon designated annual aDlount of water froID the apportioDDlent to lower buin states by the COIDpact ____________________ _ plus not Dlore than one-half of any surplus unapportioned waters__ agreelDent authorized by Arizona, Cali- fornia, and Nevada for appor- tioDDlent of waters to the lower basin States_________________ _ 1057 1057 1067 1057 1067 1067 1067 1057 1057 1057 1057 1067 1057 1057 1057 1057 10liS 10liS 10liS 1058 1058 1058 1058 1008 1058 1058 1058 1058 1058 1059