Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1786

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INDEX. Bureou oJ BflgiftMf'ifl{l, Nllw-Contfnued. PMe. defioiencyappropriationforenglneeriDg_ 24,42 J 44, 47, 9M, 937, HU8, 1621, 1671 for field service, increued compensa- tion g 1929____________________ 1648 BunIIJU 1n~~':n3~n~t~':. Treasury pepar&meIlt). BunIIJU of E~ (_ Entomology llureau, Department of Agricul- ture). B_u 01 Fwkenu (," Fisheries Bureau, De~artment 01 Commerce). Bureau of Foreign and DomMie Cum- meru (," Foreign and Domestio Commerce Bureau, Department of Commerce). Bureau 01 Home ECOflOfftm (,ee Home Economics Bureau, Department of Agriculture). BUTeaU of Immigration (Bee Immigration 13ureau, Department of Labor). Bureau 0/ Indian Affair, (," Indian Mail'8 Bureau, Interior De- partment). Bureau 01 Insular AffMr, (,ee Insular Affairs Bureau, Army). Bureau of Imerparliamentarr lTnian lor PromotIOn 01 I nterftaCional A rrn- ITalian (,ee Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of Inter- national Arbitration, Bureau 00. Bureau 01 Labor 8tati8tiu (," Labor Sta- tistics Bureau, Department of Labor). Bureau of Lighthouse, (,ee Lighthouses llureau, Department of Com- merce). Bureau 01 Medicine and Surqery, Navy, appropriation for surgeons necessaries_ 633, 1462 for civil establishment, contingent expenses_____________________ 633, 1462 motor vehicles, ambulances, etc__ 634, 1462 naval medical school, etc________ 1462 care of insane on Pacific Coast___ 634, 1462 dental outfits.. _______________ 8M, 1462 clerical, etc., services _______ ..,_ 634,1462 for care of the dead____________ 634,1462 civilian employees dying abroad_ _ 63~..! 14001 retired officers, on active duty__ 634, 1463 for civilian personnel, Navy Depart- ment_____________________ 642, 1470 deficiency appropriation for care of hos- pital patients_________________ 48 for care of the dead _____________ 48,1618 for Medical Department___________ 1618 Bureau 01 Mine. (Bee Mines Bureau, De- partment of Commerce). Bureau olNIJturalization (,ee Naturaliza- tion Bureau, Department of Labor). BUTeoU 01 Nauigation... ptpartmenl oJ Com-- meru (_ .Navigation Bureau, Department of Commerce). Bureau oJ Natligalion, Navy, appropriation for recreation for enlisted men______________________ 62~ 1 454 for contingent_________________ 626,1454 for gunnery and engineering exercises_ 626, 1454 Bureau 01 NII~ Naw-Continued. PI&e. appropriation for equIpment, inatJu. ments, supplies, etc________ 626, 14M for ocean and lake "r5:.UlSu-u G26, 14&6 for tralnlD~l!!:'tions' omia__ 627,1466 lUlode d ________________ 627, 14&6 Great Lakes_________________ 627, 14M lIampton ~_____________ 627, 14M for Naval Reserve and Militia___ 627,1456 for ~v:s~~-01:00, 25 September 2010 (UTC), 14M for Navll War College_________ 628,1466 for Naval Home _______________ 628,1456 for expenses, World War Adjusted COmpensation Act; unexpended balance reappropriated_ _______ 642 for clviHan personnel, Navy De- partDlent________________ ~ 642,1470 deficiency appropriation for transport&- tion-----47;934,-937:1S1S;is2i;iirti:a for instruments and 8uppHes________ 47 for gunnery and engineering exereisee_ 47 for travel of enlisted men on dia- for :~'e-iiaiii"iiig-8iati(;~;-cau: 908 fomia_____________________ 934, 937 for Naval ~rve Force__________ 934 for naval training station, CaHfornia_ 937 forTarmstroBot (talk)::st~:~~-~~-TarmstroBot (talk)-~~ 1648 for field service, increased oompensa- tion, 1929____________________ 1648 Bureau olOrdnanu, Nafl1/, appropriation for proctlring, etc., ord- nance and ordnance stores __ 631, 1458 plant appliances, etc _________ 631,1458 Intermittent employment of tech- nists,etc_________________ 831,1458 8cpools at designated statlons_ 631, 1459 chemical, etc., services_______ 631,.1459 for smokeless powder__________ 631, 1459 forto~does, etc ______________ 631,1459 for civilian personnel, Navy Depart- IOent_____________________ 642, 1470 for armor, armament, and ammuni- tion of vessels heretofore author- bed______________________ 641,1469 amount available for the first five light cruisers________ ~________ 1469 deficiency appropriation for ordnance and ordnance stores_____ 47, 934, 1618 for field sezvice, increased CODlpensa- tion,1929_____________________ 1648 Bureau 01 Pensions (Bee Pensions Bureau, Interior DepartDlent.). Bureau 01 Perman"'" Court of Arbitration (Se6 International Bureau of Permanent Court of Arbitra- tion). Bureau 01 Plant Indwrtry (Bee Plant Indus- try Bureau, Department of Agricultw:e) • Bureau 01 Prohibition (Be6 alIo Prohibition Bureau, Treasury Department). appropriation for expens~ etc., en- forCing Natiollal rrohibltion, and Narcotic Acts ________ 170,1035 Bureau of Ptdllie RtNJd. (see Public Roads Bureau, Department of Agri- culture). B__ oj Reclamation (Be6 Reclamation "Bureau, Interior Department).