Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1794

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INDEX. xliii Chemilltry and Soils Bureau, Department of Agriculture-Continued. Paee. deficiency appropriation for methods of recovery of potash, etc______ 1634 Chemi8lr,,, International Union of Pure and Applied appropriation for quota to___________ 1104 Cherokee Indian Boarding School, N. C ., appropriation for support, etc., of Cherokee TarmstroBot (talk);N~ -6.: -E~;te;.~-B~~-;f~j, 1582 appropriation for expenses, closing af- fairs of- ___________ __________ 207 deficiency appropriation for tribalattor- neys_________________________ 1641 citizenship conferred upon, confirmed_ 1094 Cherokee Indiana, Okla. (aee alao Five Civilized Tribes), appropriation for common schools __ 220, 1580 deficiency appropriation for paying judgments against, from tribal funds_______________________ 17 time extended for filing suit in Court of Claims by_~__________________ 1229 Cherokee, N. C ., appropriation for Indian school at__ 218, 1579 payment for improvements on lands reserved for schooL___________ 218 Cherry Creek, appropriation for half cost of bridge across, on Cheyenne River Res- ervation, S. Dak., from Indian funds________________________ 1488 Che8apeake Bay, time extended for bri~ging, between Baltimore and Kent Counties, ~d_________________________ 414 Chesapeake Bay Bridge Company, time extended for bridging Chesapeake Bay by, between Baltimore and Kent COunties________________ 414 Chester, Ill., bridge authorized across ~ississippi River, at___________________ 283,291 time extended for bridging ~ississippi River,at_____________________ 1529 CheBter Street SE., D. C ., appropriation for paving, etc., W Street southward; from gasoline tax; fund________________________ 1272 Chestnut Tree Bark Disease, appropriation for investigating, etc., for eradicating_____________ 550,1200 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Okla., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at. _ _ _ _______ __ _____ _ 1584 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indian H08pital, Okla., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of________________________ 221, 1582 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, Okla., appropriation for support, etc ________ 223 for school construction, etc___ ___ ___ 1578 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, Wyo., time extended for filing separate suits by, in Court of Claims_________ 380 Cheyenne I ndiar. Re8ervation, Mont., N orth- ern, deficiency appropriation for expenses, alloting lands on______________ 1638 Cheyenne Indians, Mont., Northern, appropriation for support, etc ________ 222 Cheyenne River Agency, S. Dak., appropriation for support, etc., of Indiansat___________ 223,1571,1584 Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Indian P~ Rll8ervatWn, N. Dak., and S. Dak., time furtber extended for payment of installments for lailds within former _ _____________________ 400 Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Sana- torium, S. Dak., appropriation for construction, etc____ 1582 Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, S. Dak., appropriation for half cost of bridge across Cherry Creek on, from Indian funds_________________ 1488 ~oreau River, on, from Indian funds________________________ 1487 deficiency_appropriation forllchooL__ __ 1640 Cheyenne, WI/o., appropriatlOn for horticultural experi- ment station, at___________ 551,1201 Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company, site of Standards Bureau ~aster-track Bcale, etc., depot conveyed to___ 431 conditions___ __ ____ _______________ 432 Chicago and North Wll8tern Railway Com- pany, may bridge Rock River, in Lee County, Ill _________________________ _ 110 Chicago, Ill., appropriation for passport bureau___ 65,1096 for Confederate ~ound, Oakwood CeDletery _________________ 355,1375 for post office, etc., construction____ 1042 deficiency appropriation for marine hospital building______________ 32,34 for post office site________________ 34 for post office, etc., construction_ ___ 920 bridge authorized across Lake Michigan at mouth pf Chicago River, in_ _ 1078 Michigan Canal in_ _______________ 1079 exchange authorized of site of lighthouse reservation to, for another site__ description of tract in exchange____ _ right of way to be provided _______ _ 959 960 960 Dlay bridge Calumet River, at 130th Street_______________________ 379 time extended for bridging Calumet River, at One hundred and thirtieth Street, by__ __________ 1546 world's fair to be helQ in commemora- tion of the one hundredth anni- versary o,f .the. incorporation of, as a mUnlClpality ____ _________ 1152 Chicago, Ill., Municipal Airport, cODlpletion of Army hangar at, author- ized_________________________ 1304 Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Rail- way, time extended for bridging ~iSBissippi River by, at Saint Paul and Min- neapolis, ~inn ____________ 293,1185 Chicago South Shore and South Bend Rail- road, may bridge Grand Calumet River, at East Chicago, Ind____________ 1168 Chicago World's Fair, President to invite foreign nations to participate in, at Chicago, Ill. In 1933______________________ 1152 condition prescribed_______________ 1152 articles for exhibition at, may be ad- mitted free of duty____________ 1152 sales for deliTCry at close thereof, per- mitted___ ___ __ ____ ____ ____ __ _ 1152 duty on articles_________________ 1152