Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1798

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INDEX xlvii Citrm Canker, Pqe. appropriation for investigating, eradi- cating! etc ________________ M9,1200 cooperatiOn with States, etc.; local contributions required______ M9,12OO payinl!( for destroyed trees, etc., . forbidden _________________ 650,1200 City DelilH1F"!l P OIICtJl Serviu, appropriation for car fare, etc _____ 189,1052 for carriers ___________________ 189,1052 for special-delivery fees _________ 189, 1052 for vehicle allowance ___________ 189,1052 deficiency appropriation for temporary carriers____ .. _______ ____ ___ __ _ 26 for carriers______________ 45,50,936,1620 City Reju38, D. C., appropriation for personal services_ 658, 1274 for disposal of; night soil, etc ___ 658,1275 deficien1cl2901:02, 25 September 2010 (UTC)01:02, 25 September 2010 (UTC)0_~_TarmstroBot (talk) _TarmstroBot (talk) 1692 sites for two high-temperature com- bustible refuse incinerators to be acquired____ _______________ 1549 location; approval by National Capi- tal Park and Planning Com- mission before acquirin~------ 1549 immediate possession of, if con- demned______________________ 1549 use of public highways and alleys_ 1549 high-temperature combustible refuse incinerators, etc., to be erected on each site__________________ 1549 grading sites, storage buildings, etc_ 1549 public notice of date requiring delivery of all combustible, to incinera- tor; exception________________ 1549 inspection, etc., of private incinera- tors_________________________ 1549 other disposal, unlawfuL__________ 1549 sale of salvageable material by owners, etc___________________ 1549 enforcement regulations authorized_ 1549 disposal of combustible, in any other manner, unlawfuL____________ 1549 penalty for_______________________ 1550 trucks, equipment, etc., to be pur- chased; employment of per- sonal services_________________ 1550 sum authorized for sites, buildings, equipment, etc_______________ 1550 plant now in use to be abandoned on completion of the incinerators__ 1650 Cillio Leagusa, exempt from income tax_____________ 813 Civil Aeronautica, International Aeronau.- tical Conference of, representatives of foreign governments invited to attend_____________ 1011 Civil Se'ftIiU Commi83ion, appropriation for Commissioners, and office personneL_~--------- 576,1233 for field force ________________ ,576,1233 details from Departments, etc., forbidden _________________ 576, 1233 interchangeable assignments of office and field employees ___ 576, 1234 emergency transfers of office and field force_ __ _________________ 1234 for expert examiners___________ 576, 1234 for examinations of Presidential postmasters _______________ 576,1234 for traveling expenses, etc______ 577,1234 for contingent expenses _________ 577, 1234 CiriZ Servic6 Commi33ion-Continued. Paae. appropriation for rent; condition___ 677, 1234 for printing and binding for _____ 677,1234 deficiency appropriation lor personal serviCJe!l ______________________ 6,886 forcontingentexpenBe8____________ 5,932 1 1616,1620 for traveling expenBe8 ________ 5,886,1625 for additional salaries, 1929,1930___ 1625 , for salaries, 1929__________________ 1675 Civil War Campaign Medal, gratuitous issue of, to persons entitled_ _ 500 CiVil War Veterafl8, . appointwent on commission to inspect, etc., Fort Donelson battle field, Tenn., of one who served in United States ~y___ ~_______ 367 Ciflilian Military lnatruction, appropriation for expenses of rifle ranges, etc.; quartermaster sup- plies, etc__________________ 352,1373 for ordnance equipment for rifle Cla~neTarmstroBot (talk)------------------- 353,1374 bridge authorized across Alabama Itiver,at____________________ 754 Claims, appropriation for defending suits in_ 77, 1108 for defending Indian depredation_ 77, 110S for paying, for damages to private property by Army operations__ 3391 13M for paying, for damages to private property of officers, etc., in eer- vice_________________________ 1354 for paying, for damages. to private property by Army alrcraft_____ 339 for paYIng, for damages to private property under Navy Depart- ment________________________ 1452 deficiency appropriation for paying, damages to private property under Veterans' Bureau_______ 7 for paying, damages to private prop- erty, under Department of Agriculture ____________ 11,894, 1832 for paying, for damages to private property under Department of COmmerce _____________ 15,896,1635 for paying, for dam!\ge& to private property, under Interior Depart- znent __________________ 17,898,1637 for paying, damages to private property by naval forces _____ 23, 1647 for paymg, for damages to private property by Postal Service_ ____ 26, 1611,1649 for paying, for d(unages to private property, under Treasury De- partment ______________ 29,914, 1652 for paying, for damages to private property, under War Depart- znent ______________________ 35,1664 for paying, certified by General Ac- countingOffice_______________ 41,43, 932,937, 1616, 162~ 1670,6731 for paying, collision damages, Light- house Servioo_________________ 1636 for paying, for damages to private k~r~:_~~_~e:__01:02, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~:_~! 1647 against District of Columbia, author- ized to be settled by the Com- missioners t.!- .ereof._ __ __ __ __ __ _ 1160