Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1803

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Iii INDEX. Colorado RifJe1' Agency, Ariz., PaP. appropriation for support, etc. of In- dians at_____________ 222,1571, 1583 Colorado Riller and Tributariea, no pennite to be i88ued by Federal Power Commission, upon, except the Gila, in designated States until March IS, 1930___________ 1446 allowed if Boulder Canyon Project Act becomes effective prior there- to___________________________ 1446 Colorado RifJe1' Compoet (au Glao Boulder Canyon Project Act), provisions for controlling waters of Col- orado River subject to terms of. 1057 Colorado RifJe1' Dam Fund (,ee aLto Boulder Canyon Project Act), established for executing provisions of Boulder Canyon Project_______ 1057 advances to, from the Trea.sury, auth- orized_______________________ 1057 maximum; sum allotted for flood con- trol_________________________ 1057 repayment, etc_ _ _________________ 1057 amount authoriz3li to be appropriated for__________________________ 1058 Colorado RifJe1' Indian Hospital, Ariz., appropriation for construction and equipment___________________ 1582 ColG'rado River Indian Ruervation, Ariz., appropdation for maintenance, etc., irrigation system on________ 212,1573 Colorado RifJe1', Lower, appropriation for expenses of Commis- sion to studr the equitabl~ use of waters of Rio Grande and ____ 75, 1106 Colorado Riller, Te:e., preliminary examination of, and trib- utaries, for flood controL______ 1164 Colorants, appropriation for industrial, etc., stand- ardization oL ______________ 91,1122 for experimente in utilizing raw Amer- ican materials for __________ 556, 1207 deficiency appropriation for industrial standardization of_____________ 897 Columbia Ar8enal., Tenn., sale of, authorized to Columbia Mili- tary Academy________________ 766 proceeds to be deposited in military p<l8t construction fund_________ 767 Columbia Hospital/or Women, D. C., appropriation for care of indigent pa- tiente___________ _____________ 674 for repairs, etc_________________ 675,1291 for payment of refund to___________ 675 deficiency appropriation for repairs and improvements________________ 10 Columbia lnatitutionfor the Deaf, D. C., appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 242, 1606 for power plant, repairs, etc________ 242 for instruction for District persons in ________________________ 661, 1277 Columbia Military Academy Tenn., sale of Columbia Arsena property to, with full title, at appraised value_ 766 Columbia, Pa., time extended for bddging Susque- hanna River, between Wrights- ville and____________________ .. 113 Columbia Park, Ind., bridge authorized across Miami River, between Lawrenceburg and_ _ _ _ 394 Columbia Polytechnic Institute for the I Blind, D. C., appropriation for aid to. ____ _____ _ 677,1293 Columbia River, Pare. bridge ac!088, at Hood River, legalized_ 285 authonzed across, at Arlington, reg________________________ 1022 time e~nded for bridging, at Entiat, ash._______________________ 1546 at Kettle Falls by State of Washing- ton__________________________ 51 transfer of lands, part of improvements of, to Secretary of the Interior . for)ndian fishing ca!!!p, etc____ 1158 Columbia Rwer Bird Refuge, Wash., acceptance of gift of lands, etc., adja- cent to, authorized____________ 1413 Columbia, S. C., deficiency ap~ropriation for courthouse, etc., e evator_________________ 1655 Columbus Army Depot, Ohio, deficiency appropriation for extending sewer system_________________ 927 Columbus Coumy, N. C., may bridge Waccamaw River, at Reeves Ferry_________________ 516 Columbus, Ohio, appropriation for care, etc., Confederate Cemetery, Camp Chase_____ 355,1375 Colville Agency, Wash., appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at _____________ 223, 1571,1584 deficiency appropriation for Indians at_ 41 Colville Indian Re8ervation, Wash., appropriation for irrigation project on _______________________ 209, 15i2 deficiency appropriation for paying taxes to Okanogan County on certain lands within___________ 899 CollY.:lle Indian8 Wash., payment to Okanogan County for local taxe3 on trust-allotted lands of._ 447 Comanche, etc., Agency, Okla., appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at____________________ 223,1584 Comanche, etc., Indiana, Okla., appropriation for support, etc., 207 for payment to, from oil royaltiE's trustfund_________________ 207,1569 deficiency appropriation for payment to, from oil royalties trust fund____ 1642 Combinations in Restraint of Trade (8ee Antitrust Laws). Command and General Staff School, Fort LealJenworth, Kans., appropriation for instruction expenses_ _________________________ 329,1352 Commerce, appropriation for regulating use of air- craft in, under Department of COmmerce _________________ 85,1116 for expenses of Foreign Commerce service Act___________________ 1116 deficiency appropria.tion for expenses promoting_ _ _ ________________ 1617 Commerce, etc., appropriation for expenses, enforcing laws regulating interstate______ 581 deficiency appropriation for expenses enforcing laws regulating______ 47 Commerce, Foreign and Domestic, • appropriation for expenses of pro- moting, in Europe, etc_ __ _ __ 86, 1117 for expenses of promoting, in Latin }unerica ___________________ 86,1117 for expenses of promoting, in the Far East __________________ 86, 1117