Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1813

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lxii INDEX. Cuba, P .... appropriation for ambMaador to ____ 65, 1096 for preserving monuments, etc., to IIOldiera who fell in_________ 355, 1375 deficiency appropriation for cooperative control ofinsecta affecting tropi- cal and subtropical planta_____ 1634 gift of monumental urn from, accepted forerectioninWuhinrton, D. C . _ 713 site subject to approval ofJoint Com- mittee on the Library. and Com- mission of Fine Arts___________ 713 sum authorized for erection and dedi- cation_______________________ 713 steamabip ~nger tickets to, exempt from stamp tax____ ._ _____ ____ 867 Cuban Occupation Me/uaZ, gratuitous issue of, to persons entitled 500 Cuban Pacification Medal, gratuitous isaue of, to persons entitled 500 Culion, P. I., appropriation for care of lepera, etc., at_ 625, 1453 Cumberland, Md., appropr,iation for public building_ _____ 1042 deficiency appropriationfor public build- Ingat________ .______________ : 920 Cumberland RilJef', bridge authonzed across, at Burkes- ville, Ky: __________________'__ 613 at Bum81de,~Ky------------------ 615 at Canton, .1\.y ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 138,607 at Center POint,1{Y __ _____________ 614 in ClayCounty,- Tenn ____________ 10,296 at Creelsboro, Ky_________________ 615 at Harta FerJJ:r Tenn____________ 1167 at mouth of Inman Creek, Ky_______ 616 at luka, Ky____________________ 140,756 at Neelys FerTILKy _______________ 612 at Smithland, Ky--------------- 141,608 in Stewart Coun!y, Tenn__________ 419 in Wilaon and Truesdale Counties, Tenn ______________________ _ time extended for bridging, at Arat, Ky _ at BurkesvilleJ.Ky ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ _ at Burnsidef..~y-----------------­ at Canton~.1\.y------------------- at Center roint~ Ky_____________ _ at Creelsboro, I\.y-- __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ at Eggners Ferry, KY:------------- at mouth of Indian Creek, Ky ____ _ atIUD,Kv__ .. __________________ _ at Neel~~ Ferry~ Ky _____________ _ at Smithland, Ky________________ _ Cumbef'Zand River, South Fork of, bridge authorized across, at Burnside, Ky------------------------- 416 1527 1523 1488 1501 1500 1528 1524 1525 1523 1528 1501 612 time extended for bridging, at Burn- side, Ky--------------------- 1501 Cummings Point, Fla., bridge acr088 Perdido Bay, Lillian Ala., and, if acquired by Escam- bia or Baldwin Counties, or by Florida or Alabama, may be transferred, etc_______________ 1510 Current RirJef', bridge authorized acroBB, at Biggers, Ark_________________________ 516 at SucceBB, Ark_ __ ____ __ __ ________ 309 Curtis-Martin Newspapers, Inc.orporated, deficiency appropriation for advertising_ Custer State Park, S. Dak, lands in, granted South bakota for park 13 purpo~_____________________ 501 Customs (SIle Customs Service, Treasury Department) . Customs Administration Laws, deficiency apPropriation for expenses of House Wars and Means Com- mittee.. reVising, etc __________ _ Customs Appems Court 0/, appropriation lor salaries and expenses_ Customs Cases, Page, 3 79, 1110 appropriation for Assistant Attornev General, and salaries and ex- penses!.~onducting __________ 77,1108 Customs Court, united Statu, appropriation for salaries of general ap- praisel'1!l, and retired justices of __ for fees, etc., of witnesses, etc., before_ Customs Laws 167, 1032 1111 members of Ways and Means Com- mittee, reelected to 71st Con- ~! to hold hearings, etc., for revIsion of. _ _________________ 1607 Cusloms Service, Treasury Departmenl, appropriation for coll~ctlDg revenue detecting frauds, etc________ 167,1032 for salaries of general appraisers, etc_______________________ 167,1032 for personal services in District of Columbia__ ___ ______ ___ ___ 167, 1032 advances by disbursing officers_ 167, 1033 for automatic and recording scales__ 167, for compensation in lieu of moieties __ for purchase of building, New York City, for use of appraisers' 1033 167. 1033 store!!, etc___ __ __ ____ _________ 1i6 deficiency appropriation for refunding duties on domestic animals re- crossing boundary ___ _________ 30 for collecting customs revenue______ 42, 44,48,915,935, 1618, 1622~}653, 1674 for new appraisers' stores New lork City, equipment______________ 915 for paying judgments against col- lectors, etc ________________ 935, 1674 for salaries, 1929__________________ 1687 acceptance of franchise from New York City for. rerouting pneumatic tube servICe from customhouse to new appraisers' stores building__ 533 administration of oaths authorized by designated officera and employ- ees of. _ _ _ _____ _________ _____ 401 articles imported as exhibits at Inter- Dational Petroleum Exposition, admitted free of duty_________ 878 duties remitted on cattle straying across boundary line, and e.dmitted under bond ______________ ..:~ __ 401 bonds for, to be canceled__________ 402 free admission authorized of articles solely for exhibit at Pacifio Southwest Exposition _________ 396 duty on, ifsold _____ ._ __ __ __ __ __ __ 397 free admission authorized of articles for exhibition at Chicago World's Fair in 1933__________________ 1152 salaries established for designated em- ployees---------------------- 955 new appointments at minimum rate_ 955 promotions allowed at any time to fill \'acancies_________________ 955 no reductions in salaries____________ 955 effective dates______________________ 955