Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1834

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INDEX. !xxxiii Bait Chicago, Ind. - Continued. pqe. bridge authorized aeross Grand Calu- met River, at______________ 114, 1168 reconstruction 0 bridge aeross Grand Calumet River, at Gary and, au- thorized_____________________ 1475 lIalt Dundee, IU:). bridge across Jfox River by, legalized__ 1478 Bfl8t Gro.nd Forks, Minn., bridge authorized aeross Red River of the North, between Grand Forks, N. Dak., and_________________ 113 Ball Lo.a Vegal, N. Mez., deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 32 Ea8t Orange, N. J., deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 32 East PortlGnd, Oreg., rate of Army tra.nsportation on land ~!lit f::;:_o~ __~__ _01:08, 25 September 2010 (UTC)e~ 722 East Richford, Vt., deficiency appropriation for inspection station, construction__________ 1657 Eastern Dispensary and Calualiy Hospi- tal, D. C., appropriation for care of indigent pa- tients_____________________ 674,1291 deficiency appropriation for ________ 10,1631 Ecuador, appropriation for minister to _______ 65,1096 Edinburg, Mis,., bridge authorized across Pearl River, at_ 975 Edison, Tlw1OO8 A., deficiency appropriation for commemo- rative medal issued to____ _____ 1614 gold medal to be struck, with suitable inscriptions, and presented to, commemorative of his achieve- ments, etc__________ ..;________ 1012 Education Bureau, Interior Department, appropriation for Commissioner, and office personneL ___________ 238, 1602 for general expenses, travel, distribut- ing documents, etc_________ 238, 1602 fo~ in-.estigating land grant colleges. etc _______________________ 238, 1602 for study of work of, etc., of secondary schoo~______________________ 1602 employment of specialists, etc____ 1602 for education in Alaska, under super- vision or. _________________ 239,1603 for medical relief in Alaska_____ 239,1603 for reindeer for Alaska, sales, etc_ 239, 1603 available for paying traveling ex- penses in Alaska, of new s.ppoint- ees, and chan~e of stations__ 240,1603 for printing and bIDding for _____ 202, 1564 deficiency appropriation for education of Alaskan natives_______ 19,904,937 for school and home gardening_______ 46 for buildings, etc., White Mountain and Golovin, Alaska.. __ _ __ _ _ __ _ 904 for salaries, 1929, under____________ 1683 Education, Commissioner 0/, appropriation for traveling expenses, etc_______________________ 239, 1602 for education, etc.• in Aluka under __ 239, 1603 E.fficienc1I Bureau, appropriation for Chief of, office per- sonnel, ar.d expenses _______ li76, 1233 for printing and binding for _____ 576,1233 EjJiciency Bureau-Continued. PIl,po, deficiency appropriation for actuarial da.ta, D. C . public schools, con- tract service__________________ 886 for salaries, 1929, under____________ 1675 investigations, etc;.! of, extended to District of \.iolumbia municipal government__________________ 576 to cert4fy annually with estimates, statement of savings in Gov- ernment offices, etc., resulting from surveys and recommenda- tions of._ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ 1233 statement to be included. in the Budget ____________________ ~_ 1233 Eggleston, Archie, appropriation for purchase of land for, in lieu of Indian allotment to deceased father_______________ 206 Eggner, Ferry, Ky., bri.dge authorized. across Tennessee River, at_____ ____ __ ___ _____ 144, 608 time extended for bridging Cumberland FUver,at ____________________ 1524 Egypt, appropriation for minister to_______ 65,1096 for expenses of American prisoners, etc., in ____________________ 76, 1107 Eighteenth Street NW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Allison to Webster Street; from gaso- line tax fund_ _ ______________________ 1270 Eighteenth Street SE., D. C., appropriation for pavingl. etc., D to E Streets; from gasoline tax fund_ 654 for paving, etc..I. Massachusetts Ave- nue to D !!Street; from gaaoline tax fund____________________ 1272 Eighth Judicial Circuit, circuit jud~e residing in, previous to division thereof, assigned. as ~udge thereof.________________ 1348 within the newly created. tenth cir- cuit, assigned as judge thereof. _ 1348 proceedings pending in circuit court of appeals as previously oonsti- tuted, to continue therein, if hearing, etc., 'had been held____ 1348 if no hearing, etc., had been held, to be transferred to proper circuit_ 1348 Eighth Street NW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Long- fellow Street to Marietta Place; from gasoline tax fund_________ 652 for paving), etc., Rittenhouse to Sheri- dan !!Streets; from gasoline tax fund________________________ 652 for paving, etc., Tuckerman to Under- wood Streets; from gasoline tax fund________________________ 1270 EZ Dorado, Ark., appropriation for public building______ 1042 dllficiency ap9ropriation for public building_____________________ 920 terms of court at____________________ 59 EI Paso and Juarez Traction Company, time extended for bridging Rio Grande, at El Paso, Tex., by ______ .___ _ 55 El PatiO Electric Company, time extended for bridging Rio Grande, at El Paso, Tex., by___________ 55 EZ PatiO, Te:e., appropriation for public building. _ _ __ _ 1042 deficiency appropriation for publio building__________________ ~_ _ 920