Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1851

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o INDEX. FOf'eign S~ontinued. deficiency apJ)ropriation for Confer- ence on Conciliation and Arbitra- tion_________________________ 912 for International Road Congresses__ 912 for Second Pan American COnference on HiJhways_________________ 912 for Hawaiian sesquicentennial cele- bration______________________ 913 for GerID.a~-Ap1erican Mixed Claims CO~on_________________ 913 for TriJ?&I:tite Claim Commission . Umted, States, Austria, and Hu~ary-------------------- 913 for M~Xlcan ge~e~ and special claims COmDl188l0DB.. _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 913 for International Exposition, Beville, for ':CitYtO-:Fnmc;efO~-~ 913 to steamship" Madeleine" _____ 913 for American International Institute for Protection of Childhood____ 913 for International Congress of Ameri- canists-______________________ 914 for reimbursing Designated Officers for loss of funds, etc__________ 914 for International Bureau of Weights andMeasures________________ 1612 for participating in International Conference for Safety of Life at Sea_________________________ 1612 for judp, United States Court for ~_______________________ 1612 for Bertha. Hanson________________ 1651 for Rainy Lake Reference__________ 1651 for relocating Canadian boundary line_________________________ 1651 for Conference on Oil Ponution of Navigable Waters_____________ 1652 for Iutemational Society for Arctic Explorations by JIl3&IlIJ of the AJiatUp______________________ 1652 for Interparliamentary Union, Amer- ican group___________________ 1652 additional appropriation authorized for Mexican water boundary_____ _ American Republics invited to attend conference of conc.iliation and 60 arbItration at Washington_____ 487 annual contribution authorized for American International Institute for Protection of Childhood, at Montevideo, Uruguay _________ 487 retired Navy officers may be appointed in the diplomatic service_______ 1482' Foreign Seroice Buildinga Fund, appropriation for acquirinf buildings, etc., for Governmen use in for- eign countries ______________ 69,1100 deficiency appropriation for buildipgs, etc., from fund under______ : . __ 27 for carrying into effect_____________ 1612 purchase, construction, or exchan~, authorized in foreign countnes for diplomatic and consular use_ 971 altering, furnishing, etc____________ 971 consoliaating, embassiesz •legations, consulates etc., witrun one or employTarmstroBot (talk)tb~il~::.isi,-etc.;-at;;at-of 971 government without regard to civil service laws______________ 971 Foreign Service Imp«WrlJ, appropriation for expenses _________ 66, 1097 Foreign Servtu Officer'] . 1'.... appro~riaRon {or sal&l'1e8 __________ 68, 1098 for lnstruction and transit pay___ 68,1099 for tr&lU1portation and subtliatence expeDJe8 ___________________ .68, 1099 p&IIUp on foreign ehip., re- .~cted.-- _________________ 68,1099 for allowances for, dyin~ abroad__ 68,1099 for. b~=01:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~~'_~~9, 1099 for post allowances______________ 69,1099 deficiency appropriation tor tranI- portBtion _______________ 27.4~ 1618 for bringing home remains of, dying abroad ____________________ 27, 1611 for aalarillfl---------------________ 48 for post a"llowances________________ 48 Foreign Service Retirement and Difability Fund, appropriation tor Federal contribution to_________________________ 69, 1100 FQr. Trade, appropriation for investigating related problems of. _______________ 87, 1118 for securing information as to re- strictions, regulations, etc____ 88, HI8 Fores' Animals, Birds, and Wild Life, amount authorized for developing methods of management, etc., of _ 701 Fores' Fires, appropriation for fighting, etc., on public lands_______________ 203,1566 for emergency, fighting, etc., Indian reservations _______________ 207,1570 for fighting,· etc., in national for- ests_______________________ 554, 1204 for airplane :patrol to prevent, etc_ 554, 1204 for cooperatlon with States, etc., for 'protecting watersheds of navi- gable streams from _________ 555, 1206 for fighting, etc., national p&!'u____ 1600 deficiency appropryation for fighting, etc., in national foreats; insect infeStations_ _________________ 12 for fighting, etc. in national fol'e8ts_ 1633 foremergency,fighting,nationalparu- 1644 amount authorized for investigating weather conditions relationship to__________________________ ._ 701 Forest lnaect3, appropriation for study 0'-- _______ 5 58,1208 amount authorized for developing methods for preventing infesta- tions Ofl including gypsy and browntail moths_______________ 701 Forest Pathology, . appropriation for investigating diseases of trees and shrubs____________ 1200 Forest Producf.8, Timber Growing, etc.1 investigations! tests, etc. directea to determlne best methods of refor- estation, timber growing, etc___ 699 cooperation with individuaia, agen- cies, etc_______________ .: __ _ __ _ 700 for tests of foreign woods with foreign agencies, etc___________ 700 money contributions received to constitute a special fund_______ 700 appropriation of special fund, and use authorized________________ 700 building construction limited_______ 700 amounts for specified objects author- ized annually up to 1938_______ 700