Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1858

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INDEX. evii Gal_ton, TG. - Continued. p .... deficiency appropriation for quaran- tine atation___________________ 917 for public building________________ 920 Game, appropriation for preventhag shipment of illegally killed ___________ 669, 1209 Game, Alaaka, ~propriation for protecting, etc___ 669,1209 Game Birda, Migratory, appropriation for enforcing law pro- tecting___________________ 658, 1209 GGfMPru.mle" appropriation for maintenance, etc_ S58, 1209 for )!urchase, etc., of game for ___ 558, 1209 Ganado Irrigation Projed, N GfKJjo 1Rdian ,",.."""ion, A rill., appropriation for open.ting, etc.; re- ~Y1Dent------------------ 212, 1573 Garbage, D. C. (," aU" City RefUlle, D.C.), appropriation for disposal of_______ 658, 1275 for repail'll, etc., reduction plant· deposit of receipts__________ 65s, 1275 Garden Cit1l, Kana., sale of lands in game preserve Dear, authorized______________ . .. ___ _ 300 proceeds used for purchase of other landa for game preserve________ 300 Gardenifl{/, LafUlacape, VegetabU, etc., appropriation for atudy oL__________ 662 Garfield Countll,_M~ may bridge Miaaoun Glaagow_ 471 Garfield Memorial HOIIpit4l, u. C., appropriation for mmor CODtagiOUB dis- e&IIe8 ward ________________ 668, 1284 for care of indigent patients________ 674 deficiency appropriation for _______ 892,1631 Garfield 8ired. NW., D. C'l . appropriation for paVlng,etc., Wia- conain Avenue to Bellevue Ter- race; from gasoline tax fund____ 652 for paving, etc., Bellevue Terrace to Thirty-ninth Street; from gas- oline tax fund________________ 1269 Garland City Ark., . bridge authorized acroaa Red River, at_ 742 Garnier. Bayou, Fla., bridge authorized ac~. between SlCaCk Point and w rute Point, in Okaloosa COunty___________ 1311 Gary, Ind., . . reconstruction authorized of bridge across Grand Calumet River, at_ 1475 East Chicago and.________________ 1475 Gas, Natural, appropriation for investigating ceo- nomic production of________ 102, 1132 Gas or Oil Deposita on Public Landsl permittees granted further additional time for drilling operation8, etc_ 252 extension of expired permita.. ___ ____ 252 Gas Troopa, Army, appropriation for organil'ling, etc., spe- cial ______________________ ~ 1363 Gasoline Ta.:r: Fund, D. C., appropriation for paving, repaving, etc., deaignatedetreeta, etc., from_ 651, 1269 Gatu and Hertford. Countiu N. C., bridge authorized acrose Chowan River, in___________________________ 1434 Gateway Bridge Company, may bridge Rio Grande, between Brownsville, Tex., and Mata- moros, Mexico_________________ 764 approval of Mexico required________ 764 Gat.wa1/ Bridg_ Com~,.r_::CODtinued. _Ie Of portion of Fort Brown Military Relervatfon, Tex., authoiUed to; conditioD8_____________ .. : __ 973 proceed. to JDiHtary po.t oonetruction fund_·_.;..;____________________ 974 Gav,gu, file., for Maftv,fGCtut"e of ArmaJMnt, Arm1/, appropriation for procuring, etc___ 3«,1365 Gav,gtJI,8cretD ThnGdI, eIc., appropriation lor oooperative etand- ai'disation, ~c., 01. _________ 92,1123 General A~", OJli,cc, appropriation for Comptroller Oeneral, Alliatant, and office pel'llOnneL _ 579, .1237 for contiDgellt expeJI8M _________ 679,1237 for printirig and binding for _____ S8O, 1237 decisions of Comptroller General._ 680, . 1237 deficiency appropriation for continplnt expeJI8M__ ~__________________ 6 for payiU(l claim.a certified by_______ 41 .z 43, 4.6, Gall, 937, 1616, 1~ 1670, 167~ .for report on fIecal condition of Iridian tribes________________ ~_ __ _ __ _ 887 for salaries_______________________ 1621 for adctitional aalariea, 1929_ _______ 1626 for eaIarieia, 1929__________________ 1676 equitable claima filed in, but Dot; a~ propriated for, to. be submitted to Conere- by Comptroller Gen- eral with epecial report_ _______ 413 returns office functioD8, eto., tranaferred from Interior.Department to___ 1141 \ submiaaion to C9ngresa die®ntinued, ofreport of recei.pta andexpeJI8M of cuetom. officers_ __ _________ 994 Gm.eral 4,ppraiaerll (ue Customs Court, United States). General Grant Nation4l Perk, Cali/., appropriation for commissioner_____ rg. 1110 for adlniDiBtration, etc__________ 233, 1596 General LaM OjiCtJ, Commiaftoner of, appropriation for_________________ 202, 1564 acting depositary for, of public JDOneye, JD&y designate clerk to act as Buch fn his absence__ _ 202, 1564 clerk to lip Jandpatenw_____ 202,1564 General Land OJ/ia, Interior DeparCJMnt (ue alaI) Public Jands), . appropriation for CommlaJaioner, and office pel'llOnneL ___________ 202,.1564 for genera[ expenses. __ _ __ _ __ _ __ 202, 1564 for maps, 'distribution, etc__ .. ___ _ .~ 1564 deficiency appropriation fOf__________ 933 field work appropriations for, available for·. J Ure of: work animals, ~ cleat etc___________________ 2(3, 1606 General Staff Corm, ANfItI•. appropriation for contingencies, Mili· tary Intelligence Divilion___ 328, 1351 deficiency appropriation for civilian peI'IIOnne1, aalariea,.l929_~_____ 1688 for Milit.&ry InteUiaenee DivieiOD___ 167f eligibility requirements for additions. to; araQuaw .from General 8td . School or COlJe&e----------_ . . : 618 other service achooJa on JIeOOIIIlDenda- tion of board of~omcem_ 618 from qualified NationalOuard aDd reserve officera.. ____________ :..___ 618 list of eligibles to bepubliabed annually_ 618 detaila u aotln:g General Staff offieere, if eligibles Jackinr; for vaeaneies_ 618 additional membe1'8 from nonoom- batant branches______________ 619