Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1863

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INDEX; GnItJtl Lalcu, eu:., ..' ~ . '.lllcht. to be- IIXh1b1ted: from 'slIUIIfI ,to . 1IUDriee. by veseeIe 01;1. ____ . . : .;_ . .. . : . S92

,..siUoual on .1I&eam vesaels of over
110. feet .resiater:' lenpb, wbe~.,

, . under w.y __ ;.. ..... __ ... _.. __ ........;__ S92 wbeD I at anohor, it UDder 160 teet' · length••••.;,.. .,; __ .. ______ .:_..; ..... __ 592 over flO feet_ . .. ..,;...;__ ________ ___ 592 llChta'or harbor towing tugs, &Del b,oats " 0 Dly on. B&Iot Lawrenee lUver, . ~ to be .regulated by 8uperviaing , lDspectol'll:of 8bBam.V8IIIeht..._ _ _ 593 . lights reqUired on V~lDAviptlq--- . 1405 Great lAJcM,NIJfiGl Tralninf &aIWn, lU., , . appropriaticm.for maintelJADoe, etc_ . 627,1455 (heal ,PCIA", Area, Southern, propac6ti.oa . directed of trees, vines, etc;! . ,.:::lTarmstroBot (talk):_~t_~:..01:13, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~_ 430 free distribution of seedlings, outtings, etc.; for demoDitration_ _______ 431 amount authoriled for land and · bU Udinge_____________ ·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 431 annu:!:s=t01:13, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)!~~ 431 Gf'«Jt Smolell. Mountain National Park, N. C. GM: T~n., appropriationforadministration, etc_ 236, lc99 deficiency appropriation for topographic ·aurveyL.. ~ ____ .. ___ _ ... ___ __ _ 903, 1643 leases authoriaed to prior occupants of landain__;. ___ ... _____________ ·__ 109 Greece, ,., appropriatiPJl for mi~ter to. __ __ __ 6 5,1096 agreement withl authorized for I6ttle- · .ment of lts indebtedness to the UnitedStatee... ___ .___________ 1176 indebtedness to be funded over a period of 62ye&l'll~__________________ 1176 total amount~ ___ .;.____________ 1176 bonds. th~()r, payable in semi- annual iDUalliDeota up to Janu- ar,v.l,l990-__________________ . 1176 &mOWlt;or iG8taUmeats__________ 1176 prepayment of unmatured bonda aJ- .1C)wed- .. ___...~ ___ .. ____ .J __·_____ 1176 payment , in, FeQeral lI8Ouritiel, ac- cepted.___ ....... .:!.. _:. ___ .. _ __ _ :.__ 1176 further advance to, allthorilJed ______ .. ; 1176 twenty-year gold bomill to be de- liveredfor___ ......... -' ______ • ___ _ 1176 lI8Ourit,ies to be furnlahed for _____ . 1 1 76 all claims for f~her advanoea, ,under agreement pf 1918, to terminate" wben Dew ~t becotnes·, , effective_____ ._-- _ __ ... __ . _;. ... __ 1177 Greene, M4ior C1~~'I<i., . '.. . memorial building ~uthoriled .. ' me- morial to,. a~ . Fort Lewis, mfli". fiI!,ry retli8fVati-.Wuh•••;.; . . _ __ 1154 portion 9f, tQ. beUl6d 'or poet of6ce service_~_ .. .:...._. _J...i____________ 1154 Greenlawn CemeWrv, IfldianoJlOlw, Confed,erate monllDl8D~ etc., in, to be . removed to GarfIeld ParL. __ _ _ 533 Greena'-0l If. C .,. ~... apPf!>pnatlOnfor publill building.. __ __ _ 1042 Greenutlle, Te,;., .'.,,;'... ., appropriation for acquiring land for extending pubUc building at_ ___ 179 Greenwood, Mi..., . deficiency apptopriation, for public bUildirig at_ •.. _______________ 1608 GrelfIG,. Le.", ' .p.... time extended f.or bridgil!g M~_ppi ,.:.: .' . R iver, betwtleQ. New I Orleans . and _____________ .. ~_.;. .~."' • .; .,_ . 1229 Grew, Joseph C." .' deficiency appropnation for, relmbUf16- . . ment to, for stolen Government .fUDda.,. __ • _____ • ________ ... __ _ 914 Ground Squirrels appropnat.on for devising methO!k lor ' . de8troyb,lg_________________ 659,J.209 Qtulm, t.: . appropriation for agricultural uperi- ,:: . ment etatiODB in_____ .. _ __ -_ M2, 1192 salt!~~rodUcta;.;---------.--- 'M2, 1192 for erring lepen,. etc., from, ~ Cullon, P. L ______________ 625, 1463 GuanlafIGmo, C., NOMGl S~ appropriation for ~---.------- 636 deficiency appropriation for public works. ________________ .. ___ _ _ 25 GucJtemalG . appropriation for minister'to_____ ._ 65, 1096 Guilford, Cov.f'tJwnue National Mi1Mary Parle, appropriation for continablg esta.bliah- ' ment of.•. ~------ _________ 3li6, 1376 6vlJ C0G8t Pro~tiu, Inc., . . may bridge LlLke Champlain, East Alburg to West Swanton, Vt_ ~_' 514 , at Rouses Point, N. y __ _ ~_._;._____ 512 time extended for brid8ing Lake Cham- 1 " .... plain, at East.~, Vt______ ...... atRouses Point,N.Y _____________ 1532 Gull oj M ezico, . appropriation for surveys of coast of, and outlying islands_________ 96, 1126 Gulliver, ,lorenu L., deficiency apprQPriation for services __ • 883 Gunnery and. Engineering Burciau, . . Nav1j, appropriatIOn for prizea~ shooting gal- leries, etc-----------------·t\26, 1454 deficiency app~priation for ___ ~ __ _ '" _ _ 47 Gunnwon-Mayfteld Land. and. (hazing Companll, exchange of public lands with, for ad- dition to Manti N ationa! Forest, Utah___ - ________________ .. ___ • ,370 Qwnniaon National Forest, Cdo., .' , lands added to_____________ .. .. ___ . :_ _ 451 GunterlUliUe, Ala., . " r, .bfidge authorized ael"088 Tennessee '....... '. River at_____________ .. _ _ __ _ _ _ 286 Guthrie, Okla., terms of court at____ .~ ___ __ ___ ;..____ 1518 Gypsy 4nd. Brown TfJuMotM, . appropriation for investigations; etc. _ . 1208 for developing methods· for control- ".' ling, etc., infestations of.~_ 565,1216 amount authorized for developin~ meth- ods for controlling, etc., infesta- tions of_. __ • ___ __ :. __________ . 701 B. N, Strea NW., D. C., , appropriation for _paving, etc., First Street to M&ll8&Chusetts Ave- nue; from gasoline tax funiL___ 653 for, etc., roadway, Seven~ teenth tltreet to PenDBylvania Avenue___ .. _. _ . ________ ._~ __ 655 former authorizations repealed•• __ 656