Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1869

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cxviii • INDEX. Hi/lAtDa". B"atem, D. C., P8nfICIMIIl hoP. . 8,,'""'0/, ' appropriation. for revision of plana.. _ 648, 1265 HiliUbraM, Jamea, name pl.., .n;n yeRo" lever honor rol! . aDd pN88l'ltedilOldmedaL_____ 1409 to receive '126 monthly _____ ~----___ 1'10 HilI.boroufA Ba", . brid&e &eI'Ol8, at Tampa, FJa.,leplbed- 55 HillaborOUflh, Coumll, Fla., brid&e eonatructed Ily, across Hille- borough Bay, at Tam~ lepJiaed_ 55 Hingham, M...., ' deficlency .a ~prlation for ammuni- tion ;re~t, Ji~tJliIlg protectlon_ 908 Hinton, WGlm,fotfllf1' Lil/UteAGm, N4IJII gold medal awarded, for' aehleveznent In first succeuful· trans-Atlantic fiJght__________'_ _ __ _ _______ __ lUi8 HiatoritJGJ ~"D. C., . appropriation for tablets to mark __ 651,1268 Hobbs, Jamu D., . . payment "ut.horis/ild. to Harry Ward- man, Thomas P; Bones, and, . tor uae ofBlebclr.Building, D. C., ~~,~~ul{~r;:--TarmstroBot (talk) 01:14, 25 September 2010 (UTC)t~ ,56 further least6ibuDding auth9rized_ _ 56 Hobokmt. N . J ., -. deficiency apprqpriation for post office, replacement of present fltruc- ture; 1J.n~ ad~from Shipping Board____ ~ __ __ __ __ _ _ ~_______ 1658 HodgenuiUe, Ky., improvement. etc., authoriaed of Abra- ham Lincoln National Park or BeserTAti,on,. near_____________ 1162 HogC~, appropriation for investigating, treat- ing,eCo--~-~-------------- 547,1197 Hogbac1c Irrigation Project, N. Me., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of, OD Navajo. Rese"ation; repay- ment___:_:.. _________ • __ " __ _ 213,1575 deficiency appropriation for diversion dam repair________'-_--------- 900 Holbroek &r«I Nil., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Florida Avenue to Morae 8tteet; from gasoline tax fund_____________ 654 Holbrook T~ NB.,D. C., appropriation for paving; etc., west of Queen Street; from gasoline tax fund________________________ 654 HoUand <eee Netherlands). Home BCMWmiu, deficiency appropriation for further development of, among the ·Sta~,etc------------------- 1626 additional appropriations authorized for voeatlonal eduCation in States and TerritOries,of____ ~ ______ _ 1151 Home Et!O'Mfnw, AgricuU~ral, amount authorized in developing, in system of extension_ _ _________ 711 Home Et!O'Mfniu Bureau, Department 01 Agriculture, appropriation for Chief of Bureau, and office personneL ___________ 564,1215 for investigating utilizing farm prod- ucts itl the home___________ 664, 1215 deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929________________________ 1678 Home lor Aged and Infirm, D. C., " 'P.... appropriation for 1Ial&rieIJ _________ 676, 1292 for maintenance ___________ . .; _ __ 676, 1293 for repairs, etc ___________ .. . ____ 676, 12W for additional ward buUdiDp, etc__ .. 1'293 Home lor I_abla, D. C., WuhiftQton, appropriation . for care of indigent patients __________________ 67" 12~1!onfor_______ :. _ _ 892 Homeopathic Medical Ezaminer., D. C., BOGI'd oj, - '. record, etc., to be delivem to Commis- sion on LiceDBUre to Practice the Healing Art__________________ 1340 Homestead £awa, repeal of provisions extending, to Yellowstone National Forest___ 622 Homu,teada, appropriation for cla.ssiii.cation. etc., of lands within national fo1't1dts, etc., for__________ ~ ___ __ __ _ 664, 1204 lands of entrymen of, under Reclama- tion projects, subject to -State, etc.t. .taxes ____________ .___ ____ 439 Homeatead3, Enlarged, . appropriation for examining, - olMBify- ing, etc.,laDds suitable for__ 232,1595 Honduraa, _ appropriation for minister to _______ 66, 1096 Honolulu, H G.waii, appropriation for public building_____ 1042 deficiepcy appropriation· for public building at___________________ m Hood RilJef', Oreg., bridge &croBB Columbia River, at, Hoopa vTarmstroBot (talk)c~ij,;----------------.;- 285 appropriation for. Indian school, im- provements__________________ 1578 Hoopa vaUellIndian Hoapital, Calil., appropriation for mainteI.1ance, etc., of. 220 1581 Hoopa Valley Indian Reaeroation, Calil., deficiency appropriation for part COBt of a bridge and road on________ 902 Bum authorized for half the cost of bridge and road on____________ 589 California, etc., furnish the balance, and Dlaintain both____________ 590 Hope and Help Mission, D. C ., appropriation for care of women and children under_________ :. . _ __ 676, 1293 Hopi Indian Hospital, Am., appropriation lor support, etc., 01. _ __ 1581 Hopi I1'Idian ReBeroation, Ari,., appi'opriation for miscellaneous irriga- tion projectson____________ 210,1572 for Chimopovy day school, construc- tion_________________________ 1577 Hopi I1'Idians, Ariz., . deficiency appropriation for water sup- ply on ~ations___________ 1617 for reimbursing, for livestock of, destroyed to prevent contagious ~___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ 1638 Hopkina, Major E. 0., Arm" Quartermas- ter CorP8, credits allowed in accounts of, for ac- quiring Canadian properties._ __ 463 Hoquiam, Waah., deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 1658 board of inspector of hulls, and of boilers created at___ ___ _________ ___ __ 710 allowances_______________________ 710