Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1893

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INDEX. Pap. INerior Depar'mem-Continued. deficiency appropriation for Reclama- tion Bureau ____________ 19,902,1642 for roads and trails, national parks, etc__________________________ 19 for ed~~tion in Alaska; I'8&ppro- pnatloD ______________ .- -- -- _ for inspectors___________________ _ for maps _______________________ _ for national aecurity and defense, 19 41 41 under_______________________ 44 for stationery___________________ 44, 933 for Geologioal Survey__ . __________ 46, 903,933, 1617, 1621, 1643 for Navy aviation transfer to Mines Bureau______________________ 46 for national parks__ 46, 904, 933, 1621, 1643 for Education Bureau_______ 46,904,1617 for publio lands_____________ 46, 933, 1637 for Alaska _________ 46,904,933,.937,1617 for Howard Universi~y------------ 904 for judgments, of Court of Claims under____________________ 932,1615 for increase of compensatioo_____ ___ 933 for Solicitor's office_______________ 1610 for judgments, United States courts, under_______________________ 1615 for contingent expenaes____________ 1617 for Saint Elizabeths HOlipitaL______ 1617 for damages, claims.._______________ 1637 for PensioDS Bureau_______________ 1642 for Government in the Territories___ 1644 for Freedmen's HospitaL__________ 1644 for Howard Univereity __ __________ 1671 for salaries, 1929, Secretary's office__ 1681 for General Land Office, salaries, 1929. 1681 for Indian .Affairs Bureau, salaries, . 1929________________________ 1681 for PensioDS Burea'!t ialaries, 1929__ 1683 for Reclamation Jiureau, 1I8laries, 1929________________________ 1683 for Geological Surva)' salaries, 1929__ 1683 for National Park ~"ice, salaries, 1929 ______________ ~_ __ _ __ __ _ 1683 for Education Bureau. aaIaries, 1929_ 1683 for Government in the Territorio, sa1ariesFa~~--------------- 1684 for Saint . h8 Hoapital, sal- ~,l92P ______ ~ __ ~_________ 1684 for Freedmen; I Hoepital, aaIaries, 1929________________________ 1684 field work appropriationa under speci- fied offices, eto'f available for hire of work anim.dJB, vehicles, .etc.-_____________'_ ... ______ 243,1606 submission to ~ discontinued, of report d. expenses BUpport of Indian schools _______________ _ school and agency bulldinp_______ _ allotments in severalty ___________ _ indl18trialwork, etc ______________ _ enoourtlPDC Indian indl18try ______ _ specifio employees _______________ _ Indian moneys, pl'OC.'eeds of labor __ _ Northern Cheyennes, cattle_______ _ tribal funda, .Apaches, etc_________ _ Confederated Utes_____________ _ Chippewas of Minnesota________ _ surveyor general's clerks __________ _ support of agricuItui'al colleges, etc~_ Alaska. railroad, land purchases, etc_ salel of ,l!roperty, ete__ ~ __ .. __ __ _ _ Freedmen 8 Hospital, salaries, etc __ _ care of patients~ _______________ _ 990 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 992 I merior Department-Continued. , submission to Congress discontinued, Pap. insane institution, .Alaska .. _ ___ _ 992 industrial work, Tongue River Reser- vation, Mont________ . _______ _ Indian hostilities _______________ _ Indian hospitals _________________ _ Sioux Indians, destruction of horses_ heirs of deceased Indians__________ _ rent of building, Capitol Grounds, 992 992 992 992 992 enlargeD1ent__________________ 992 BUrveys, etc., allotments, .Arizona and New Mexico reservations______ 992 Indian tribal funds________________ 992 I nterwcking Dirutorates, exemption of mutual savings bank, joint-stock land banks, etc., from antitrust .Act prohibitions of ___ 1536 restrictions of, not applicable to private bs.nkers, officers of member banks, etc., who may serve in not more than two other banks, etc__ 253 issue or revoking permitsJ. authorized by Federal Reserve Hoard __ ___ 253 I ntemol Beven". (tee Gllo . Internal Reve- nue Service, Treasury Depart- ment), appropriation for expenses of Board of Tax .Appeals ______________ 576, 1233 time extended for presenting claims for legacy taxes, erroneously col- lected under Revenue .Act of 1898________________________ 398 payment of allowed claims_________ 398 Internal Revenue Building, D. C., appropriation for construction oL____ 1044 Internal Revenue, CommiMioner oj, appropriation for, assistants, deputies, and office personneL _____ ~ ____ 1034 Internal Revlll'I .ull Bureau (Bee alBo Internal Revenue Service, Treasury De- partment), appropriation for Commissioner, gen- eral counsel, assistants, etc__ 168,1034 Internal RlltIen". Officers, deficiency appropriation for paying judgments against ___________ 48,935 I nter1iGl Revenue Service, TretUv,rl/ Depart- ment, appropriation for Commissioner, gen- eral counsel, and all office and field forces ________________ 168,1034 for rent, outside and in the District__ 1681 103'} 'for supplies, equipment, etc _____ 168, 1034 pe1'8Onaiservicesin the District. 16!}, 1034 for detecting, etc., violationa of in- ternal revenue laws ________ 169, 1034 rental allowance in the District increased_.___ _______________ 169 care, etc.: . of guarters in National PreBS Huildmg, D. C li Illared under Director of Pub 0 Build· ings and Public Parks_________ 169 motor vehicle travel allowance_ 169, 1034 for refunding illegally collected taxes_ 16_9.: 10~ report to Congress of disburse- lOents ____________________ 169, 1035 condition on refund to· manufac- turers, etc., of tax on automobile ~ri es ___ ___ :___ ___ ___ ___ 169 for buUdingfor;contracts______ 182,1044