Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1902

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Kitty HGwk, N. C .- Continued. Paae•• deficieucy ~ropriation for JDODWDellt on Kill Devil Hill, to aommein- orate first successful ~e Con~~-~oi.im1ttee--to--be";.p: .1666 pointed to attend unveilins of memoria,l to Wilbur and Orville Wr:laht at, for airplane flight at KID Devil Hill_______________ 1020 Kivell, KGU&leen W., deficiency appropriation for services..__ 2 KlGmath. Agency, Oreg., , appropriation for support, etc., of Indi- ans .t______________ 223, 1571, 1584 for &gency buildinp_______________ 1584 KlGmGth .Falle, Oreg.. apprgpriation forpub!ic building______ 1042 deficiency appropriatlOll for .me and bunding_____________________ 921 KlGmatl IftfliGn BuerPGlion, Oreg., appropriation for maintenance, etc.. of miIeeI!aneoua irription. projects OD __________________ .: . ____ 214, 1575 deficieacy appropriation for fonN4ln8ect . . controL _____________________ 900 sum from tribal funds autlloriae4 for General CouncIl, maintahdng tribal organization. ew________ 1439 visit of delegation to Washington, etc__________________________ 1439 procuring evidence in pendins auits, etc__________________________ 143' KlGmoUa 1 . GtioR ProJecl, Oreg.- Coli/., appropri:tfOlllor mamtenaoce, .tc., Of_ 229, 1591 refUllds to lessees ~ Tulet Lake mar- fP:oallaDda--------------- 229,1591 Klein, Ru;hartl H_, may bridge Susquehanna River, at Liverpool, Pa_ _______________ 1319 Knoz Cot.m4'. Ten ... , bridge authorized &CroSS TeIlll8lle6 River, in ____________________ 418 Kno:x: Creek Railway Compo..y, may construct two bridges acroa Tug Fork· of Big_ Sandy River near Devon, W. Va., with Norfoik and Western Railway Company ____ 137 Knozvilk, Ten,,-, may bridge TennesSee River, at IJen- ley Street____________________ 1172 Koehl, Hermann, distinguished flying cross to be pre- sented to Ehrenfried Gunther von .Huuefeld, Jam. C . Fits- Maurice, and, for first airplane nonstop flighli from Europe to North America_______________ 482 Kokomo, Ind., deficiu~ appropriation for pubUc Kooshar!~~!:1:/i;J.;;;.;,;:----------- 1658 lands set aside for, at Koosharem, Utah_ 162 Koosharem, Utsh, . lands set aside in vicinity of, for Koos- harem Band of Indians________ 16i Kootenai IndiGn AUotmenta, Idaho, appropriation for reclamation projects on__________________________ 1574 agreement for drainage of, authorised with drainage dittricta including axe&_________________________ 938 apportionment of share of costs_____ 938 Installment paymentB.._ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ 938 54835°-29-PT 1-120 Kootenai Indian AUocm..; .IdtJho-Oon. agreement for draiDNe 01; payments withlleld if work not u. accord- anee with oontr• .c&plaDi" _____ _ proportionate ahare of eost to be borne by IDdiaa Jtnds; Jba1ta- tiOD_~-.-----~--------------- !elmbursement of amount to be ap- r~o~!:J.TarmstroBot (talk) 01:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)__~~_~~ lien created ~ JaDdB, but Dot enforceable, whlletitleinIndians_ ~on.~ htP~tiv. of Sec- re~, ~ CODtraet matters____ _ Indian laIids 1)0'.· subl«lt to diatrict .law "DiU. ~ titJe becoJDel . .~t. __ .N~ ____ . ________ ~ __ Kootenai Ri_, 10011.0, p~ Aupafuatlon, for Aood oon- .: trolot.---------------------- ~oeeiUlkoJ 11'1 . .. . deficiency aptl!CJPriatlon for pubUo , . bUQdi,I)B(·af....- ______________ _ KrGul, Geor,. B., . appointment authorized of, as oaptain el IDlQtQr_________________ _ L. L Boata, A~,. . . 938 939 939 -939 939 939 1164 1658 P\lrc~ oreoDaiructlon of two, author- l&ed______________________ 718 L Strm $B., I). C., ' .. . approprlaliion for' pavbur. ete., South . aapte} Streit to rr~ Plaoe; from ~ t.- fllDd_________654 LA Cr~, 'Wia., . . . , appropriation for flah culturaltltation at. 1129 for. &!lCl~8ite~d~ publio bundlnlat_~---------------- 179 ,fA;a F~ ~ 4000, GfJ., amount autho~!!r Pl'Tins. an ap- .~ ~ . .!!.'. C1Uckunaqa and equa1...~t:'!oa~iiteci-bY 493 Georgia, etc__________________ 493 titJoto. aDd IDIiDteDaaoe by.. Georgia, La FG".:.~Q,,~u1red..---------------- 494 deficienCy approprl.ation for paving .GOVernJDent RoI4 from Lee and Gordon'. Mm to________ ·_ _ _ _ _ _ 929 Labor ~. COftCiliGlioaol appropgatiqillorcoD1P1iss1o.:er.,etc_ 105, 1135 deficiency appropriatioR for commie- ,BiQ!¥l'II.I! etq..__________________ 1621 Labor Or,anuatitml, . exempt'from iDCIometu-' _____ ~______ 812 Labor Saving I>mcu, POBtal Berviu, . appropriation for. __ .. __ ..,_ ._ .. _ __ _ _ 192, 1054 LalioT SallingMachi,,", etc., appropriation for purchase, etc., Treas- ury ».pa.rtm(mt___ • ____ ___ 164, 1029 defic~y .ppropriation for, 'treasury J)~ent--.---------.----- 915 lAbor 8t~ .BurBGu, .D~ oj appropriatioia for CommiIBioner, a.nd office pereonneL ___________ 106,1136 traveling expenseS of special &guts etc_______________________ 106, 1136 traveq expeIlll88, officers, etc_ __ 106, 1136 materials for reports, etc.; local specialagents_____________ 106,1136 meetings_______ 106.1137