Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1911

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clx INDEX. · W",,,,, ItwHota ~;.lVtaaA., l'a&e. appropdr.UoQ lor ~mlng Jand8 In; baIaDae~________ 214 defioleD~:~~!~_01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~ 902 8um' au'horiHd lor oolDpleti..' read· ~ ~11' ooDltrueted by . WhatOoJD Cofun,____________ ~ 366 malnteD&noe by State or Coon'" ~uhed-.~--------."'----·-,,--- 366 Lunacv W"",. D. C., . . appropriatIOn ftlr '. upenaee of _e- ou~-~~----~------------ 671, 1287 deficiency appropriation far expe_ of uecuUnI-_" _______ ______ 9, Stl, 1630 L_IIIhrr,- .' .- . . appropiiatlon for miniater to_______ 6S,1096 Lpc/I11urg~,·Yo., . . ap • D tor publio buDdi... _ 921,1043 d oi8Doy appropriation ;for publio bUIlding at__________ . . . ; _________ 921 LpcAt RiHr, S; C., preliminary examination for flood COD- trolof_______________________ 1164 M. MCCOM covmll~" may brid«e uri River, at Glasgow_ 111 McGr." .. P4f'i7I. .,. b,idte authorized aei'o8a Wabash River, . at________.___________________ 480 locatioD of bridp acrou Wabash River at, chanKec1. to New Harmony, . Ind., &Dd~te COunty,IU..---- 1406 McK_ Coum71 Po.., time exteD.ded for bridabuE ADegheny Nvu, at Eldred,by:---------- 769 McKee, H. L.&. • may bridgeJAkB Sabine, at Port .ArthUr, Tex________ ________________ __ GOO time extended for bridging Lake Sabine, at Pl}rt ArthW', .Tex., by_______ 1524 McK.. RocA, Po., deficiency: appropriation for public . bWldiDg aL _______________ ~__ 33 bridge authorfied ~ Ohio River, at_ 11'12 McKee8pori, Pa. time erleDde'd for bridging Mononga- hela River, at_________________ 387 McKinlq High SchOol, D.C., portion of Bite of, and LangIer Jilnlor HiJlh.~.avaUable for bathing pooL 583 McKinlq, Wiuiam B., late G StlMtOr, deficiencr appropriation for pay to Widow 0'- ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 2 McMi",mnae, Ten",., appropriation for publio building______ 1043 defioiency appropriation for publio McNeil I~~,::,n.:!h~;-.:.-;.-----~------ 922 applOpriatioD for panitentiary, mainte- nanoe______________________ 82,1113 for penitentiary, eonstruol.ion equip- ment, etc __________________ 82, 1113 for auditorium____________________ 1113 defieieno;' appropriation for peniten- tiaryt.maintenan08------ 22,906, 1646 for extenaing water system_________ 22 credit to 'warden of, for paym1!n\ on additional boiler, penitentiary, directed____ _______________ __ _ 22 lofcPhdridg., POTU M., quitclaim to, for land in California____ 1157 Mtu:1c. lnghGmG., Paae. def\oleJloy appropriation tor aervfCflll___ 1607 Mac1ciflGe A,enq, MicI& •• . appropriation fOr support, etc., of Indiana at ________________ 222, 1583 Maddm Dcaa, lie., P __. ., . CaflGl, dam eto., &01'018' Chapa River, at Alhaiuela, deeipated, in honor of Hon. M .rtin B. Madden, lormerohainnan ofHouse Appro- priatiODB COmmittee__________ 1386 Maddm, Marti. B., lGt. 0 RepruentcUlIC i1~ Congru., deficieac1 appropriation'for pay to widowof_____________________ 884 M addefl, WiIio.., . deficienoy appropriation for extra. aervicea_________________ 4, 886, 1624 .. Madeleine," Fren.cA. St./lG".."ip, deficiency appropnatlon for payment to \ France for dam.s to_________ 913 payment directed to Franoe, .. indem- nity for oollision damapa of, with American steamahip "Derwood" 512 Madi_ Bridle ComIRtn7l, may br:r__TarmstroBot (talk) __ _ ~,__~~_TarmstroBot (talk)_n: 133 Madi8an Count", Miu., bridp authoriaed aeroB8 Pearl River, In Rankin County and_________ 421 Madi_, lu., bridge authorbed across Ohio River, at_ 133 M adi81m PfaCtJ Anaez, T~ Deport- fltam, appropriation for operating force_"_ 163, 1029 for operating 8Xpenaetl __________ 164, 1029 for r8paira and preeervatioD. _ __ _ _ 183, 1045 for meobaDieal equipmen~ ______ 183, 1046 Madi8tm Strut NW., D. C., appropriation lor paving, etc., Seventh to Nintb Streets; from guoline tax fund_____________________ .652 Madillcm. Wia., deficiency appropriation for public M agee, J>~~ill.~ti;G-&p;;.~~i;;i; . Congrtl88, deficiency appropriation for pay to , widow of____________________ _ 33 3 M agndic Obatlt1latiota8, appropriation for oontinuing, under COaat Survey_______________ 97,1127 MahOM B~ ComP.tJny, J. K . may bridge Ohio River, at Wellsburg, W. Va.______________________ 503 time extended for bridging Ohio River, at Welisburg, W. Va., by______ 1530 M ahani,.. Coumy, OhIO, . may bridge Mahoning River, at Youngs- town, Ohio____________________ 1168 may reoonstructt....etc., bridge across Mahoning .H .iver, at Youngstown_ Ma"-oning Rillet, 62 bridge authorized across, at Warren, Ohio________________________ 309 at Youngstown, Ohio_____ 6&,63, 114, 1168 time extended for bridging, at warren, Ohio ___________________ ._ __ __ 1535 for conatruoting viaduct acrou, at Nilea,Ohio________________ 761,1535 Mail Bags, Locka, Equipment, etc., P08to.l Service, appropriation for purchase, manufac- ture, etc __________________ 192, 1054