Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1912

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INDEX. elm Mail Bag_), Lo,cb, BguiPfMll.l, etc., Postal p .... ~COntfnued. appropriation for materiala, etc., equip- lnentlhop84_4 __ __ _ _ 4 _ _ _ __ 192,1054 for labor in equiplnent ahapa_ _ _ _ 192, 1054 distinctive equipment fOr depart.. mebta, AJa8k&, and ~ poe- aeudODl___________________ 1~, 1055 amount increued for perIOD8l aervices . on, 1928_____________________ 27 Alaa Carih, PriIJaU, . rate of poeUge on, at one cent each_ ___ 940 Mail Tf'CIMporCcJnon, PoatalB.w:., appropriation for atar route. in Alaaka_ 190, 1052 for ateaJnboat and other power boat routea____________________ 190,1052 for railroad routea and ID&il m~n- ger aervice ________________ 190,1052 meSlenger aervice &OOOunting ___ 19O, 1052 for Railway Mail Service _______ 190,1052 for electrie and cable car aervice. 190, 1053 for foreign mailIJ by ateam.ship and otherw1se _________________ 190,1053 aDlounUor aircraft aervice ____ 191,1053 for contract aircraft aervioo4.: . __ _ _ 191, 1053 deficiency appropriation for Marine gUarda for protection of. _ __ __ _ _ 25 for contract air aervice _____ 27,1161,1650 for airplane aervice, New York and San FTan~________________ 43 for meeaen8V iervice______________ 43, 50 for power tioat aervice_ ____________ 50 for railroad routea___________ 60,936,1650 for rural de1ivery4________________ 50 for nar rou~.: ________________ 4_ _ 150 for vehicle aervice_________________ 50 forforeign_· ___________________ 4__ 1650 for Railway Mail Serville__________ 1650 between UDited Stateaand foreign porta required of any steamships at the compensation fixed by law______ 1153 c1eannee to ,be withheld, etc., on refusal-_____________________ 1153 contracta for ten years authorized for tranaporting mails by air to foreign CQuntries_ _____________ 248 service at pound per mile rate; mile rate Iiinited _______ ~ ____ ____ _ _ decision of Postmaster General final_ regulations to be iSSUed4 __________ _ Maine, . bridge authorized acrOSl Saint John 248 248 248 River by Canada and, between Fort Kent, Me., and Clail'll, New Brunswick___________________ 1321 former Act revived________________ .1321 Majority Floor'Lead8r, Home 0/ Repruen- tativu. appropriation for clerka. etc_______ 523, 1393 Malden. Mati •. , deficiency ap~!:ion for site and Mall Par~;:~~D. ~.: at.____________ 1655 devplopment of public grounds known 88, authorized, by Director of Public Buildings, etc__________ 1696 plans for, adopted_________________ 1696 grounds included; transfer of jurisdfil- ' tion over___________________ __ 1696 Maltby Building, D. C ., appropriation for repairs, etc ______ 526, 1396 Mammoth Cave National Park, Ky., appropriation for administration and development of, by National Park Service ______________ 236,1599 Mammoth Spring" yellotoetont NaWmal P&IIII. Purle, appropriation for trout DUI'Hl'Y at_ ____ 98 M~"", N. H ., approp~iation for pubIiG buDding______ 1M3 deficiency approPriation for public aale au~:= ~4 ~-oiGc;;;.:m:;eiii 922 builclin& alte at_______________ 11M Mangulll, OWc&., . tcrma of court at___________________ 1518 M4fU1JiMd, La., deficiency appropriation for publio MaNi N!=,.:,.;;;U~:----------- 1659 exchange of landa authorised with' GWlIliIon-Mayfte1d Land and Gruing Company, for addition to_4________________________ 370 Manu!aclwer_' EI«:Iric Terminal C_ 1'G"y, may biidge Miuouri RiTerl at mouth of Big Blue River 1D Jaebon County, Mo_________________ 384 ManZ4M National Forut N. Ma., exchanf: authori;;i of landa In =~oTarmstroBot (talk) 01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~~!~~ 431 Map o/DuJ World, Inler1wJlional, appropriation for share of expeoaee of , oentrUbureauof___________ 75,1107 Mappifl(l A,meiee ' GoNmrilMt .a ervicea 0t.. authorized for furtherance . of MilaiaBippi River, etc., 800d control project_______________ 536 Mapa, fholoaic, . appropriation for engraving and print- in~---------------------- ~ 1595 Mapa, Jlililas'f/, appropriation for topopaphie .urYeya, . etc.,for _______________ 4 __ 342, 1364 aasiatanee of Geological, Coast ,and Geodetic Surveya, etc_________ 342 deficiency appropriation for comp1~ tion ofArmytraDaportationatlu_ 1665 Mapa, PINt' Route, etc., appropriation for manufacture; etc_ 192, 1054 Mapa, United Statu, appropriation for connected; distribu-o , tion________________ ~ __ _ _ _ 202, 1564 for aeparateStateand TerritoriaL 202,1564 designated areas ender enlarged 'homeateadprovtaioDl_ .: .. ___ _ 202, 1564 deficiency appropriation for _______ 4 _'_ 41 March FUld, Cali/., Army Air Corpa, amounts autborized far buildinp, etc., at___________________________ 130 construction of Army buildings author- isedat__ .. -'_' ______________ 748,1303 for Army Air Corps, at____________ 1305 Marcua Hooh, Pa., . appropriation for quarantine atation, repairs and preaervation_______ 183 deficiency appropriation for quarantine station, repairs_______________ 31 Mare lIIland, Cali/., appropriation for, navy yard, public works____________________ 636, 1464 for naval ammunition depot, publio workl_______________________ 636 payment directed to San Franciaco, Napa, and Calistoga Railway for damages to cars of, at navy yard_ 1413 Marianna, Fla., deficiency appropriation f<Jr publio building at ______________ ~---- 33