Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1915

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Olxiv IXDEX. JI""~ 4r-.r, &mee-ContiQued. authorised to be procured, eta.; Indian , '_paleD1IIIIIdal ___ .. ____ '_____'_ ~:oenP"lcn DIIII4aI,.;_ - - - - - - _ -- 8iluUIh War...rv1oe medaL _______ _ Cut.D ~ medal..------ ___ _ Pada'lUao ~ DMdaL. _ __ _ _ _ . !"b flI ppI ue~ medaL_______ _ ~.~JMdal----- ChbiA~ medal..- ________ _ ~ DIeda! _________ _ ,MesIcarleervioeJDeCIU.. __ - .: __ - _- __ _ Medea IIoI'd* '.moe medaL ____ _ ISOO ISOO l500 IiOO aoo ISOO ISOO ISOO 500 500 ISOO ISOO ~me:'=".:=Ut--~ tiOh_.: ___ ..: .. __ .. .:_..:____________ l500 fIIIIU8 DOt precluded JI penon Is not fD, a,r iDdnot die In. U1e .mee... l500 ~ ......., ,wtthoutlault,maybe free :7=tif~b.-mwtarY liOO emnnce_______________________ liOO espeDBI autborUed from Army appro- __ .l,)rlatIoDL____________________ liOO c01llllcClDC Jawa repealed_____________ liOO Medal., <hU, , to be coined and preeented to Colonel Oharleit A. LlrldheI1th, in MID- ,memoration of his aehlevementa_ 490 with suitable deviC811 to be preeented to 'lboaIM A. EdIaon. In reeopi- tfonof ma ~nta_______ 1012 Jledala 0/ HM. etC., A"';'", , unauthor1led manufacture, ~ etc•• ~.UDlawflfl--;.----'------- m pUNah....nt fOl' _____ .:_____________ .a7 MeMiGl'. 'H~ &trftt:at, VIImI",' , BUreau, ,, apptopriatlon for benelciariel_____ 1i88,I24a for improviq facllitlea In boBpltaJe_ __ 588, , 1246 fo« additional hoepitel, domicilWy, aDd diapensary facilitles________ 1247 contracts autborUed. ___ 1"________ 1247 deficieocy appropriation for___________ .a, 45, 48, 932, 1673 Jldctil fJftd SwP:ol HU1tw71 0/ 'M World War, 1J~for~etc------- 3lS8 M . C1aaritW D. C., appropriation for care, etc., at deaig~ nated boepltal8 ____________ 674, 1291 de1loieDcyappi'Opi'iation for___________ 1630 Medicallh,... e.-, Artily, rr.ppropriation for eivilian peJ'lOJU1elA,. O1Iloe of ~D General ___ 3 -, 1349 for ~tiDc buIlet.m. prepared by the 8urpOQ. GeDeraL __________ 327,1351 for medical aDd hospital auppliee_ &39, 1362 for moequito deltruetion, C&Dal Zone_ 339, 1362 for veterinary auppliee, etc... ___ ___ 3 39,1362 for preventin4, etc., contagious dis- ....._____________________ 83 ~, 1362 for civilian employ~ Dunes, etc_, 339, 1362 for TarmstroBot (talk) 01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC)·:~~-~:-~~40, 1363 for mJIoellaoeoua eIpeIlIIe8-. ;. ____ 340, 1363 Ole for Medieal aDd Burg;!.!is- tory of War with IY, forbidden __________________ 340, 1363 for hoepital care, Cual Zone prri- IOns ______________________ 340,1363 for Medit'.al Museum ___________ 340,1363 Jledical Departmmt, Armv-Contlnued. p .... appropriation for library, Burgeon Gen- eral'l Office_______________ 340, 1363 for artifiCial, ~:tc---------- 367,1379 for = oee for disabled •. ___________ ~-- 367;1379 for t~-------------- _______ 358,1379 for Medlcalw Suqioal .BiItory of '*'- World War______________ ~ 368 detlo(ency approprWion for ____ ' -\ 936, 1619 for artificial UinbeJ ___________ • __ _ __ 38,60 for ",J)lae1Dg IRlpplles ____________ 49,1619 for I&lariell, 1929, under____________ 1689 officer aaelgned &8 personal phYlioiaD. to the Preefdent allowed tem- ~=.. ~..p._~.=_~__~lTarmstroBot (talk) 670 rank:eto.,to date from AIIi.JIllDent__ 670 Medical mmN, NOJJ1I (• ., . Bureau of . edicine and Surgery, Navy). Medical Ezominer., D. (J'I.Board 0/, recordi, etc., to be aeuvered to Com- mfIIIIion on Licensure to Practice the HealinC Art_______________ 1340 Medical Mv.eeum ArtilY, appropriation 101' preaerving lpeeimens .to___~ ___________________ 340,1363 custody, etc., of, building, t.ran.fened to office Of Publio Bu1Idlnp and Public Parb of National CapitU______________________ 888 Medical 8c1&ool, D. C'J. ArtlllI, completioD of buDam, authoNed. __ _ _ 1303 addition to power plant authorUed.._ 1303 Medical Bv.JHf'rittm,I D. C., Board oj, recordi, etc., to De delivered to Com- million on Licensure to Practice ~eBealing Art.-_____________ 1340 tranafer of money balance to the Com- Drlsdon_____ -----____________ 1340 MedidM emil Bu,.,." D. C., licenses_required to practice__________ 1334 Medicine Loafe, KIJf&I., deficiency appropriation for erecting tablet at, to commemorai;e hold- ~7~f_01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC),_~ 902 Bum authorized for tablet at, to com- memorate Indian peace council there, and treatiell made with Kiowa. etc., Indianlln 1867____ 492 MedidflU, AduUeraled, etc., appropriation for expeD8e8 preven~s_ sale, etc., of_______________ 666, 1217 for e~8e8 yreventing sale of, in Districto Columbia_______ 669,1285 MeditefT_. FnAt Fl'l/, etc., appropriaUon for reaearch on______ 568, 1208 Meherri.'lif1ef', _ bridge authorized &Cl'08ll, in Hertford County, N. C________________ 1451 Melllille, La., bridge authorised &C1'OII8 Atchafalaya River, at_____________________ 379 MeZviZU, R. I ., appropriation for naval fuel depot, boilerplant_______________ 636, 1464 Member. of Ctmgrea. oontracte with, fOr acquisition of land for MiIIdaelppi River 1I00d con- trol projecta, prohibited________ 639 Member. 0/ the HOUH oj R,prUllntativu, appropriation for compensation____ 620,1390 for mrnDease-------------------- 620, 1390 for clerk hire_ _ _ _ _____________ _ 523, 1393