Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2000

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INDEX. ccxlix Seabury , Howard, Paae. may construct dam for retaining tidal waters from a cove extending from Cases Inlet, Wash________ 571 SMCOari De/eMU (BU Fortifications). Seal FiB1&erie&, Alaska, appropriation for agents, etc., PribUof Islands ___________________ 100,1130 protecting; food to natives, etc_100, 1130 defiCiency appropriation for paying judgments, damages for unlaw- ful seizures of vessels, under 1Jeasury I>epartment_________ 40 Seamen, A7Mrican, appropriation for relief and protection of, in foreign countries, etc___ 68, 1098 for testimonials for rescuing, etc. shipwrecked, and citizens_ __ _ 69, 1100 deficiency appropnation for relief and protection of, in foreign coun- tries ______________________ 48, 1618 Seattle, Wash., appropriation for passport bureau___ 65,1096 for dispatch agent_______________ 66, 1097 for assay office at______________ 176, lO41 for immi~ant station, assay office building, etc_________________ 1044 for Federal office building__________ 1044 deficiency appropriation for public buUding at_________________ 918,924 Second Assistant Postmaster General, appropriation for, and office person- nel _______________________ 187, 1049 for field service under __________ 190,1052 for star route transportation in AJaska ___________________ 190,1052 for steamboat routes, etc _______ 190,1052 for railroad routes, and mail messen- ~er service ________________ 190,1052 freIght train conveyance ______ 190,1052 meBBenger service accounting __ 190,1052 for clerical assistance on space rate compensation and cost ascer- tainment_________________ 190,1052 for Railway Mail service________ 190,1052 for travel allowance, etc________ 190,1053 for expenses away from headquar- ters ______________________ 190,1053 for miscellaneous; arms for mail pro- tection; rent, etc., of terminal oftices ____________________ 190, 1053 for electric and cable car service_ 190, 1053 for foreign mails _______________ 190, lO53 aircraft service ______________ 190,1053 seapost service ______________ 190, lO53 for assistant superintendent of foreign mails, New York City______ 191,1053 for delegates to London Universal Postal COngreBB______________ 191 for balances due foreign countries_ 191, 1053 for travel and miscellaneous_____ 191, lO53 for inland aircraft transportation, . u nder contract_____________ 191,1053 supervisory officials, etc., at transfer points____________________ 191, lO53 personal services in the District; incidental expenses____________ 1053 for indemnity, lost, etc., international mail________________________ 1053 deficienoicea~e01:36, 25 September 2010 (UTC)o~ _TarmstroBot (talk) _TarmstroBot (talk): 1611 Second Class Mail (au also Postal Service), rates of postage for_________________ 940 by others than publishers or news agents_______________________ 941 Second Deficiency Actl Fiscal Year t9BS (au Paae. Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1928, Second). Second DeJi,ciency Act, Fiscal Year 19B9 (IU Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1929, Second). Second Street NE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Adams to Bryant Streets; from gaso- line tax fund_________________ 1270 Second Street NW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Blair Road to Rittenhouse Street; from gasoline tax fund________ 653 Secondary Schools, . appropriation for study of organization, etc., by Bureau of Education___ 1602 Secret Service Division, Tr/JQ8ury Depart- ment, appropriation for Chief of Division, and office personneL ___________ 173,1038 for expenses, sUPPreBSing counterfeit- ing,etc___________________ 173,1038 protection of the President, etc_ 173, 1038 pay restriction ______________ 173, 1038 deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929________________________ 1688 Secretary 0/ Agriculture, appropriation for, ABBistant, and office personneL ________________ 539,1189 contracts for stenographic report- ing services authorized _____ 540,1190 purchase of options on land______ 1190 for employees lD mechanical shops and power plant___________ 540, 1190 for printing and binding annual re- port oL __________________ 541,1191 authorized to accept gift of lands to be added to Columbia River bird refuge, Wash_________________ 1413 acquire lands, etc., for forest tree nurseries_____________________ 1318 constructand maintain Oregon Caves, Oreg________________________ 1407 convey Federal Point Lighthouse Reservation to city of Wilming- ton, N.C., tobekeptasa me- morial of Battle of Fort Fisher__ 1066 cooperate with States, etc., in em- ploying county extension agents for rehabilitating farm areas devastated by floods of 1927 ___ 53 amount authorized to be expended by__________________________ 53 establish Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in Utah_______________ 448 dairy and livestock experiment sta- tion for the South at Lewisburg, Tenn________________________ 981 cxamine all vessels carryin~ export cattle, horses, sheep, BWlDe, etc., to foreign countries___ ________ 789 to prescribe regulations for safe and proper transportation and humane treatment of such ani- mals ________________________ 789 investigate and report on feasibil- ity of cooperative program for predatory animal eradication, etc_________________________ 559 make advances to farmers and fruit growers for the crop of 1929, in designated Southern States in flood stricken area, to purchase seed, feed, and fertilizer_______ 1306