Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2024

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INDEX. Tmneasee Rillet'-Continued. P.... bridge authorized across, at Scottsboro, AJa _______________________ 287,754 at Whitesburg Ferry, AJa ________ 287,753 time extended for bri~ging, at mouth of Clarks River, Ky_____________ 1524 in Perry and Decatur Counties, Tenn_ 53 Tennyson Street NW., D. C ., appropriation for paving, etc., west of Thirty-third Street; from gaso- line tax fund_________________ 652 Tensas Riller, bridge authorized across, in Louisiana__ 765 Tenth Judicial Circuit, created by division of eighth circuiL__ 1347 districts composing, Colorado, Wy- oming, Utah, Kansas, Okla- homal...and New Mexico _ _ _ _ ___ 1347 Tenth Street N /!i., D. C ., appropriation for j>aving, etc., Girard to Jackson Streets; from gasoline taxfund_____________________ 654 ,'or paving, etc., Evarts to Girard Stree~ from ,gasoline tax fund_ 1271 Tenth Street N w., D. C., approprition for widening roadway, F Street to New York,Avenue____ 655 Terra Cotta, appropriation for studying processes in manufacture oL ____________ 91,1122 Terre Haute, Ind., terms of court aL__________________ 438 Territorial Homes for Disabled Soldiers, etc., appropriation for aid to __________ 362,1385 deficiency appropriation for aid to .. _ _ _ 39 Territories, appropriation for compensation of Del- egates from _______________ 520,1390 for mileage of Delegates _________ 520,1390 for clerk hire of Delegates ______ 523, 1393 for Territorial courts _ ___________ SO, 1111 for government in the___________ 240, 1604 for Alaska_____________________ 240,1604 for Hawaii ____________________ 241,1605 for agricultural experiment stations in ________________________ 542,1192 deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929, government in the_ ______ 1684 additional appropriations authorized for vocational education in____ _ allotment for agricultural purposes __ home economics _______________ _ 1151 1151 1151 collecting, etc., official papers of, for issue as a Government publica- tion_________________________ 1412 historical experts to be employed_ __ 1412 edition authorized to be printed and bound ______________________ _ distribution by State Department_ sum authorized for all expenses ____ _ 1412 1412 1413 copy reading and indexing by De- partment editorialstaff________ 1413 prorating of cost, etc ___________ .. 1413 salaries fixed, of judges of Hawaii su- preme court_________________ _ Porto Rico supreme court________ _ Virgin Islands district court ________ _ Philippine Islands supreme court __ _ Court for China _________________ _ Hawaii circuit courts _____________ _ payable; in monthly installments ___ _ effective datP. ____________________ _ 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 Teating Machines, Army, appropriation for operating. __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ TesuqlU and Jemez PlUblos, N. Mez., deficiency appropriation for compensa- tion for loss of lands, etc______ _ Tesuque Indians, N. Mez., appropriation for hmds and additional water supply for _____________ _ amount for self-support_________ _ Teton National Park, establishment of Badlands National Monumen~t etc., in __________ _ Tewkesberry Street iV W., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Seventh. to Eighth Streets; from gasoline tax fund. ___________________ _ Texarkana Ark., terms of court at. ____ ____ ____ ___ __ _ Tezas, appropriation for emergency, to meet outbreak of pink bollworm of cotton in western, etc ________ _ deficiency appropriation for pro rata share of eXJ?6nseB of Commis- sioner locatmg boundary be- tween Oklahoma and_________ _ bridge authorized across Sabine River, between Vernon Parish! La., and Newton County, Tex., oy Louis- iana and. ______________ .. ___ _ _ claims of hay growers in designated counties of, prevented from har- vesting crops by cattle disease quarantine, to be examined and settled _____________________ _ appropriation for paying allowed claims ______________________ _ compact authorized between, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, for divi- sion of the waters of Rio Grande, etc., Rivers _________________ _ may acquire, after completion, bridge acrOBS Lake Sabine, at Port Arthur, Tex ________________ _ Rio Grande, at Donna____________ _ at Los Indois _________________ _ at Rio Grande City ____________ _ at San Benito__________________ _ may bridge Sabine River, at Pendletons Ferry ______________________ _ Texas and Louisiana, may bridge Sabine River, at Burr Ferry, La _________________________ _ 'T 'eXaB and New Mezico, President requested to confer with Governors of, to ascertain if negotiations will be entertained for agreement between United States and the States as to ac- ceptance of lands transferred to each by decree of the Supreme Court_______________________ _ if conference accepted, consent of Congress given to the States to enter into a compact respecting the matter __________________ _ President to proceed with conference and suggest an agreement to be presented to Congress and the Legislatures for ratification ____ _ compliance with obligations of the agreement authorized whenrati- fied ________________________ _ Pace. 343 17 1569 1569 1553 1270 58 247 21 1083 1159 1160 1502 610 1183 1184 1185 1181 611 976 1445 1445 1445 1445