Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2026

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INDEX. cclxxV Timber, National F(}f'68ts, Paae. appropriation for preservative treat- ment, testing, etc__________ 554, 1204 for appraising, etc., for sale_ ____ 555, 1204 Timberlands, Cu.t -over, appropriation for investigations, etc., for development oL___________ 231 Time-Measuring Device8, no part of Army appropriations avail- able for par of officers, etc., using, on work a employees_______ 353,1374 Navy appropriations available for pay of officers, etc., using, on work of employees _________ 641,1469 Tiptonville, Tenn., bridge authorized across Mississippi River, at_____________________ 507 time extended for bridging MiBBiBsippi River,at ____________________ 1451 Tobacco, appropriation for census reports on_ __ 88 for investigating improved methods of production, etc__________ 551,1201 for investigating insects affecting_ __ 1208 deficiency appropriation for collecting, etc., statistics oL_____________ 1634 statistics of quantities of leaf, in poBBeB- sion of dealers, manufacturers, etc., other than original p:owers, to be collected and publIshed___ 1079 details of t.ypes and groups of grades_ 1079 separation of new and old crops; quar- terly summaries______________ 1079 quantities exempt_________________ 1079 standards of claBBification to be es- tablished_____________________ 1079 types and groups of grades in returns; blanks to be prepared_________ 1079 quarterly reports of quantity on hand to be made___________________ 1080 punishment for refusal, giving false answers, etc__________________ 1080 meaning of "person"______________ 1080 access to internal revenue records, and cooperation of officials in ob- taining Information for ________ 1080 swom returns required_____________ 1080 information only for statistical pur- ~------------------------ 1080 restriction on publication, etc_____ 1080 collection of, by Census Bureau, re- invJdfl~T~ypr~;~'i;i~~-~iAct; n~t 1080 to affect remainder thereoL____ 1080 Todd Place NE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Lincoln Road to Second Street; from _ gasoline-tax fund_____________ 1270 TOf/u8, Me., appropriation for Volunteer Soldiers' Home ____________________ 361, 1383 deficiency appr()priation for Volunteer SOldiers' Home__________ 39,930,1667 Tohatchi Indian H08pital, Ariz., appropriation for support, etc., oL____ 1581 Tokyo, Japan, appropriation for ground rent of em- b&B8y ______________________ 66,1097 for additional land and construction of buildings for Foreign Service T establishmentsat_____________ 66 oledo, Ohio, appropriation for public building______ 1044 deficiency appropriation for courthouse, etc__________________________ 924 Tomah Agency, Wis., Pare. appropriation for office building_______ 1567 Tomah, Wis., appropriation for Indian school at_ 219, 1580 unexpended balances available for improvements, 1929___________ 219 deficiency appropriation for pubUc building at__ ________ _________ 33 Tomb oj Unknown Soldier, Arlington No-- tional Cemetery, Va., appropriation for paying for designs and plans for_________________ 1378 deficiency appropriation for procuring competitive designs for com- pleting_ ________ ______ _______ 37 Tombigbee River, bridge authorized across, at Aberdeen, Miss_ _______________________ 59 at Aliceville, Ala__________________ 310 near Butler! Ala__________________ 754 at Coffeevil e, Ala_________________ 1530 at Cochrane, Ala_________________ 754 at Epes, Ala____________________ 308,754 at Gainesville, Ala ______________ 308,754 at Jackson, Ala___________________ 754 reconstruction, etc., authorized of bridge across, at Epes, Ala_ ____ 115 Tong Hoon Yah, deficiency appropriation for payment to Chinese Government for death of___________________________ 911 payment directed to China, as indem- nity for death of, by American . forces_______________________ 488 Tongue River Agency, Mont., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at _______________________ 223,1584 Tongue River Indian Hospital, Mont., appropriation for support, etc., oL____ 1581 for improvements;. water system____ 1582 Tongue River Indian lt68ervation, Mont., appropriation for expenses of delegates from, coming to Washington___ 222 Tonkawa, etc., Agency, Okla., appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at__________________ 223,1584 Topeka, Kans., deficiency appropriation for public building at. __________________ 924 Topographic Surveys, appropriation for, including lands in national forests ____________ 231,1594 restriction on cooperative work with States, etc____________ 231,1594 deficiency appropriation for _ _________ 1643 Toppenish-Simcoe Indian Irrigation SY3- tem, Wash., appropriation for maintenance, etc., oC ::!: 4. 1575 Tornillo, Tex., time extended for bridging Rio Grande, nea.r_ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ __ 7G5 Torpedoes, etc., N aoy, appropriation for purchase and manu- facture of._. ______________ 631. 1459 Tourists Camp, D. C., appropriation for maintenance, etc., in East Potomac Park_________ 1295 Tourist R'ICks, Oreg., granted Oregon for park purposes_____ 148 Tower8, Commander .fohn H., Navy, gold medal awarded to, for organizing, etc., first trans-Atlantic flight. _ 1158