Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2030

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INDEX. cc1x:dx Treasury Department-Continued. deficiency appropriation for Public Health Service salaries, 1929 __ _ pageo , 1688 1688 for Bureau of the Mint, salaries, 1929 for Office of Supervising Architect, salaries, 1929_________________ 1688 amount for annual authorizations for sites, construction, etc., of public buildings, increased___________ 137 customs service employees, annual pay established__ _________ ________ 955 notes of Panama Railroad Company held by the Treasurer, to be can- celed and returned ___________ _ submission to Congress discontinued, of statement of sales of old mate- ria~,etc ____________________ _ 532 987 rents from sites of proposed public buildings, D. C_______________ 987 rearrangement of customs districts, etc_________________________ _ foreign loan expenses _____________ _ cumulative sinking fund action ____ _ 987 987 987 internal revenue employees; etc., in the District_ ___________ ___ __ _ 987 assessing and collection expenses 987 expenses preventing epidemic dis- eases _______________________ _ 988 sinking fund, etc., District of Co- lumbia. debt__________________ 988 Treasury Department Buildings, appropriation for operating force, Treas- ury, Liberty Loan and Register's Annex Buildings, Madison Place Annex, and othef- __ __ ___ __ _ I63, 1029 for operating expenses, Madison Place, etc_ ____ ______ ___ ___ 164, 1029 for new elevators, main building_ ___ 176 for repairs and preservation; Treas- ury, Annex, Liberty Loan, But- ler, and Auditors' Buildings_ 183, 1045 for mechanical equipmenL _____ 183,1046 deficiency appropriatil)n for main build- ing, repairs__________________ 917 for Liberty Loan Building__________ 91" Treaties, favored by Congress with maritime nations regulating belligerents and Iloeutrals in war at sea, etc__ 1165 negotiation of, prior to conference on limitation of armaments in 193L 1165 Trees, appropriation for study of diseases of, including chestnut tree bark; etc_______________________ 550,1200 1'Nes and Parking Department, D. C., appropriation for salaries, etc_ _ _ _ _ 647, 1264 for expenses ___________________ 657,1274 Trees, etc., in Semiarid Lands, propagation of, from horticultural sta- tion near Cheyenne, Wyo______ 323 Trenton, N. J., . . deficiency appropriation for public building, additional land, etc ___ 924 time extended for bridging Delaware River, at. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ 440 Trenton, Mo., deficiency appropriation for public Trenton TarmstroBot (talk)1~i~ti>~-c.~-------------- 1662 use authorized of deSignated Govern- ment land for extending, etc____ 1341 Trestle, etc., built by Weyerhaeuser Timber Com- pany in Henderson Inlet, Wash., legalized_____________________ 1430 54835°-29-PT 1--128 Triangle ~ropertie8, Washington, D. C., . PagE-. appropriation for acquiring, as sites for public buildings___ ___ _ _______ 1045 deficiency appropriation for acquisition o..fJ balance reappropriated______ 1663 Trice, J. Mark, deficiency appropriation for services___ 884 Trice, V. Calvin . may bridge Cholltank River, at Cam- bridge, Md_________________ 1313 Trinidad Avenue NE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc. ~ueen to Childress Streets; from !;asoline taxfund_____________________ 654 Trinity College, D. C., permitted to lay conduit for power transmission across Lmcoln Road NE____________________ 720 Tripartite Claims Commission, United States, Amtria, and Hungary (see also Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928), deficiency appropriation for expenses__ 913 settlement of awards of American claims against Austria. and Hungary, by Commissioner of, under Settlement of War Claims Act_____.. _________________ 262,263 Tropic Everglades National Park, Fla., investi~ation and report as to advisabil- Ity and practicability of estab- lishing_______________________ 1443 expenses from National Park Service funds_______________________ 1443 Tropical Plants, appropriation for acclimatizing, etc_ 550, 1201 for investigating insects affecting_ 558, 1208 deficiency appropriation for investigat- ing insects affecting._ _ __ ___ ____ 1634 Trousdale County, Tenn., bridge authorized across Cumberland River, in Wilson County, and___ 416 Trout River, N. Y., appropriation for public building __ ._ _ _ 1044 deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 924 Truck Crops, appropnation for investigating diseases ot. _______________________ 550,1200 for investigating insects affecting, including stored products, etc_______________________ 558, 1208 Truckee-Carson Irrigation District, Nev., appropriation for operating irrigation drains for Paiute Indian lands under Newlands irrigation proj- ect_______________________ 21~ 1 575 deficiency appropriation for remitting charges against Paiute allotted landsin______________________ 17 Trumbull County, Ohw, . may bridge Mahoning River,st Warren, Ohio________________________ 309 time extended for bridging Mahoning River, at Warren, by _ _ __ ______ 1535 constructing viaduct across Mahon- ing River, Niles, Ohio, by___ 761,1535 Trusses for Disabled Soldiers, appropriation for ________________ 358,1379 Tru8t Companies (see Banks). TT'U8tees, D. C. (see Uniform Fiduciaries Act, D. C.). Truxton Canyon Agency, Ariz., appropriation for support, etc., oC In- dians at__________________ 222,1583