Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/225

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CH. 126. 1928 . Medical examina- For medical examinations, including the amount necessary for the tions, hospital services to beneficiaries, etc.

medical inspection of aliens, as required by section 16 of the Act of vol.39,p. 885. Feb rua ry 5 , 19 17 , med ical, sur gical, an d hospita l service s and sup plies including prosthetic and orthopedic supplies to be furnished under regu lati ons a pprov ed b y the Secr etary of the T reasu ry, for b ene- ficiaries (other than patients of the United States Veterans' Bureau) of the Public Health Service and persons detained in hospitals of the Publ ic H ealth Serv ice under the immig rati on la ws an d re gulat ions including necessary personnel, regular and reserve commissioned trc trvices in the Dis- office rs of the Public H ealth Ser vice, per sonal ser vices in the Distr ict of Columbia and elsewhere, including the furnishing and laundering of white duck coats, trousers, smocks, aprons, and caps to employees General expenses . whose duties make necessary the wearing of same, maintenance, minor repair s, equipm ent, leas es, fuel, lights, water, fr eight, tr ansportat ion and travel, maintenance, exchange and operation of motor trucks and passen ger mo tor ve hicles , and includ ing not excee ding $ 3,000 for th e purcha se of passen ger mo tor ve hicles (at a cost n ot to exceed $1,00 0 each, including the value of any vehicle exchanged, except for Lepers and insane persons . ambu lance s), t ransp orta tion, care , ma inten ance, and trea tment of lepers, including transportation to their homes in the continental United State s of r ecover ed ind igent leper p atient s, cou rt cos ts, an d other expens es inc ident to pro ceedin gs here tofore or he reafte r take n for commitment of mentally incompetent persons to hospitals for the care and treatment of the insane, and reasonable burial expenses (not Provisos

exceeding $100 for any patient dying in hospital), $5,150,000 : use of . Ellis Island Provi ded, That the Immigration Service shall permit the Public hospitals . Health Service to use the hospitals at Ellis Island Immigration Station for the care of Public Health Service patients free of expense for physical upkeep, but with a charge of actual cost of fuel, light, water, telephone, and similar supplies and services, to be covered into Bred into Rec eip ts theto be Treasury. - the proper Immigration Service appropriations ; and money collected by the Immigration Service on account of hospital expenses of persons detained in hospitals of the Public Health Service under the immigration laws and regulations shall be covered into the Treasury Uses forbidden. a s miscellaneous receipts : Provided further, That no part of this sum shall be used for the quarantine service, the prevention of epidemics, or scientific work of the character provided for under the appro- Disposal of receipts . priatio ns whi ch fol low . All sums received by the Public Health Service during the fiscal year 19 29, except allotments and reimbursements on account of patients of the United States Veterans' Bureau, shall be covered into Quarantine service . the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts . Quarantine service : For maintenance and ordinary expenses, exclusive of pay o f officer s and emp loyees, o f United States qu arantine station s, inc luding the e xchang e, mai ntenanc e, rep air, a nd ope ration of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and including not exceeding $2,000 for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles (at a cost not to exceed $1,000 each, including the Pr even tion of epi- value o f any vehicl e exch anged except for am bulanc es), $ 460,00 0 . demics. Prevention of epidemics : To enable the President, in case only of threatened or actual epidemic of cholera, typhus fever, yellow fever, t yphoi d fev er, small pox, bubon ic p lague , Chi nese plag ue or bla ck death, trachoma, influenza, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, or infantile paralysis, to aid State and local boards or otherwise, in his discretion, in preventing and suppressing the spread of the same, and in such emergency in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then in for ce, $4 00,000 , incl uding the pur chase of new spaper s and c lippi ngs f rom newsp apers cont aini ng in forma tion rela ting to t he prevalence of disease and the public health .